Levitt, Michael
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Levitt M (1997) Competitive assessment of protein fold recognition and alignment accuracy. Proteins: Structure, Function
and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=10, 9485500].
- Levitt M (2014) Birth and future of multiscale modeling for macromolecular systems (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie -
International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=20, 25100216].
- Zonta F, Levitt M (2022) Virus spread on a scale-free network reproduces the Gompertz growth observed in isolated
COVID-19 outbreaks. Advances in Biological Regulation. [IF=0.886, Cited=1, 36220735].
- Kepp KP, Aavitsland P, Ballin M, ..., Ioannidis JPA (2024) Panel stacking is a threat to consensus statement validity.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. [IF=2.775, Cited=0, 38897481].
- Ben-Aharon Z, Levitt M, Kalisman N (2018) Automatic Inference of Sequence from Low-Resolution Crystallographic Data.
Structure. [IF=1.155, Cited=0, 30293812].
- Levitt M (1996) Through the breach. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. [IF=1.4, Cited=3, 8794145].
- Nawrocki G, Leontyev I, Sakipov S, ..., Fain B (2022) Protein-Ligand Binding Free-Energy Calculations with ARROW─A
Purely First-Principles Parameterized Polarizable Force Field. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512,
Cited=5, 36459593].
- Kurnikov IV, Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2024) Neural Network Corrections to Intermolecular Interaction
Terms of a Molecular Force Field Capture Nuclear Quantum Effects in Calculations of Liquid Thermodynamic Properties.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=0, 38240485].
- Butin O, Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2024) The Determination of Free Energy of Hydration of Water Ions from
First Principles. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=0, 38842599].
- Kamath G, Illarionov A, Sakipov S, ..., Fain B (2024) Combining Force Fields and Neural Networks for an Accurate
Representation of Bonded Interactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=0, 38232765].
- Illarionov A, Sakipov S, Pereyaslavets L, ..., Fain B (2023) Combining Force Fields and Neural Networks for an Accurate
Representation of Chemically Diverse Molecular Interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=4, 37856313].
- Kang H, Vázquez FX, Zhang L, ..., Zhou R (2017) Emerging β-Sheet Rich Conformations in Supercompact Huntingtin Exon-1
Mutant Structures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=16, 28609090].
- Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, Butin O, ..., Fain B (2022) Accurate determination of solvation free energies of neutral
organic compounds from first principles. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=9, 35058472].
- Batada NN, Westover KD, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (2004) Diffusion of nucleoside triphosphates and role of the entry
site to the RNA polymerase II active center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=47, 15574497].
- Raschke TM, Levitt M (2005) Nonpolar solutes enhance water structure within hydration shells while reducing interactions
between them. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=50, 15867152].
- Summa CM, Levitt M (2007) Near-native structure refinement using in vacuo energy minimization. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=85, 17360625].
- Levitt M (2007) Growth of novel protein structural data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=92, 17360626].
- Sykes MT, Levitt M (2007) Simulations of RNA base pairs in a nanodroplet reveal solvation-dependent stability.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=7, 17636124].
- Huang X, Wang D, Weiss DR, ..., Levitt M (2010) RNA polymerase II trigger loop residues stabilize and position the
incoming nucleotide triphosphate in transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=49, 20798057].
- Sim AYL, Levitt M (2011) Clustering to identify RNA conformations constrained by secondary structure. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=16, 21317361].
- Chopra G, Levitt M (2011) Remarkable patterns of surface water ordering around polarized buckminsterfullerene.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 21844369].
- Raschke TM, Tsai J, Levitt M (2001) Quantification of the hydrophobic interaction by simulations of the aggregation of
small hydrophobic solutes in water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=88, 11353861].
- Kalisman N, Adams CM, Levitt M (2012) Subunit order of eukaryotic TRiC/CCT chaperonin by cross-linking, mass
spectrometry, and combinatorial homology modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=98, 22308438].
- Zhang J, Minary P, Levitt M (2012) Multiscale natural moves refine macromolecules using single-particle electron
microscopy projection images. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=16, 22665770].
- Levitt M, Levitt JM (2017) Future of fundamental discovery in US biomedical research. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=35, 28584129].
- Gruber R, Levitt M, Horovitz A (2017) Sequential allosteric mechanism of ATP hydrolysis by the CCT/TRiC chaperone is
revealed through Arrhenius analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=16, 28461478].
- Xia Y, Levitt M (2002) Roles of mutation and recombination in the evolution of protein thermodynamics. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=48, 12149452].
- Scaiewicz A, Levitt M (2018) Unique function words characterize genomic proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=4, 29895692].
- Pereyaslavets L, Kurnikov I, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2018) On the importance of accounting for nuclear quantum effects in
ab initio calibrated force fields in biological simulations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=12, 30127031].
- Ufimtsev IS, Levitt M (2019) Unsupervised determination of protein crystal structures. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=2, 31088963].
- Ufimtsev IS, Almagor L, Weis WI, Levitt M (2019) Solving the structure of Lgl2, a difficult blind test of unsupervised
structure determination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=4, 31088964].
- Daggett V, Levitt M (1992) A model of the molten globule state from molecular dynamics simulations. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=74, 1594623].
- Hinds DA, Levitt M (1992) A lattice model for protein structure prediction at low resolution. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=96, 1557356].
- Minary P, Levitt M (2010) Conformational optimization with natural degrees of freedom: a novel stochastic chain closure
algorithm. Journal of Computational Biology. [IF=0.499, Cited=14, 20726792].
- Yanover C, Vanetik N, Levitt M, ..., Keasar C (2014) Redundancy-weighting for better inference of protein structural
features. Bioinformatics. [IF=1.954, Cited=6, 24771517].
- Schröder GF, Levitt M, Brunger AT (2014) Deformable elastic network refinement for low-resolution macromolecular
crystallography. None. [IF=None, Cited=16, 25195739].
- Abayev M, Rodrigues JPGLM, Srivastava G, ..., Anglister J (2018) The solution structure of monomeric CCL5 in complex
with a doubly sulfated N-terminal segment of CCR5. None. [IF=None, Cited=23, 29619777].
- Wang D, Bushnell DA, Huang X, ..., Kornberg RD (2009) Structural basis of transcription: backtracked RNA polymerase II
at 3.4 angstrom resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=159, 19478184].
- Levitt M, Gerstein M, Huang E, ..., Tsai J (1997) Protein folding: the endgame. Annual Review of Biochemistry.
[IF=5.273, Cited=89, 9242917].
- Rodrigues JPGLM, Barrera-Vilarmau S, M C Teixeira J, ..., Levitt M (2020) Insights on cross-species transmission of
SARS-CoV-2 from structural modeling. PLoS Computational Biology. [IF=1.278, Cited=39, 33270653].
- Zonta F, Scaiewicz A, Levitt M (2021) The Gompertz Growth of COVID-19 Outbreaks is Caused by Super-Spreaders. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 34981031].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Ioannidis JPA, Zonta F, Levitt M (2023) What Really Happened During the Massive SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Wave in China? JAMA
Internal Medicine. [IF=5.779, Cited=5, 37184847].
- Almallouhi E, Al Kasab S, Hubbard Z, ..., Spiotta AM (2021) Outcomes of Mechanical Thrombectomy for Patients With Stroke
Presenting With Low Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score in the Early and Extended Window. JAMA
network open. [IF=3.181, Cited=14, 34878550].
- Porto GBF, Chen CJ, Al Kasab S, ..., Park MS (2022) Association of Noncontrast Computed Tomography and Perfusion
Modalities With Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Late-Window Stroke Thrombectomy. JAMA network open. [IF=3.181, Cited=6, 36367728].
- Eills J, Cavallari E, Kircher R, ..., Knecht S (2021) Singlet-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Unlocking
Hyperpolarization with Metabolism*. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=12, 33340439].
- Levitt M, Reynolds PM, Sheiner HJ, Byrne MJ (1985) Non-seminomatous germ cell testicular tumours: residual masses after
chemotherapy. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=16, 2578300].
- Levitt M, Ritchie JK, Lennard-Jones JE, Phillips RK (1991) Pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel disease. British
Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=45, 2070231].
- Wetter LA, Dinneen MD, Levitt M, Motson RW (1991) Controlled trial of polyglycolic acid versus catgut and nylon for
appendicectomy wound closure. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=15, 1655156].
- Levitt M, Kamm MA, Groom J, ..., Nicholls RJ (1992) Ileoanal pouch compliance and motor function. British Journal of
Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=26, 1555058].
- Walker M, Levitt M, Ghodke BV (2019) Knot my problem: Overcoming transradial catheter complications. Clinical Case
Reports. [IF=0.45, Cited=2, 31893113].
- Walker M, Levitt M, Ghodke BV (2020) Three strikes? Failed vascular access in mechanical thrombectomy. Clinical Case
Reports. [IF=0.45, Cited=1, 32695393].
- Rajadurai VA, Levitt M (2016) Colonic stenting in malignant large bowel obstruction. Clinical Case Reports. [IF=0.45,
Cited=0, 27398210].
- Schofield L, Grieu F, Amanuel B, ..., Iacopetta B (2014) Population-based screening for Lynch syndrome in Western
Australia. International Journal of Cancer. [IF=1.931, Cited=13, 24474394].
- Bykovskaja SN, Buffo MJ, Bunker M, ..., Shogan J (1998) Interleukin-2-induces development of denditric cells from cord
blood CD34+ cells. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. [IF=1.219, Cited=14, 9581807].
- Bykovskaia SN, Buffo M, Zhang H, ..., Shogan J (1999) The generation of human dendritic and NK cells from hemopoietic
progenitors induced by interleukin-15. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. [IF=1.219, Cited=17, 10534123].
- Fillingham P, Belur N, Sweem R, ..., Levitt M (2023) Standardized viscosity as a source of error in computational fluid
dynamic simulations of cerebral aneurysms. Medical Physics. [IF=1.383, Cited=0, 38150511].
- Maxwell-Smith C, Hince D, Cohen PA, ..., Hardcastle SJ (2019) A randomized controlled trial of WATAAP to promote
physical activity in colorectal and endometrial cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology. [IF=1.48, Cited=29, 30980691].
- Khoury GA, Liwo A, Khatib F, ..., Crivelli SN (2014) WeFold: a coopetition for protein structure prediction. Proteins:
Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=20, 24677212].
- Levitt M, Johannessen OG (2000) Signs of frequencies and phases in NMR: the role of radiofrequency mixing. Journal of
Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=15, 10617451].
- Levitt M, Kamm MA, van der Sijp JR, Nicholls RJ (1994) Ambulatory pouch and anal motility in patients with ileo-anal
reservoirs. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. [IF=1.216, Cited=11, 8027623].
- Levitt M, Kamm MA, Nicholls RJ (1991) Pouch dynamics--a simple test of ileo-anal pouch evacuation. International Journal
of Colorectal Disease. [IF=1.216, Cited=3, 1744488].
- Levitt M, Edis AJ, Agnello R, McCormick CC (1988) The effect of subtotal thyroidectomy on Graves' ophthalmopathy. World
Journal of Surgery. [IF=1.397, Cited=9, 3245214].
- Edis AJ, Levitt M (1987) Supernumerary parathyroid glands: implications for the surgical treatment of secondary
hyperparathyroidism. World Journal of Surgery. [IF=1.397, Cited=21, 3604250].
- Levitt M, Hanson RF, Bond JH, Engel RR (1975) Failure to demonstrate degradation of (4-14C) cholesterol to volatile
hydrocarbons in rats and in human fecal homogenates. Lipids. [IF=0.532, Cited=2, 1196016].
- Langer JC, Rollins MD, Levitt M, ..., Goldstein AM (2017) Guidelines for the management of postoperative obstructive
symptoms in children with Hirschsprung disease. Pediatric Surgery International. [IF=1.139, Cited=39, 28180937].
- Saadai P, Trappey AF, Goldstein AM, ..., Langer JC (2019) Guidelines for the management of postoperative soiling in
children with Hirschsprung disease. Pediatric Surgery International. [IF=1.139, Cited=12, 31201486].
- Lane VA, Wood RJ, Reck C, ..., Levitt M (2016) Rectal atresia and anal stenosis: the difference in the operative
technique for these two distinct congenital anorectal malformations. Techniques in Coloproctology. [IF=1.511, Cited=8, 26902368].
- Marsh LMM, Barbour MC, Chivukula VK, ..., Aliseda A (2019) Platelet Dynamics and Hemodynamics of Cerebral Aneurysms
Treated with Flow-Diverting Stents. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 31549329].
- Romero Bhathal J, Marsh L, Levitt M, ..., Aliseda A (2023) Towards Prediction of Blood Flow in Coiled Aneurysms Before
Treatment: A Porous Media Approach. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37598136].
- Straccia A, Barbour MC, Chassagne F, ..., Aliseda A (2024) Numerical Modeling of Flow in the Cerebral Vasculature:
Understanding Changes in Collateral Flow Directions in the Circle of Willis for a Cohort of Vasospasm Patients Through
Image-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 38758460].
- Barros G, Federico E, Fillingham P, ..., Levitt M (2024) Endothelial Cell Transcription Modulation in Cerebral Aneurysms
After Endovascular Flow Diversion. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 39095638].
- Levitt M, Zonta F, Ioannidis JPA (2023) Excess death estimates from multiverse analysis in 2009-2021. European Journal
of Epidemiology. [IF=3.783, Cited=9, 37043153].
- Jolly MM, Jarvis JA, Carravetta M, ..., Williamson PTF (2017) Bidirectional band-selective magnetization transfer along
the protein backbone doubles the information content of solid-state NMR correlation experiments. Journal of Biomolecular
NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=0, 29116557].
- Cooke DL, Levitt M, Kim LJ, ..., Ghodke BV (2015) Laser-assisted flat-detector CT-guided intracranial access.
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. [IF=1.313, Cited=2, 26239371].
- Wen Z, Nie X, Chen L, ..., Liu Q (2024) A Decision Tree Model to Help Treatment Decision-Making for Unruptured
Intracranial Aneurysms: A Multi-center, Long-Term Follow-up Study in a Large Chinese Cohort. Translational Stroke
Research. [IF=1.588, Cited=0, 39037513].
- Romero Bhathal J, Chassagne F, Marsh L, ..., Aliseda A (2022) Modeling Flow in Cerebral Aneurysm After Coils
Embolization Treatment: A Realistic Patient-Specific Porous Model Approach. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology.
[IF=0.74, Cited=3, 35879587].
- Sun S, Wu J, Chen R, Levitt M (2022) SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant: viral spread dynamics, disease burden, and vaccine
effectiveness. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 36062216].
- Levitt M (1989) Postcordotomy spontaneous dysesthesias in macaques: recurrence after spinal cord transection. Brain
Research. [IF=0.766, Cited=2, 2706466].
- Levitt M, Furne JK, Levitt DG (1992) Shaking of the intact rat and intestinal angulation diminish the jejunal unstirred
layer. Gastroenterology. [IF=5.156, Cited=12, 1426864].
- Levitt M, Olsson S (1995) Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis and high breath H2 excretion: insights into the role of H2
in this condition. Gastroenterology. [IF=5.156, Cited=18, 7729649].
- Levitt M, Ellis C, Springfield J, Engel RR (1995) Carbon monoxide generation from hydrocarbons at ambient and
physiological temperature: a sensitive indicator of oxidant damage? Journal of Chromatography A. [IF=1.02, Cited=3, 7757207].
- Levitt M, Perutz MF (1988) Aromatic rings act as hydrogen bond acceptors. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281,
Cited=271, 3172202].
- Levitt M (1991) Real-time interactive frequency filtering of molecular dynamics trajectories. Journal of Molecular
Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=12, 2067008].
- Levitt M (1992) Accurate modeling of protein conformation by automatic segment matching. Journal of Molecular Biology.
[IF=1.281, Cited=312, 1640463].
- Levitt M, Dryjski M, Tluczek J, Bjornsson TD (1991) Evaluation of a prostacyclin analog, iloprost, and a thromboxane A2
receptor antagonist, daltroban, in experimental intimal hyperplasia. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 1708508].
- Levitt M, Stahl G, Lefer AM (1988) Efficacy of a combination thromboxane receptor antagonist and lipoxygenase inhibitor
in traumatic shock. Resuscitation. [IF=1.852, Cited=6, 2845544].
- Levitt M, Heybach JP (1981) The deafferentation syndrome in genetically blind rats: a model of the painful phantom limb.
Pain. [IF=3.151, Cited=15, 7194999].
- Levitt M, Levitt JH (1981) The deafferentation syndrome in monkeys: dysesthesias of spinal origin. Pain. [IF=3.151,
Cited=33, 6943503].
- Levitt M (1983) The bilaterally symmetrical deafferentation syndrome in macaques after bilateral spinal lesions:
evidence for dysesthesias resulting from brain foci and considerations of spinal pain pathways. Pain. [IF=3.151,
Cited=5, 6576323].
- Levitt M (1990) Response to letter to the editor by P.W. Nathan (Pain, 40 (1990) 239-240). Pain. [IF=3.151, Cited=0, 2078235].
- Levitt M, Ovelmen-Levitt J, Rossitch E, Nashold BS (1992) On the controversy of autotomy: a response to L. Kruger. Pain.
[IF=3.151, Cited=4, 1454395].
- Levitt M, Ovelmen-Levitt J (1996) Neuropathic pain: lessons from opioid tolerance/dependence. Pain. [IF=3.151, Cited=0, 8895258].
- Levitt M (1988) Supraventricular tachycardia with aberrant conduction versus ventricular tachycardia: differentiation
and diagnosis. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. [IF=1.071, Cited=3, 3370107].
- Levitt M, Kane V, Henderson J, Dryjski M (1990) A comparative rewarming trial of gastric versus peritoneal lavage in a
hypothermic model. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. [IF=1.071, Cited=0, 2363748].
- Levitt M, Derrick GR (1991) An evaluation of physiological parameters of stress in the emergency department. American
Journal of Emergency Medicine. [IF=1.071, Cited=5, 2018589].
- Levitt M, Flanders AE (1991) Diagnostic capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in acute
cervical spinal column injury. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. [IF=1.071, Cited=20, 1994939].
- Levitt M, Sutton M, Goldman J, ..., Christopher T (1994) Cognitive dysfunction in patients suffering minor head trauma.
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. [IF=1.071, Cited=7, 8161390].
- Levitt M, Kolbert AC, Bielecki A, Ruben DJ (1993) High-resolution 1H NMR in solids with frequency-switched multiple-
pulse sequences. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.749, Cited=44, 7827967].
- Levitt M, Park BH (1993) Water: now you see it, now you don't. Structure. [IF=1.155, Cited=123, 8081736].
- Quiroga E, Levitt M, Czerwonko ME, ..., Singh N (2020) Management of Moderate Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injuries in Patients
with Intracranial Hemorrhage. Annals of Vascular Surgery. [IF=0.86, Cited=0, 33359706].
- Fillingham P, Rane Levendovszky S, Andre J, ..., Levitt M (2022) Patient-specific computational fluid dynamic simulation
of cerebrospinal fluid flow in the intracranial space. Brain Research. [IF=0.766, Cited=1, 35667413].
- Shi DD, Savani MR, Levitt M, ..., McBrayer SK (2022) De novo pyrimidine synthesis is a targetable vulnerability in IDH
mutant glioma. Cancer Cell. [IF=5.274, Cited=27, 35985343].
- Levitt M, Furne JK, Kuskowski M, Ruddy J (2006) Stability of human methanogenic flora over 35 years and a review of
insights obtained from breath methane measurements. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. [IF=2.701, Cited=99, 16469670].
- Walker M, Young CC, Levitt M, Saal-Zapata G (2020) Multiple Sclerosis in Patients with Intracranial Aneurysms:
Coincidence or Correlation? Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. [IF=0.785, Cited=0, 32361026].
- Pan J, Levitt M, Ferreira M, Sekhar LN (2021) Symptomatic cerebral vasospasm following resection of skull base tumors:
Case report and literature review. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. [IF=0.785, Cited=3, 33476886].
- Abecassis IJ, Almallouhi E, Chalhoub R, ..., Starke RM (2023) Outcomes after endovascular mechanical thrombectomy for
low compared to high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS): A multicenter study. Clinical Neurology and
Neurosurgery. [IF=0.785, Cited=0, 36657358].
- Levitt M, Zonta F, Ioannidis JPA (2022) Comparison of pandemic excess mortality in 2020-2021 across different empirical
calculations. Environmental Research. [IF=1.664, Cited=27, 35753371].
- Scaiewicz A, Levitt M (2015) The language of the protein universe. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development.
[IF=0.801, Cited=14, 26451980].
- Taimeh Z, Koene RJ, Furne J, ..., Pritzker MR (2017) Erythrocyte aging as a mechanism of anemia and a biomarker of
device thrombosis in continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.
[IF=2.926, Cited=8, 28396088].
- Maxwell-Smith C, Cohen PA, Platell C, ..., Hardcastle SJ (2018) Wearable Activity Technology And Action-Planning
(WATAAP) to promote physical activity in cancer survivors: Randomised controlled trial protocol. None. [IF=None,
Cited=18, 30487917].
- Fillingham P, Romero Bhathal J, Marsh LMM, ..., Levitt M (2023) Improving the accuracy of computational fluid dynamics
simulations of coiled cerebral aneurysms using finite element modeling. Journal of Biomechanics. [IF=1.187, Cited=0, 37527606].
- Matsukawa H, Uchida K, Cunningham C, ..., Yoshimura S (2024) Outcomes and differences by occluded vessel after
endovascular thrombectomy for isolated medium vessel occlusions. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. [IF=1.128,
Cited=0, 38889600].
- Morton RP, Tariq F, Levitt M, ..., Ghodke BV (2015) Radiographic and clinical outcomes in cavernous carotid fistula with
special focus on alternative transvenous access techniques. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=12, 25682541].
- Morton RP, Abecassis IJ, Moore AE, ..., Sekhar LN (2017) The use of ultrasound for postoperative monitoring of cerebral
bypass grafts: A technical report. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=3, 28215461].
- Abecassis IJ, Morton RP, Kim LJ, ..., Levitt M (2017) Combined direct and indirect traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula
(CCF): Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=2, 28712734].
- Ene CI, Morton RP, Kelly CM, ..., Ghodke B (2017) Angiographic perfusion imaging of intracranial stenting. Journal of
Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=0, 29183679].
- Ozdemir B, Kelly CM, Levitt M, Kim LJ (2018) Endovascular stent-coiling of a giant basilar artery aneurysm through a
previous radial artery bypass. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=0, 29483014].
- Chivukula VK, Levitt M, Clark A, ..., Aliseda A (2018) Reconstructing patient-specific cerebral aneurysm vasculature for
in vitro investigations and treatment efficacy assessments. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=12, 30470652].
- Bass DI, Walker M, Kim LJ, Levitt M (2019) Endovascular management of iatrogenic dissection into the petrous segment of
the internal carotid artery during mechanical thrombectomy for acute stroke. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience.
[IF=0.836, Cited=1, 31836382].
- Abecassis IJ, Cordy B, Durfy S, ..., Ko AL (2020) Evaluating angioarchitectural characteristics of glial and metastatic
brain tumors with conventional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=2, 32312627].
- Young CC, Bass DI, Cruz MJ, ..., Levitt M (2022) Clopidogrel hyper-response increases peripheral hemorrhagic
complications without increasing intracranial complications in endovascular aneurysm treatments requiring dual
antiplatelet therapy. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. [IF=0.836, Cited=0, 36113244].
- Levitt M, King SK, Bischoff A, ..., Pena A (2013) The Gonzalez hernia revisited: use of the ischiorectal fat pad to aid
in the repair of rectovaginal and rectourethral fistulae. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. [IF=1.578, Cited=8, 25092096].
- Neheman A, Levitt M, Steiner Z (2018) A tailored surgical approach to the palpable undescended testis. Journal of
Pediatric Urology. [IF=1.305, Cited=4, 30563750].
- Hardcastle SJ, Maxwell-Smith C, Hince D, ..., Cohen PA (2021) The wearable activity technology and action-planning trial
in cancer survivors: Physical activity maintenance post-intervention. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.
[IF=1.612, Cited=9, 34016536].
- Hardcastle SJ, Maxwell-Smith C, Cavalheri V, ..., Hince D (2023) A randomized controlled trial of Promoting Physical
Activity in Regional and Remote Cancer Survivors (PPARCS). Journal of Sport and Health Science. [IF=2.731, Cited=3, 36736725].
- Levitt M, Vaidya SS, Mai JC, ..., Ghodke BV (2011) Balloon test occlusion with the Doppler velocity guidewire. Journal
of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. [IF=0.893, Cited=2, 22100827].
- Maxin AJ, Gulek BG, Chae J, ..., Levitt M (2023) A smartphone pupillometry tool for detection of acute large vessel
occlusion. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 37857150].
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- Burkhardt JK, Srinivasan V, Srivatsan A, ..., Kan P (2020) Multicenter Postmarket Analysis of the Neuroform Atlas Stent
for Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization of Intracranial Aneurysms. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 32467183].
- Leslie-Mazwi TM, Fargen KM, Levitt M, ..., Hirsch JA (2020) Preserving Access: A Review of Stroke Thrombectomy during
the COVID-19 Pandemic. None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 32439650].
- Li T, Wang Y, Ma J, ..., Zhu C (2021) Application of High-Resolution Flat Detector Computed Tomography in Stent
Implantation for Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. [IF=1.221, Cited=3, 34512235].
- McGrath LB, Eaton J, Abecassis IJ, ..., Levitt M (2022) Mobile Smartphone-Based Digital Pupillometry Curves in the
Diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience. [IF=1.221, Cited=3, 35844221].
- Bates LC, Hanson ED, Levitt M, ..., Phillips MD (2021) Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell Response to Acute Exercise
and Exercise Training in Older Obese Women. Sports. [IF=1.36, Cited=0, 34678914].
- Paul R, Morgan D, Levitt M, Baker R (2012) Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation following surgical resection of
a myeloid sarcoma in a 57-year-old male. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 24765456].
- Levitt M, Levitt R, Silbergeld DL (2013) Controversies in the management of brain metastases. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 23717794].
- Levitt DG, Levitt M (2023) Development and application of a simple pharmacokinetic model that quantitatively describes
the distribution and elimination of the commonly measured proteins. ADMET and DMPK. [IF=0.744, Cited=0, 36778906].
- Edis AJ, Levitt M (1985) Anabolic steroids and colonic cancer. Medical Journal of Australia. [IF=1.604, Cited=4, 3982338].
- Elawady SS, Saway BF, Matsukawa H, ..., Kasab SA (2024) Thrombectomy in Stroke Patients With Low Alberta Stroke Program
Early Computed Tomography Score: Is Modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (mTICI) 2c/3 Superior to mTICI 2b?
Journal of Stroke. [IF=2.175, Cited=0, 38326708].
- Levitt M, Furne J, Olsson S (1996) The relation of passage of gas an abdominal bloating to colonic gas production.
Annals of Internal Medicine. [IF=5.157, Cited=52, 8554251].
- Walker M, Kim LJ, Levitt M, Ghodke B (2020) Spasm, stenosis and shelves: balloon-assisted tracking techniques in
endovascular interventions. Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery. [IF=0.423, Cited=2, 32596141].
- Walker M, Erdoes MP, Stricker CG, ..., Levitt M (2021) Hybrid microcatheter angioplasty for refractory cerebral
vasospasm. Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery. [IF=0.423, Cited=0, 34038994].
- Barros G, Bonow RH, Levitt M (2021) Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization as an Adjuvant Treatment for Bilateral Chronic
Subdural Hematomas From Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: A Case Report. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 35103185].
- Barros G, Nistal D, Martini ML, ..., Levitt M (2021) Bilateral Endoscopic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuations at Two
Separate Time Points: A Case Report. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 35103189].
- Gor D, Singh V, Gupta V, Levitt M (2022) A Persistent Parvovirus Infection Causing Anemia in an HIV Patient Requiring
Intravenous Immunoglobulin Maintenance Therapy. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 35664410].
- Lele AV, Wabl R, Wahlster S, ..., Levitt M (2022) Associations Between Transcranial Doppler Vasospasm and Clinical
Outcomes After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Observational Study. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 36569681].
- Vedire A, Imburgio S, Chakrabarti R, Levitt M (2023) Renal Artery Thrombosis Leading to Renal Infarct in a Patient With
Recurrent Nephrolithiasis. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37252572].
- Levitt M, Levitt DG (2000) Use of a two-compartment model to predict ethanol metabolism. Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research. [IF=1.12, Cited=5, 10798568].
- Levitt M, Gazdar AF, Oie HK, ..., Thacher SM (1990) Cross-linked envelope-related markers for squamous differentiation
in human lung cancer cell lines. Cancer Research. [IF=1.624, Cited=29, 1967140].
- Levitt M, Peña A (2010) Minimally invasive treatment of fecal incontinence and constipation in children. None. [IF=None,
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- Levitt M (1990) The theory of chronic deafferentation dysesthesias. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. [IF=0.832,
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- Levitt M, Ellis CJ, Engel RR (1989) CO production by feces and urine. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 2915188].
- Levitt M, Ellis C, Levitt DG (1994) Diurnal rhythm of heme turnover assessed by breath carbon monoxide concentration
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- Levitt M, Levitt DG (1994) The critical role of the rate of ethanol absorption in the interpretation of studies
purporting to demonstrate gastric metabolism of ethanol. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
[IF=0.906, Cited=25, 8169837].
- Levitt M (1994) Antagonist: the case against first-pass metabolism of ethanol in the stomach. None. [IF=None, Cited=19, 8288958].
- Levitt M, Furne J, DeMaster E (1997) First-pass metabolism of ethanol is negligible in rat gastric mucosa. Alcoholism:
Clinical and Experimental Research. [IF=1.12, Cited=3, 9113266].
- Levitt M, Johnson SG (1978) Is the CAm/CCr ratio of value for the diagnosis of pancreatitis? Gastroenterology.
[IF=5.156, Cited=18, 95719].
- Levitt M, Cunningham JD, Curtiss SI, Brower ST (1998) Intraoperative cardiac tamponade complicating esophagogastrectomy.
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- Levitt M, Levitt DG (1998) Use of a two-compartment model to assess the pharmacokinetics of human ethanol metabolism.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. [IF=1.12, Cited=17, 9835281].
Publication with MISSING institution:
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- McHugh HE, Sowden KA, Levitt M (1969) Facial paralysis and muscle agenesis in the newborn. None. [IF=None, Cited=12, 5812443].
- Baron M, Asnis L, Gruen R, Levitt M (1983) Plasma amine oxidase and genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia. None.
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- Liebowitz MR, Fyer AJ, Gorman JM, ..., Davies SO (1984) Lactate provocation of panic attacks. I. Clinical and behavioral
findings. None. [IF=None, Cited=191, 6742978].
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physiological findings. None. [IF=None, Cited=178, 4015313].
- Feinstein AR, Spagnuolo M, Levitt M, ..., Tursky E (1966) Discontinuation of antistreptococcal prophylaxis. A double-
blind study in rheumatic patients free of heart disease. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276,
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- Weinerman BH, Levitt M, Babick T (1977) Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma. The need for aggressive restaging. JAMA - Journal
of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=2, 323527].
- Dart RC, Levitt M (1985) Toxic shock syndrome associated with the use of the vaginal contraceptive sponge. JAMA -
Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=2, 3974071].
- Zhou Z, Payne P, Vasquez M, ..., Levitt M (1996) Finite-difference solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation: Complete
elimination of self-energy. Journal of Computational Chemistry. [IF=1.045, Cited=19, 25400153].
- Marchler-Bauer A, Levitt M, Bryant SH (1997) A retrospective analysis of CASP2 threading predictions. Proteins:
Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=3, 9485499].
- Huang ES, Koehl P, Levitt M, ..., Ponder JW (1998) Accuracy of side-chain prediction upon near-native protein backbones
generated by Ab initio folding methods. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=25, 9779788].
- Samudrala R, Xia Y, Huang E, Levitt M (1999) Ab initio protein structure prediction using a combined hierarchical
approach. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=10, 10526368].
- Levitt M, Marsh JC, DeConti RC, ..., Bertino JR (1972) Combination sequential chemotherapy in advanced reticulum cell
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combination sequential chemotherapy. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=53, 1090359].
- Bowman DM, Dubé WJ, Levitt M (1975) Hypercalcemia in small cell (oat cell) carcinoma of the lung. Coincident parathyroid
adenoma in one case. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=9, 171050].
- Fisher B, Glass A, Redmond C, ..., Volk H (1977) L-phenylalanine mustard (L-PAM) in the management of primary breast
cancer. An update of earlier findings and a comparison with those utilizing L-PAM plus 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Cancer.
[IF=2.097, Cited=79, 194679].
- Levitt M (1972) Folding of nucleic acids. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 4580339].
- Virtue MA, Furne JK, Ho SB, Levitt M (2004) Use of alveolar carbon monoxide to measure the effect of ribavirin on red
blood cell survival. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=9, 15164374].
- Mitlyng BL, Singh JA, Furne JK, ..., Levitt M (2006) Use of breath carbon monoxide measurements to assess erythrocyte
survival in subjects with chronic diseases. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=32, 16680757].
- Medina A, Ellis C, Levitt M (1994) Use of alveolar carbon monoxide measurements to assess red blood cell survival in
hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=9, 8172202].
- Hatcher VB, Borg JP, Levitt M, Smith C (1981) Enhanced neutral protease activity in proliferating rheumatoid synovial
cells. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 7020705].
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from ethanol. Hepatology. [IF=2.917, Cited=18, 7118071].
- Levitt M, Shungu D, Henderson E (1980) Colony morphology, cell growth and viral radiosensitivity as parameters for
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- Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, ..., Weinerman R (1981) Physiologic observations in a controlled clinical trial of the
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implications. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. [IF=0.95, Cited=7, 6271814].
- Lokshin A, Levitt M (1996) Effect of suramin on squamous differentiation and apoptosis in three human non-small-cell
lung cancer cell lines. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 8806101].
- Gordon PB, Levitt M, Jenkins CS, Hatcher VB (1984) The effect of the extracellular matrix on the detachment of human
endothelial cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology. [IF=1.265, Cited=23, 6094597].
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extracellular complexes. Journal of Cellular Physiology. [IF=1.265, Cited=6, 3745279].
- Levitt M, Kowalik S, Barkai AI (1983) Apparent turnover of norepinephrine in the intact rat brain estimated from its
rate of appearance in the cerebroventricular compartment. Journal of Neuroscience Research. [IF=1.0, Cited=1, 6887283].
- Cheng LK, Levitt M, Fung HL (1975) Fluorescence reactions of fluorescamine with levodopa and its derivatives:
fluorescence assay of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylalanine in levodopa dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
[IF=1.035, Cited=1, 1151659].
- Levitt M, Cumiskey WR, McGrath MB, Shargel L (1976) Rapid procedure for assessment of compounds that modify uptake and
release of tritiated norepinephrine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. [IF=1.035, Cited=0, 978424].
- Rudolph GR, Miksic JR, Levitt M (1983) GLC determination of phendimetrazine in human plasma, serum, or urine. Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences. [IF=1.035, Cited=4, 6688092].
- Levitt M, Kann J (1984) Choline magnesium trisalicylate: comparative pharmacokinetic study of once-daily and twice-daily
dosages. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. [IF=1.035, Cited=1, 6470965].
- Ghosh RK, Kadlecek SJ, Ardenkjaer-Larsen JH, ..., Rizi RR (2011) Measurements of the persistent singlet state of N2O in
blood and other solvents--potential as a magnetic tracer. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. [IF=1.123, Cited=19, 21928358].
- Laurents DV, Subbiah S, Levitt M (1994) Different protein sequences can give rise to highly similar folds through
different stabilizing interactions. Protein Science. [IF=1.97, Cited=21, 7703840].
- Shoham M, Scherf T, Anglister J, ..., Hol WG (1995) Structural diversity in a conserved cholera toxin epitope involved
in ganglioside binding. Protein Science. [IF=1.97, Cited=4, 7545048].
- Tsai J, Gerstein M, Levitt M (1997) Simulating the minimum core for hydrophobic collapse in globular proteins. Protein
Science. [IF=1.97, Cited=26, 9416609].
- Gerstein M, Levitt M (1998) Comprehensive assessment of automatic structural alignment against a manual standard, the
scop classification of proteins. Protein Science. [IF=1.97, Cited=113, 9521122].
- Rao K, Goodin S, Levitt M, ..., DiPaola RS (2005) A phase II trial of imatinib mesylate in patients with prostate
specific antigen progression after local therapy for prostate cancer. Prostate. [IF=0.814, Cited=42, 15389797].
- Xia Y, Levitt M (2004) Funnel-like organization in sequence space determines the distributions of protein stability and
folding rate preferred by evolution. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=25, 14997545].
- Chopra G, Kalisman N, Levitt M (2010) Consistent refinement of submitted models at CASP using a knowledge-based
potential. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=24, 20589633].
- Moreno-Hernández S, Levitt M (2012) Comparative modeling and protein-like features of hydrophobic-polar models on a two-
dimensional lattice. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=7, 22411636].
- Lei W, Mayotte JE, Levitt M (1998) EGF-dependent and independent programmed cell death pathways in NCI-H596 nonsmall
cell lung cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=9, 9588219].
- Zhang H, Koty PP, Mayotte J, Levitt M (1999) Induction of multiple programmed cell death pathways by IFN-beta in human
non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines. Experimental Cell Research. [IF=0.736, Cited=16, 10047455].
- Daggett V, Levitt M (1993) Protein unfolding pathways explored through molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=97, 7688428].
- Park BH, Levitt M (1995) The complexity and accuracy of discrete state models of protein structure. Journal of Molecular
Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=116, 7783205].
- Gerstein M, Tsai J, Levitt M (1995) The volume of atoms on the protein surface: calculated from simulation, using
Voronoi polyhedra. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=117, 7540695].
- Huang ES, Subbiah S, Levitt M (1995) Recognizing native folds by the arrangement of hydrophobic and polar residues.
Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=87, 7563083].
- Huang ES, Subbiah S, Tsai J, Levitt M (1996) Using a hydrophobic contact potential to evaluate native and near-native
folds generated by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=47, 8648635].
- Hinds DA, Levitt M (1996) From structure to sequence and back again. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=18, 8613988].
- Park B, Levitt M (1996) Energy functions that discriminate X-ray and near native folds from well-constructed decoys.
Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=270, 8627632].
- Park BH, Huang ES, Levitt M (1997) Factors affecting the ability of energy functions to discriminate correct from
incorrect folds. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=109, 9102472].
- Tsai J, Levitt M, Baker D (1999) Hierarchy of structure loss in MD simulations of src SH3 domain unfolding. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=55, 10438616].
- Koehl P, Levitt M (1999) De novo protein design. I. In search of stability and specificity. Journal of Molecular
Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=70, 10547293].
- Koehl P, Levitt M (1999) De novo protein design. II. Plasticity in sequence space. Journal of Molecular Biology.
[IF=1.281, Cited=45, 10547294].
- Xia Y, Huang ES, Levitt M, Samudrala R (2000) Ab initio construction of protein tertiary structures using a hierarchical
approach. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=100, 10864507].
- van Dam L, Levitt M (2000) BII nucleotides in the B and C forms of natural-sequence polymeric DNA: A new model for the C
form of DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=49, 11099379].
- Fain B, Levitt M (2001) A novel method for sampling alpha-helical protein backbones. Journal of Molecular Biology.
[IF=1.281, Cited=18, 11124899].
- Yona G, Levitt M (2002) Within the twilight zone: a sensitive profile-profile comparison tool based on information
theory. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=179, 11827492].
- Antzutkin ON, Lee YK, Levitt M (1998) 13C and 15N-chemical shift anisotropy of ampicillin and penicillin-V studied by
2D-PASS and CP/MAS NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=28, 9799688].
- Helmle M, Lee YK, Verdegem PJ, ..., Levitt M (1999) Anomalous rotational resonance spectra in magic-angle spinning NMR.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=18, 10497046].
- Du LS, Levitt M, Grey CP (1999) High-order spin diffusion mechanisms in (19)F 2-D NMR of oxyfluorides. Journal of
Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=2, 10479568].
- Edén M, Brinkmann A, Luthman H, ..., Levitt M (2000) Determination of molecular geometry by high-order multiple-quantum
evolution in solid-state NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=15, 10828194].
- Karlsson T, Edén M, Luthman H, Levitt M (2000) Efficient double-quantum excitation in rotational resonance NMR. Journal
of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=11, 10873500].
- Karlsson T, Hughes CE, Schmedt auf der Günne J, Levitt M (2001) Double-quantum excitation in the NMR of spinning solids
by pulse-assisted rotational resonance. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=6, 11237629].
- Ravindranathan S, Karlsson T, Lycknert K, ..., Levitt M (2001) Conformation of the glycosidic linkage in a disaccharide
investigated by double-quantum solid-state NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=4, 11444948].
- Madhu PK, Levitt M (2002) Signal enhancement in the triple-quantum magic-angle spinning NMR of spins-3/2 in solids: the
FAM-RIACT-FAM sequence. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. [IF=0.822, Cited=15, 11945045].
- Levitt M, Dunner DL, Mendlewicz J, ..., Fieve RR (1976) Plasma dopamine beta hydroxylase activity in affective
disorders. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 951455].
- Kowalik S, Levitt M, Barkai AI (1984) Effects of carbamazepine and anti-depressant drugs on endogenous catecholamine
levels in the cerebroventricular compartment of the rat. Psychopharmacology. [IF=0.934, Cited=9, 6431468].
- Gupta V, Jani JP, Jacobs S, ..., Singh SV (1995) Activity of melphalan in combination with the glutathione transferase
inhibitor sulfasalazine. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. [IF=0.809, Cited=13, 7720170].
- Bond JH, Levitt M (1977) Use of breath hydrogen (H2) in the study of carbohydrate absorption. None. [IF=None, Cited=38, 855851].
- Johnson SG, Levitt M (1978) Relation between serum pancreatic isoamylase concentration and pancreatic exocrine function.
None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 717351].
- Kotz CM, Peterson LR, Moody JA, ..., Levitt M (1992) Effect of yogurt on clindamycin-induced Clostridium difficile
colitis in hamsters. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=4, 1728517].
- Dutta SK, Douglass W, Smalls UA, ..., Levitt M (1981) Prevalence and nature of hyperamylasemia in acute alcoholism.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=21, 6161765].
- Strocchi A, Levitt M (1993) Role of villous surface area in absorption. Science versus religion. Digestive Diseases and
Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=11, 8444066].
- Ellis C, Koehler DF, Eckfeldt JH, Levitt M (1982) Evaluation of an inhibitor assay to determine serum isoamylase
distribution. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=19, 6180877].
- Kolars JC, Ellis CJ, Levitt M (1984) Comparison of serum amylase pancreatic isoamylase and lipase in patients with
hyperamylasemia. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=38, 6200276].
- Levitt M (1979) Follow-up of a flatulent patient. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=25, 467218].
- Kotz CM, Peterson LR, Moody JA, ..., Levitt M (1990) In vitro antibacterial effect of yogurt on Escherichia coli.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=11, 2185003].
- Walker HA, Danielson E, Levitt M (1976) Catechol-O-methyltransferase activity in psychotic children. None. [IF=None,
Cited=7, 1036493].
- Levitt M, Bond JH, Levitt DG (1974) Editorial: Does countercurrent exchange influence small-bowel function? None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 4843221].
- Furne JK, Levitt M (1996) Factors influencing frequency of flatus emission by healthy subjects. Digestive Diseases and
Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=15, 8769291].
- Strocchi A, Ellis CJ, Furne JK, Levitt M (1994) Study of constancy of hydrogen-consuming flora of human colon. Digestive
Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=14, 8131685].
- Dorfman G, Levitt M, Platell C (1999) Treatment of chronic anal fissure with topical glyceryl trinitrate. Diseases of
the Colon and Rectum. [IF=1.534, Cited=36, 10458122].
- Jenner DC, de Boer WB, Clarke G, Levitt M (1998) Rectal washout eliminates exfoliated malignant cells. Diseases of the
Colon and Rectum. [IF=1.534, Cited=47, 9823812].
- Hastings J, Levitt M (1971) Comparison of isocaloric quantities of medium-chain tryglyceride and carbohydrate in
promoting weight gain in short bowel rats. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5542601].
- Cunningham JD, Weyant MT, Levitt M, ..., Aufses AH (1998) Complications requiring reoperation following pancreatectomy.
None. [IF=None, Cited=16, 9746886].
- Lokshin A, Peng X, Campbell PG, ..., Levitt M (1999) Mechanisms of growth stimulation by suramin in non-small-cell lung
cancer cell lines. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. [IF=0.809, Cited=9, 10071987].
- Ohge H, Furne JK, Springfield J, ..., Levitt M (2005) Association between fecal hydrogen sulfide production and
pouchitis. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. [IF=1.534, Cited=56, 15747080].
- McGah PM, Levitt M, Barbour MC, ..., Aliseda A (2013) Accuracy of computational cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics using
patient-specific endovascular measurements. None. [IF=None, Cited=19, 24162859].
- Wilson K, Mudra M, Furne J, Levitt M (2007) Differentiation of the roles of sulfide oxidase and rhodanese in the
detoxification of sulfide by the colonic mucosa. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. [IF=1.075, Cited=26, 17551834].
- Suarez FL, Levitt M (2000) An understanding of excessive intestinal gas. Current Gastroenterology Reports. [IF=1.908,
Cited=11, 10998670].
- Seifter EJ, Levitt M, Kramer BS (1987) An outlier theory of cancer curability. Tumor cell differentiation as a
therapeutic goal. American Journal of Medicine. [IF=1.05, Cited=6, 3674061].
- Peterson EN, Hutchinson DL, Sabbagha RE, ..., Levitt M (1972) Sonography and amniocentesis as predictors of gestational
age and fetal growth in the rhesus monkey. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [IF=3.371, Cited=2, 4264805].
- Ikeda M, Levitt M, Udenfriend S (1967) Phenylalanine as substrate and inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase. Archives of
Biochemistry and Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=51, 6033458].
- Daly J, Levitt M, Guroff G, Udenfriend S (1968) Isotope studies on the mechanism of action of adrenal tyrosine
hydroxylase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=12, 5672518].
- Nagatsu T, Levitt M, Udenfriend S (1964) Conversion of L-tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine by cell-free
preparations of brain and sympathetically innervated tissues. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.
[IF=0.643, Cited=66, 5836553].
- Guroff G, Levitt M, Daly J, Udenfriend S (1966) The production of meta-tritiotyrosine from p-tritiophenylalanine by
phenylalanine hydroxylase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=22, 5971770].
- Levitt M, Gibb JW, Daly JW, ..., Udenfriend S (1967) A new class of tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitors and a simple assay
of inhibition in vivo. Biochemical Pharmacology. [IF=1.155, Cited=83, 6053599].
- Liebowitz MR, Karoum F, Quitkin FM, ..., Linnoila M (1985) Biochemical effects of L-deprenyl in atypical depressives.
Biological Psychiatry. [IF=2.412, Cited=11, 3921065].
- Gorman J, Liebowitz MR, Fyer AJ, ..., Klein DF (1985) Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in patients with panic
disorder. Biological Psychiatry. [IF=2.412, Cited=10, 4027301].
- Levitt M, Langsley DG (1974) Some thoughts on the training of the psychiatrist. Comprehensive Psychiatry. [IF=2.058,
Cited=1, 4607082].
- Aceto MD, Botton I, Martin R, ..., Speight PT (1970) Pharmacologic properties and mechanism of action of amfonelic acid.
European Journal of Pharmacology. [IF=1.015, Cited=20, 4393073].
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navigation and three-dimensional MRI overlay. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery. [IF=2.454, Cited=9, 21990636].
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structure. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 9390296].
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