Laue, Ernest
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Basu S, Tan YL, Taylor EJR, ..., Lee SF (2016) Studying the Dynamics of Chromatin-Binding Proteins in Mammalian Cells
Using Single-Molecule Localisation Microscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology. [IF=0.413, Cited=2, 27283313].
- Zhou Y, Basu S, Laue E, Seshia AA (2016) Dynamic monitoring of single cell lysis in an impedance-based microfluidic
device. Biomedical Microdevices. [IF=0.67, Cited=5, 27299468].
- Zhou Y, Basu S, Laue E, Seshia AA (2016) Single cell studies of mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) differentiation by
electrical impedance measurements in a microfluidic device. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. [IF=1.844, Cited=27, 26963790].
- Carr AR, Ponjavic A, Basu S, ..., Lee SF (2017) Three-Dimensional Super-Resolution in Eukaryotic Cells Using the Double-
Helix Point Spread Function. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=24, 28402886].
- Edlich-Muth C, Artero JB, Callow P, ..., Laue E (2015) The pentameric nucleoplasmin fold is present in Drosophila FKBP39
and a large number of chromatin-related proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=18, 25813344].
- Zhang W, Aubert A, Gomez de Segura JM, ..., Laue E (2016) The Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase Complex NuRD Is
Built from Preformed Catalytically Active Sub-modules. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=39, 27117189].
- Lando D, Ma X, Cao Y, ..., Laue E (2024) Enhancer-promoter interactions are reconfigured through the formation of long-
range multiway hubs as mouse ES cells exit pluripotency. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=0, 38490199].
- Zhou Y, Basu S, Wohlfahrt KJ, ..., Seshia AA (2016) A microfluidic platform for trapping, releasing and super-resolution
imaging of single cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. [IF=1.376, Cited=18, 27594767].
- Elliot-Smith AE, Mott HR, Lowe PN, ..., Owen D (2005) Specificity determinants on Cdc42 for binding its effector protein
ACK. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=13, 16156650].
- Casal E, Federici L, Zhang W, ..., Laue E (2006) The crystal structure of the BAR domain from human Bin1/amphiphysin II
and its implications for molecular recognition. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=50, 17059209].
- Owen D, Mott HR, Laue E, Lowe PN (2000) Residues in Cdc42 that specify binding to individual CRIB effector proteins.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=43, 10684602].
- Nietlispach D, Ito Y, Laue E (2002) A novel approach for the sequential backbone assignment of larger proteins:
selective intra-HNCA and DQ-HNCA. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=31, 12224968].
- Hamatsu J, O'Donovan D, Tanaka T, ..., Ito Y (2013) High-resolution heteronuclear multidimensional NMR of proteins in
living insect cells using a baculovirus protein expression system. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=41, 23327446].
- Nagano T, Lubling Y, Stevens TJ, ..., Fraser P (2013) Single-cell Hi-C reveals cell-to-cell variability in chromosome
structure. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=827, 24067610].
- Stevens TJ, Lando D, Basu S, ..., Laue E (2017) 3D structures of individual mammalian genomes studied by single-cell
Hi-C. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=409, 28289288].
- Lando D, Basu S, Stevens TJ, ..., Laue E (2018) Combining fluorescence imaging with Hi-C to study 3D genome architecture
of the same single cell. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 29674753].
- Basu S, Needham LM, Lando D, ..., Laue E (2018) FRET-enhanced photostability allows improved single-molecule tracking of
proteins and protein complexes in live mammalian cells. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=12, 29955052].
- Santini L, Halbritter F, Titz-Teixeira F, ..., Leeb M (2021) Genomic imprinting in mouse blastocysts is predominantly
associated with H3K27me3. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=19, 34155196].
- Basu S, Shukron O, Hall D, ..., Laue E (2023) Live-cell three-dimensional single-molecule tracking reveals modulation of
enhancer dynamics by NuRD. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=3, 37770717].
- Basu S, Shukron O, Hall D, ..., Laue E (2024) Publisher Correction: Live-cell three-dimensional single-molecule tracking
reveals modulation of enhancer dynamics by NuRD. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=0, 38102414].
- Radford SE, Laue E, Perham RN, ..., Guest JR (1987) Segmental structure and protein domains in the pyruvate
dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Escherichia coli. Genetic reconstruction in vitro and 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy.
Biochemical Journal. [IF=0.852, Cited=39, 3322268].
- Alqarni SSM, Murthy A, Zhang W, ..., Laue E (2014) Insight into the architecture of the NuRD complex: structure of the
RbAp48-MTA1 subcomplex. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=56, 24920672].
- Lando D, Stevens TJ, Basu S, Laue E (2018) Calculation of 3D genome structures for comparison of chromosome conformation
capture experiments with microscopy: An evaluation of single-cell Hi-C protocols. Nucleus. [IF=0.751, Cited=13, 29431585].
- Montembault E, Zhang W, Przewloka MR, ..., D'Avino PP (2010) Nessun Dorma, a novel centralspindlin partner, is required
for cytokinesis in Drosophila spermatocytes. Journal of Cell Biology. [IF=1.509, Cited=19, 21187330].
- Ball LJ, Murzina NV, Broadhurst RW, ..., Laue E (1997) Structure of the chromatin binding (chromo) domain from mouse
modifier protein 1. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=103, 9171360].
- Etheridge TJ, Boulineau RL, Herbert A, ..., Carr AM (2014) Quantification of DNA-associated proteins inside eukaryotic
cells using single-molecule localization microscopy. Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=21, 25106872].
- Lando D, Endesfelder U, Berger H, ..., Laue E (2012) Quantitative single-molecule microscopy reveals that CENP-A(Cnp1)
deposition occurs during G2 in fission yeast. Open Biology. [IF=1.384, Cited=99, 22870388].
- Skinner SP, Goult BT, Fogh RH, ..., Vuister GW (2015) Structure calculation, refinement and validation using CcpNmr
Analysis. None. [IF=None, Cited=37, 25615869].
- Wiese M, Bannister AJ, Basu S, ..., Kouzarides T (2019) Citrullination of HP1γ chromodomain affects association with
chromatin. Epigenetics and Chromatin. [IF=1.097, Cited=12, 30940194].
- D'Avino PP, Takeda T, Capalbo L, ..., Glover DM (2008) Interaction between Anillin and RacGAP50C connects the actomyosin
contractile ring with spindle microtubules at the cell division site. Journal of Cell Science. [IF=0.99, Cited=84, 18349071].
- Sharif B, Na J, Lykke-Hartmann K, ..., Zernicka-Goetz M (2010) The chromosome passenger complex is required for fidelity
of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis in meiosis of mouse oocytes. Journal of Cell Science. [IF=0.99, Cited=63, 21123620].
- Ponjavic A, Ye Y, Laue E, ..., Klenerman D (2018) Sensitive light-sheet microscopy in multiwell plates using an AFM
cantilever. Biomedical Optics Express. [IF=1.164, Cited=7, 31065399].
- Palayret M, Armes H, Basu S, ..., Lee SF (2015) Virtual-'light-sheet' single-molecule localisation microscopy enables
quantitative optical sectioning for super-resolution imaging. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=7, 25884495].
- Gopinathan Nair A, Rabas N, Lejon S, ..., Verreault A (2022) Unorthodox PCNA Binding by Chromatin Assembly Factor 1.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. [IF=1.263, Cited=3, 36232396].
- Siebert JT, Kivel AN, Atkinson LP, ..., Virnau P (2017) Are There Knots in Chromosomes? Polymers. [IF=1.167, Cited=22, 30971010].
- Gupta K, Watson AA, Baptista T, ..., Berger I (2017) Architecture of TAF11/TAF13/TBP complex suggests novel regulation
properties of general transcription factor TFIID. eLife. [IF=1.743, Cited=19, 29111974].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Bell L, Seshia A, Lando D, ..., Klenerman D (2014) A microfluidic device for the hydrodynamic immobilisation of living
fission yeast cells for super-resolution imaging. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. [IF=1.376, Cited=17, 25844024].
- Ito Y, Yamasaki K, Iwahara J, ..., Miyazawa T (1997) Regional polysterism in the GTP-bound form of the human c-Ha-Ras
protein. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=108, 9230043].
- Laue E, Drummond AJ (1968) Solar constant: first direct measurements. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=2, 17812116].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Weir HM, Kraulis PJ, Hill CS, ..., Thomas JO (1993) Structure of the HMG box motif in the B-domain of HMG1. EMBO
Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=238, 8467791].
- Teo SH, Grasser KD, Hardman CH, ..., Thomas JO (1995) Two mutations in the HMG-box with very different structural
consequences provide insights into the nature of binding to four-way junction DNA. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=34, 7641702].
- Pajon A, Ionides J, Diprose J, ..., Henrick K (2005) Design of a data model for developing laboratory information
management and analysis systems for protein production. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897,
Cited=11, 15562521].
- Vranken WF, Boucher W, Stevens TJ, ..., Laue E (2005) The CCPN data model for NMR spectroscopy: development of a
software pipeline. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=1000, 15815974].
- Dardel F, Davis AL, Laue E, Perham RN (1993) Three-dimensional structure of the lipoyl domain from Bacillus
stearothermophilus pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=78, 8445635].
- Terada T, Ito Y, Shirouzu M, ..., Cooper JA (1999) Nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics studies on the
interactions of the Ras-binding domain of Raf-1 with wild-type and mutant Ras proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology.
[IF=1.281, Cited=22, 9931261].
- D'Avino PP, Archambault V, Przewloka MR, ..., Glover DM (2009) Isolation of protein complexes involved in mitosis and
cytokinesis from Drosophila cultured cells. Methods in Molecular Biology. [IF=0.413, Cited=26, 19475384].
- Zhang W, Duhr S, Baaske P, Laue E (2014) Microscale thermophoresis for the assessment of nuclear protein-binding
affinities. Methods in Molecular Biology. [IF=0.413, Cited=14, 24162995].
- Stonehouse J, Clowes RT, Shaw GL, ..., Laue E (1995) Minimisation of sensitivity losses due to the use of gradient
pulses in triple-resonance NMR of proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=17, 22911500].
- Smith BO, Ito Y, Raine A, ..., Laue E (1996) An approach to global fold determination using limited NMR data from larger
proteins selectively protonated at specific residue types. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=29, 20686886].
- Campbell-Burk SL, Domaille PJ, Starovasnik MA, ..., Laue E (1992) Sequential assignment of the backbone nuclei (1H, 15N
and 13C) of c-H-ras p21 (1-166).GDP using a novel 4D NMR strategy. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=10, 1337001].
- Fogh RH, Vranken WF, Boucher W, ..., Laue E (2006) A nomenclature and data model to describe NMR experiments. Journal of
Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=12, 17031528].
- Stevens TJ, Fogh RH, Boucher W, ..., Laue E (2011) A software framework for analysing solid-state MAS NMR data. Journal
of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=94, 21953355].
- Gadhavi PL, Raine AR, Alefounder PR, Laue E (1990) Complete assignment of the 1H NMR spectrum and secondary structure of
the DNA binding domain of GAL4. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=14, 2265711].
- Povey JF, Diakun GP, Garner CD, ..., Laue E (1990) Metal ion co-ordination in the DNA binding domain of the yeast
transcriptional activator GAL4. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=14, 2194836].
- Gadhavi PL, Davis AL, Povey JF, ..., Laue E (1991) Polypeptide-metal cluster connectivities in Cd(II) GAL4. FEBS
Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=16, 2015899].
- Ball LJ, Diakun GP, Gadhavi PL, ..., Laue E (1995) Zinc co-ordination in the DNA-binding domain of the yeast
transcriptional activator PPR1. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=5, 7843415].
- Clowes RT, Crawford A, Raine AR, ..., Laue E (1995) Improved methods for structural studies of proteins using nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. [IF=1.815, Cited=4, 7894084].
- Nielsen PR, Callaghan J, Murzin AG, ..., Laue E (2004) Expression, purification, and biophysical studies of chromodomain
proteins. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 14975304].
- Shu W, Laue E, Seshia AA (2006) Investigation of biotin-streptavidin binding interactions using microcantilever sensors.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. [IF=1.844, Cited=15, 17045792].
- Chen F, Archambault V, Kar A, ..., Glover DM (2007) Multiple protein phosphatases are required for mitosis in
Drosophila. Current Biology. [IF=1.81, Cited=91, 17306545].
- Cunha-Ferreira I, Rodrigues-Martins A, Bento I, ..., Bettencourt-Dias M (2008) The SCF/Slimb ubiquitin ligase limits
centrosome amplification through degradation of SAK/PLK4. Current Biology. [IF=1.81, Cited=161, 19084407].
- Zhang W, Hirshberg M, McLaughlin SH, ..., Laue E (2004) Biochemical and structural studies of the interaction of Cdc37
with Hsp90. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=48, 15223329].
- McLaughlin SH, Sobott F, Yao Zp, ..., Jackson SE (2005) The co-chaperone p23 arrests the Hsp90 ATPase cycle to trap
client proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=120, 16403413].
- Phillips JJ, Yao Zp, Zhang W, ..., Jackson SE (2007) Conformational dynamics of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 in
complexes with a co-chaperone and anticancer drugs. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=30, 17764690].
- Löw C, Weininger U, Zeeb M, ..., Balbach J (2007) Folding mechanism of an ankyrin repeat protein: scaffold and active
site formation of human CDK inhibitor p19(INK4d). Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=22, 17804013].
- Watson AA, Mahajan P, Mertens HDT, ..., Laue E (2012) The PHD and chromo domains regulate the ATPase activity of the
human chromatin remodeler CHD4. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=51, 22575888].
- Abrahams JP, Apweiler R, Balling R, ..., Taussig MJ (2010) "4D Biology for health and disease" workshop report. New
Biotechnology. [IF=1.327, Cited=1, 20951846].
- Murzina NV, Pei XY, Zhang W, ..., Laue E (2008) Structural basis for the recognition of histone H4 by the histone-
chaperone RbAp46. Structure. [IF=1.155, Cited=152, 18571423].
- Green JD, Laue E, Perham RN, ..., Guest JR (1995) Three-dimensional structure of a lipoyl domain from the dihydrolipoyl
acetyltransferase component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular
Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=35, 7739044].
- Keeler J, Clowes RT, Davis AL, Laue E (1994) Pulsed-field gradients: theory and practice. None. [IF=None, Cited=58, 7830583].
- Murzina N, Verreault A, Laue E, Stillman B (1999) Heterochromatin dynamics in mouse cells: interaction between chromatin
assembly factor 1 and HP1 proteins. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=200, 10549285].
- Hardman CH, Broadhurst RW, Raine AR, ..., Laue E (1995) Structure of the A-domain of HMG1 and its interaction with DNA
as studied by heteronuclear three- and four-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=98, 8527432].
- Broadhurst RW, Hardman CH, Thomas JO, Laue E (1995) Backbone dynamics of the A-domain of HMG1 as studied by 15N NMR
spectroscopy. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=27, 8527433].
- Kraulis PJ, Domaille PJ, Campbell-Burk SL, ..., Laue E (1994) Solution structure and dynamics of ras p21.GDP determined
by heteronuclear three- and four-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=177, 8142349].
- Texter FL, Radford SE, Laue E, ..., Guest JR (1988) Site-directed mutagenesis and 1H NMR spectroscopy of an interdomain
segment in the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Escherichia coli. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=24, 3280020].
- Yabuki T, Kigawa T, Dohmae N, ..., Yokoyama S (1998) Dual amino acid-selective and site-directed stable-isotope labeling
of the human c-Ha-Ras protein by cell-free synthesis. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=67, 9691277].
- Rajesh S, Nietlispach D, Nakayama H, ..., Ito Y (2003) A novel method for the biosynthesis of deuterated proteins with
selective protonation at the aromatic rings of Phe, Tyr and Trp. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. [IF=0.794, Cited=21, 12878843].
- Mott HR, Owen D, Nietlispach D, ..., Laue E (1999) Structure of the small G protein Cdc42 bound to the GTPase-binding
domain of ACK. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=101, 10360579].
- Brotherton DH, Dhanaraj V, Wick S, ..., Laue E (1998) Crystal structure of the complex of the cyclin D-dependent kinase
Cdk6 bound to the cell-cycle inhibitor p19INK4d. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=109, 9751051].
- Kraulis PJ, Raine AR, Gadhavi PL, Laue E (1992) Structure of the DNA-binding domain of zinc GAL4. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=72, 1557129].
- Luh FY, Archer SJ, Domaille PJ, ..., Laue E (1997) Structure of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p19Ink4d. Nature.
[IF=11.591, Cited=70, 9353127].
- Rittinger K, Walker PA, Eccleston JF, ..., Smerdon SJ (1997) Crystal structure of a small G protein in complex with the
GTPase-activating protein rhoGAP. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=147, 9262406].
- Morreale A, Venkatesan M, Mott HR, ..., Laue E (2000) Structure of Cdc42 bound to the GTPase binding domain of PAK.
None. [IF=None, Cited=117, 10802735].
- Nielsen PR, Nietlispach D, Mott HR, ..., Laue E (2002) Structure of the HP1 chromodomain bound to histone H3 methylated
at lysine 9. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=406, 11882902].
- Fogh R, Ionides J, Ulrich E, ..., Laue E (2002) The CCPN project: an interim report on a data model for the NMR
community. None. [IF=None, Cited=84, 12032555].
- Markley JL, Akutsu H, Asakura T, ..., Yokoyama S (2012) In support of the BMRB. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.
[IF=2.542, Cited=3, 22955930].
- Zhang W, Tyl M, Ward R, ..., Laue E (2012) Structural plasticity of histones H3-H4 facilitates their allosteric exchange
between RbAp48 and ASF1. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=44, 23178455].
- Thiru A, Nietlispach D, Mott HR, ..., Laue E (2004) Structural basis of HP1/PXVXL motif peptide interactions and HP1
localisation to heterochromatin. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=189, 14765118].
- Xia Z, Broadhurst RW, Laue E, ..., Bendall DS (1998) Structure and properties in solution of PsaD, an extrinsic
polypeptide of photosystem I. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 9692933].
- Lejon S, Thong SY, Murthy A, ..., Mackay JP (2010) Insights into association of the NuRD complex with FOG-1 from the
crystal structure of an RbAp48·FOG-1 complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=66, 21047798].
- Nielsen PR, Nietlispach D, Buscaino A, ..., Laue E (2005) Structure of the chromo barrel domain from the MOF
acetyltransferase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=36, 15964847].
- Fogh RH, Boucher W, Vranken WF, ..., Laue E (2004) A framework for scientific data modeling and automated software
development. Bioinformatics. [IF=1.954, Cited=28, 15613391].
- Brasher SV, Smith BO, Fogh RH, ..., Laue E (2000) The structure of mouse HP1 suggests a unique mode of single peptide
recognition by the shadow chromo domain dimer. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=195, 10747027].
- Dardel F, Laue E, Perham RN (1991) Sequence-specific 1H-NMR assignments and secondary structure of the lipoyl domain of
the Bacillus stearothermophilus pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex. None. [IF=None, Cited=17, 1915365].
- Opel M, Lando D, Bonilla C, ..., Laue E (2007) Genome-wide studies of histone demethylation catalysed by the fission
yeast homologues of mammalian LSD1. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=25, 17440621].
- Przewloka MR, Zhang W, Costa P, ..., Glover DM (2007) Molecular analysis of core kinetochore composition and assembly in
Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=94, 17534428].
- D'Avino PP, Archambault V, Przewloka MR, ..., Glover DM (2007) Recruitment of Polo kinase to the spindle midzone during
cytokinesis requires the Feo/Klp3A complex. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=36, 17593971].
- Lando D, Balmer J, Laue E, Kouzarides T (2012) The S. pombe histone H2A dioxygenase Ofd2 regulates gene expression
during hypoxia. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=10, 22235339].
- Nietlispach D, Mott HR, Stott KM, ..., Laue E (2004) Structure determination of protein complexes by NMR. Methods in
Molecular Biology. [IF=0.413, Cited=6, 15318000].
- Fogh RH, Boucher W, Ionides JMC, ..., Laue E (2010) MEMOPS: data modelling and automatic code generation. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 20375445].
- Perham RN, Borges A, Dardel F, ..., Packman LC (1992) The lipoyl domain and its role in thiamin diphosphate-dependent
oxidative decarboxylation. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. [IF=0.549, Cited=0, 1297787].
- Radford SE, Laue E, Perham RN, ..., Appella E (1989) Conformational flexibility and folding of synthetic peptides
representing an interdomain segment of polypeptide chain in the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of
Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2642904].