Kornberg, Roger D
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- He P, Wang C, Wang Y, ..., Wang Z (2021) A Novel AKR1C3 Specific Prodrug TH3424 With Potent Antitumor Activity in Liver
Cancer. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. [IF=1.755, Cited=1, 33483974].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (1991) Irresistible force meets immovable object: transcription and the nucleosome. Cell.
[IF=8.479, Cited=103, 1959130].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (1995) Interplay between chromatin structure and transcription. Current Opinion in Cell Biology.
[IF=1.539, Cited=74, 7662367].
- Wang L, Zhao L, Li Y, ..., Nie Y (2022) Harnessing coronavirus spike proteins' binding affinity to ACE2 receptor through
a novel baculovirus surface display system. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=3, 35338855].
- Eagen KP, Hartl TA, Kornberg RD (2015) Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell.
[IF=8.479, Cited=90, 26544940].
- Robinson PJ, Trnka MJ, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (2016) Structure of a Complete Mediator-RNA Polymerase II Pre-
Initiation Complex. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=129, 27610567].
- Murakami K, Mattei PJ, Davis RE, ..., Kornberg RD (2015) Uncoupling Promoter Opening from Start-Site Scanning. Molecular
Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=28, 26073544].
- Lorch Y, Maier-Davis B, Kornberg RD (2018) Histone Acetylation Inhibits RSC and Stabilizes the +1 Nucleosome. Molecular
Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=11, 30401433].
- Zhang H, Chen DH, Mattoo RUH, ..., Kornberg RD (2021) Mediator structure and conformation change. Molecular Cell.
[IF=2.773, Cited=11, 33571424].
- Beel AJ, Azubel M, Matteï PJ, Kornberg RD (2021) Structure of mitotic chromosomes. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=8, 34520722].
- Jagota M, Townshend RJL, Kang LW, ..., Azubel M (2021) Gold nanoparticles and tilt pairs to assess protein flexibility
by cryo-electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy. [IF=0.871, Cited=2, 34062386].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (1999) Twenty-five years of the nucleosome, fundamental particle of the eukaryote chromosome. Cell.
[IF=8.479, Cited=1000, 10458604].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (2015) Chromatin-remodeling and the initiation of transcription. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics.
[IF=1.372, Cited=24, 26537406].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (2017) Chromatin-remodeling for transcription. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. [IF=1.372,
Cited=30, 29233217].
- Feigerle JT, Kornberg RD (2019) IID in 3D: Improved Resolution of Transcription Factor Structure by Cryo-Electron
Microscopy. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=0, 31150224].
- Nawrocki G, Leontyev I, Sakipov S, ..., Fain B (2022) Protein-Ligand Binding Free-Energy Calculations with ARROW─A
Purely First-Principles Parameterized Polarizable Force Field. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512,
Cited=5, 36459593].
- Kurnikov IV, Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2024) Neural Network Corrections to Intermolecular Interaction
Terms of a Molecular Force Field Capture Nuclear Quantum Effects in Calculations of Liquid Thermodynamic Properties.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=0, 38240485].
- Butin O, Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2024) The Determination of Free Energy of Hydration of Water Ions from
First Principles. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=0, 38842599].
- Kamath G, Illarionov A, Sakipov S, ..., Fain B (2024) Combining Force Fields and Neural Networks for an Accurate
Representation of Bonded Interactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=0, 38232765].
- Azubel M, Kornberg RD (2016) Synthesis of Water-Soluble, Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoparticles Uniform in Size. Nano
Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=17, 27042759].
- Azubel M, Koh AL, Koyasu K, ..., Kornberg RD (2017) Structure Determination of a Water-Soluble 144-Gold Atom Particle at
Atomic Resolution by Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=13, 29136369].
- Ackerson CJ, Jadzinsky PD, Kornberg RD (2005) Thiolate ligands for synthesis of water-soluble gold clusters. Journal of
the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=48, 15869273].
- Ackerson CJ, Jadzinsky PD, Jensen GJ, Kornberg RD (2006) Rigid, specific, and discrete gold nanoparticle/antibody
conjugates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=64, 16492049].
- Levi-Kalisman Y, Jadzinsky PD, Kalisman N, ..., Kornberg RD (2011) Synthesis and characterization of Au102(p-MBA)44
nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=65, 21319754].
- Hulkko E, Lopez-Acevedo O, Koivisto J, ..., Häkkinen H (2011) Electronic and vibrational signatures of the
Au102(p-MBA)44 cluster. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=19, 21348523].
- Illarionov A, Sakipov S, Pereyaslavets L, ..., Fain B (2023) Combining Force Fields and Neural Networks for an Accurate
Representation of Chemically Diverse Molecular Interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=4, 37856313].
- Fazal FM, Meng CA, Murakami K, ..., Block SM (2015) Real-time observation of the initiation of RNA polymerase II
transcription. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=59, 26331540].
- Pereyaslavets L, Kamath G, Butin O, ..., Fain B (2022) Accurate determination of solvation free energies of neutral
organic compounds from first principles. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=9, 35058472].
- Stepanov AV, Xie J, Zhu Q, ..., Lerner RA (2023) Control of the antitumour activity and specificity of CAR T cells via
organic adapters covalently tethering the CAR to tumour cells. Nature Biomedical Engineering. [IF=3.79, Cited=1, 37798444].
- Oberthuer D, Knoška J, Wiedorn MO, ..., Bajt S (2017) Double-flow focused liquid injector for efficient serial
femtosecond crystallography. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=33, 28300169].
- Batada NN, Westover KD, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (2004) Diffusion of nucleoside triphosphates and role of the entry
site to the RNA polymerase II active center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=47, 15574497].
- Lorch Y, Davis B, Kornberg RD (2005) Chromatin remodeling by DNA bending, not twisting. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=32, 15677336].
- Ackerson CJ, Sykes MT, Kornberg RD (2005) Defined DNA/nanoparticle conjugates. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=30, 16155122].
- Lorch Y, Maier-Davis B, Kornberg RD (2006) Chromatin remodeling by nucleosome disassembly in vitro. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=143, 16492771].
- Kornberg RD (2007) The molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=227, 17670940].
- Spåhr H, Calero G, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2009) Schizosacharomyces pombe RNA polymerase II at 3.6-A resolution.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=35, 19458260].
- Huang X, Wang D, Weiss DR, ..., Levitt M (2010) RNA polymerase II trigger loop residues stabilize and position the
incoming nucleotide triphosphate in transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=49, 20798057].
- Ehrensberger AH, Kornberg RD (2011) Isolation of an activator-dependent, promoter-specific chromatin remodeling factor.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=14, 21646535].
- Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2003) Complete, 12-subunit RNA polymerase II at 4.1-A resolution: implications for the
initiation of transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=170, 12746498].
- Murakami K, Gibbons BJ, Davis RE, ..., Kornberg RD (2012) Tfb6, a previously unidentified subunit of the general
transcription factor TFIIH, facilitates dissociation of Ssl2 helicase after transcription initiation. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=20, 22411836].
- Robinson PJJ, Bushnell DA, Trnka MJ, ..., Kornberg RD (2012) Structure of the mediator head module bound to the carboxy-
terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=80, 23071300].
- Murakami K, Tsai KL, Kalisman N, ..., Kornberg RD (2015) Structure of an RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=66, 26483468].
- Nagai S, Davis RE, Mattei PJ, ..., Kornberg RD (2017) Chromatin potentiates transcription. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=25, 28137832].
- Asturias FJ, Chung WH, Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (2002) Structural analysis of the RSC chromatin-remodeling complex.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=46, 12368485].
- Eagen KP, Aiden EL, Kornberg RD (2017) Polycomb-mediated chromatin loops revealed by a subkilobase-resolution chromatin
interaction map. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=93, 28765367].
- Pereyaslavets L, Kurnikov I, Kamath G, ..., Fain B (2018) On the importance of accounting for nuclear quantum effects in
ab initio calibrated force fields in biological simulations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=12, 30127031].
- Kuras L, Borggrefe T, Kornberg RD (2003) Association of the Mediator complex with enhancers of active genes. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=74, 14623974].
- Ji L, Zhao L, Xu K, ..., Zhang H (2022) Structure of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=4, 36417436].
- Nagy PL, Griesenbeck J, Kornberg RD, Cleary ML (2001) A trithorax-group complex purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
is required for methylation of histone H3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=222, 11752412].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD, Maier-Davis B (2022) Disruption of nucleosomes by DNA groove binders of clinical significance and
implications for chromatin remodeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=2, 36574674].
- Wang X, Wang Y, Liu S, ..., Zhang H (2023) Class I histone deacetylase complex: Structure and functional correlates.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=2, 37459529].
- Bushnell DA, Cramer P, Kornberg RD (2002) Structural basis of transcription: alpha-amanitin-RNA polymerase II cocrystal
at 2.8 A resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=161, 11805306].
- Dotson MR, Yuan CX, Roeder RG, ..., Asturias FJ (2000) Structural organization of yeast and mammalian mediator
complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=119, 11114191].
- Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1987) Accurate initiation at RNA polymerase II promoters in extracts from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=76, 3321057].
- Lue NF, Buchman AR, Kornberg RD (1989) Activation of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription by a thymidine-rich upstream
element in vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=61, 2643115].
- Lorch Y, Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1990) Interchangeable RNA polymerase I and II enhancers. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=6, 2236033].
- Flanagan PM, Kelleher RJ, Tschochner H, ..., Kornberg RD (1992) Simple derivation of TFIID-dependent RNA polymerase II
transcription systems from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and other organisms, and factors required for transcriptional
activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=17, 1502179].
- Tschochner H, Sayre MH, Flanagan PM, ..., Kornberg RD (1992) Yeast RNA polymerase II initiation factor e: isolation and
identification as the functional counterpart of human transcription factor IIB. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=17, 1454810].
- Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1993) A possible role for the yeast TATA-element-binding protein in DNA replication. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=12, 8367459].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (1994) Isolation of the yeast histone octamer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=11, 7972003].
- Cairns BR, Kim YJ, Sayre MH, ..., Kornberg RD (1994) A multisubunit complex containing the SWI1/ADR6, SWI2/SNF2, SWI3,
SNF5, and SNF6 gene products isolated from yeast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=254, 8127913].
- Li Y, Kornberg RD (1994) Interplay of positive and negative effectors in function of the C-terminal repeat domain of RNA
polymerase II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=36, 8134400].
- Li Y, Bjorklund S, Jiang YW, ..., Kornberg RD (1995) Yeast global transcriptional regulators Sin4 and Rgr1 are
components of mediator complex/RNA polymerase II holoenzyme. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=163, 7479899].
- Svejstrup JQ, Li Y, Fellows J, ..., Kornberg RD (1997) Evidence for a mediator cycle at the initiation of transcription.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=72, 9177171].
- Jiang YW, Veschambre P, Erdjument-Bromage H, ..., Kornberg RD (1998) Mammalian mediator of transcriptional regulation
and its possible role as an end-point of signal transduction pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=201, 9671713].
- Jensen GJ, Kornberg RD (1998) Single-particle selection and alignment with heavy atom cluster-antibody conjugates.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=14, 9689068].
- Myers LC, Gustafsson CM, Hayashibara KC, ..., Kornberg RD (1999) Mediator protein mutations that selectively abolish
activated transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=107, 9874773].
- Kornberg RD, Stryer L (1988) Statistical distributions of nucleosomes: nonrandom locations by a stochastic mechanism.
Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=180, 3399412].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD, Maier-Davis B (2023) Role of the histone tails in histone octamer transfer. Nucleic Acids
Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=4, 36772826].
- Lorch Y, Maier-Davis B, Kornberg RD (2014) Role of DNA sequence in chromatin remodeling and the formation of nucleosome-
free regions. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=72, 25403179].
- Cramer P, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2001) Structural basis of transcription: RNA polymerase II at 2.8 angstrom
resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=740, 11313498].
- Gnatt AL, Cramer P, Fu J, ..., Kornberg RD (2001) Structural basis of transcription: an RNA polymerase II elongation
complex at 3.3 A resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=566, 11313499].
- Bushnell DA, Westover KD, Davis RE, Kornberg RD (2004) Structural basis of transcription: an RNA polymerase II-TFIIB
cocrystal at 4.5 Angstroms. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=209, 14963322].
- Westover KD, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2004) Structural basis of transcription: separation of RNA from DNA by RNA
polymerase II. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=161, 14963331].
- Jadzinsky PD, Calero G, Ackerson CJ, ..., Kornberg RD (2007) Structure of a thiol monolayer-protected gold nanoparticle
at 1.1 A resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=650, 17947577].
- Wang D, Bushnell DA, Huang X, ..., Kornberg RD (2009) Structural basis of transcription: backtracked RNA polymerase II
at 3.4 angstrom resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=159, 19478184].
- Liu X, Bushnell DA, Wang D, ..., Kornberg RD (2009) Structure of an RNA polymerase II-TFIIB complex and the
transcription initiation mechanism. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=147, 19965383].
- Liu X, Bushnell DA, Silva DA, ..., Kornberg RD (2011) Initiation complex structure and promoter proofreading. Science.
[IF=7.729, Cited=36, 21798951].
- Murakami K, Elmlund H, Kalisman N, ..., Kornberg RD (2013) Architecture of an RNA polymerase II transcription pre-
initiation complex. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=110, 24072820].
- Azubel M, Koivisto J, Malola S, ..., Kornberg RD (2014) Nanoparticle imaging. Electron microscopy of gold nanoparticles
at atomic resolution. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=74, 25146285].
- Gileadi O, Feaver WJ, Kornberg RD (1992) Cloning of a subunit of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription factor b and CTD
kinase. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=35, 1445600].
- Asturias FJ, Jiang YW, Myers LC, ..., Kornberg RD (1999) Conserved structures of mediator and RNA polymerase II
holoenzyme. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=152, 9974391].
- Cramer P, Bushnell DA, Fu J, ..., Kornberg RD (2000) Architecture of RNA polymerase II and implications for the
transcription mechanism. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=310, 10784442].
- Madhani HD, Francis NJ, Kingston RE, ..., Struhl K (2008) Epigenomics: a roadmap, but to where? Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=18, 18832628].
- Ribi HO, Ludwig DS, Mercer KL, ..., Kornberg RD (1988) Three-dimensional structure of cholera toxin penetrating a lipid
membrane. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=89, 3344432].
- Li Y, Flanagan PM, Tschochner H, Kornberg RD (1994) RNA polymerase II initiation factor interactions and transcription
start site selection. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=77, 8303296].
- Hoencamp C, Dudchenko O, Elbatsh AMO, ..., Rowland BD (2021) 3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as
a determinant of architecture type. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=75, 34045355].
- Selth LA, Lorch Y, Ocampo-Hafalla MT, ..., Svejstrup JQ (2009) An rtt109-independent role for vps75 in transcription-
associated nucleosome dynamics. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=26, 19470761].
- Wang Z, Buratowski S, Svejstrup JQ, ..., Friedberg EC (1995) The yeast TFB1 and SSL1 genes, which encode subunits of
transcription factor IIH, are required for nucleotide excision repair and RNA polymerase II transcription. Molecular and
Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=49, 7891722].
- Cairns BR, Henry NL, Kornberg RD (1996) TFG/TAF30/ANC1, a component of the yeast SWI/SNF complex that is similar to the
leukemogenic proteins ENL and AF-9. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=108, 8668146].
- Wang Z, Wei S, Reed SH, ..., Friedberg EC (1997) The RAD7, RAD16, and RAD23 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
requirement for transcription-independent nucleotide excision repair in vitro and interactions between the gene
products. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=49, 9001217].
- Cao Y, Cairns BR, Kornberg RD, Laurent BC (1997) Sfh1p, a component of a novel chromatin-remodeling complex, is required
for cell cycle progression. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=90, 9154831].
- Griesenbeck J, Boeger H, Strattan JS, Kornberg RD (2003) Affinity purification of specific chromatin segments from
chromosomal loci in yeast. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=38, 14645537].
- Buchman AR, Kornberg RD (1990) A yeast ARS-binding protein activates transcription synergistically in combination with
other weak activating factors. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=91, 2406570].
- Chasman DI, Kornberg RD (1990) GAL4 protein: purification, association with GAL80 protein, and conserved domain
structure. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=54, 2188103].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (1993) Near-zero linking difference upon transcription factor IID binding to promoter DNA.
Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=13, 8382777].
- Bardwell AJ, Bardwell L, Iyer N, ..., Friedberg EC (1994) Yeast nucleotide excision repair proteins Rad2 and Rad4
interact with RNA polymerase II basal transcription factor b (TFIIH). Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026,
Cited=41, 8196602].
- Sperling R, Sperling J, Levine AD, ..., Kornberg RD (1985) Abundant nuclear ribonucleoprotein form of CAD RNA. Molecular
and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=41, 3990684].
- Sachs AB, Kornberg RD (1985) Nuclear polyadenylate-binding protein. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026,
Cited=23, 3837854].
- Bram RJ, Kornberg RD (1987) Isolation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae centromere DNA-binding protein, its human homolog,
and its possible role as a transcription factor. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=121, 3550420].
- Lue NF, Chasman DI, Buchman AR, Kornberg RD (1987) Interaction of GAL4 and GAL80 gene regulatory proteins in vitro.
Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=95, 3316976].
- Sachs AB, Davis RW, Kornberg RD (1987) A single domain of yeast poly(A)-binding protein is necessary and sufficient for
RNA binding and cell viability. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=270, 3313012].
- Buchman AR, Kimmerly WJ, Rine J, Kornberg RD (1988) Two DNA-binding factors recognize specific sequences at silencers,
upstream activating sequences, autonomously replicating sequences, and telomeres in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular
and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=352, 3275867].
- Buchman AR, Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1988) Connections between transcriptional activators, silencers, and telomeres as
revealed by functional analysis of a yeast DNA-binding protein. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=203, 3072472].
- Fedor MJ, Kornberg RD (1989) Upstream activation sequence-dependent alteration of chromatin structure and transcription
activation of the yeast GAL1-GAL10 genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=50, 2657404].
- Myers LC, Kornberg RD (2000) Mediator of transcriptional regulation. Annual Review of Biochemistry. [IF=5.273,
Cited=249, 10966474].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (1992) Chromatin structure and transcription. None. [IF=None, Cited=152, 1335747].
- Kornberg RD (2001) The eukaryotic gene transcription machinery. Biological Chemistry. [IF=0.824, Cited=11, 11592390].
- Robinson PJ, Trnka MJ, Pellarin R, ..., Kornberg RD (2015) Molecular architecture of the yeast Mediator complex. eLife.
[IF=1.743, Cited=86, 26402457].
- Azubel M, Carter SD, Weiszmann J, ..., Kornberg RD (2019) FGF21 trafficking in intact human cells revealed by cryo-
electron tomography with gold nanoparticles. eLife. [IF=1.743, Cited=12, 30688648].
- Sanborn AL, Yeh BT, Feigerle JT, ..., Kornberg RD (2021) Simple biochemical features underlie transcriptional activation
domain diversity and dynamic, fuzzy binding to Mediator. eLife. [IF=1.743, Cited=44, 33904398].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (1999) Chromatin-modifying and -remodeling complexes. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development.
[IF=0.801, Cited=138, 10322131].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (2020) Primary Role of the Nucleosome. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=55, 32763226].
- Kornberg RD (2005) Mediator and the mechanism of transcriptional activation. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. [IF=2.462,
Cited=372, 15896740].
- Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (2002) Chromatin and transcription: where do we go from here. Current Opinion in Genetics and
Development. [IF=0.801, Cited=24, 11915846].
- Ackerson CJ, Jadzinsky PD, Sexton JZ, ..., Kornberg RD (2010) Synthesis and bioconjugation of 2 and 3 nm-diameter gold
nanoparticles. Bioconjugate Chemistry. [IF=0.921, Cited=32, 20099843].
- Lorch Y, Maier-Davis B, Kornberg RD (2010) Mechanism of chromatin remodeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=66, 20142505].
- Gibbons BJ, Brignole EJ, Azubel M, ..., Kornberg RD (2012) Subunit architecture of general transcription factor TFIIH.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=40, 22308316].
- Larson MH, Zhou J, Kaplan CD, ..., Block SM (2012) Trigger loop dynamics mediate the balance between the transcriptional
fidelity and speed of RNA polymerase II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=87, 22493230].
- Schweikhard V, Meng C, Murakami K, ..., Block SM (2014) Transcription factors TFIIF and TFIIS promote transcript
elongation by RNA polymerase II by synergistic and independent mechanisms. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=45, 24733897].
- Kornberg RD, McConnell HM (1971) Lateral diffusion of phospholipids in a vesicle membrane. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=73, 4332815].
- Kornberg RD, McNamee MG, McConnell HM (1972) Measurement of transmembrane potentials in phospholipid vesicles.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=21, 4338594].
- Edwards AM, Darst SA, Feaver WJ, ..., Kornberg RD (1990) Purification and lipid-layer crystallization of yeast RNA
polymerase II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=44, 2179949].
- Chasman DI, Flaherty KM, Sharp PA, Kornberg RD (1993) Crystal structure of yeast TATA-binding protein and model for
interaction with DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=92, 8367480].
- Bardwell L, Bardwell AJ, Feaver WJ, ..., Friedberg EC (1994) Yeast RAD3 protein binds directly to both SSL2 and SSL1
proteins: implications for the structure and function of transcription/repair factor b. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=19, 8171014].
- Poon D, Bai Y, Campbell AM, ..., Weil PA (1995) Identification and characterization of a TFIID-like multiprotein complex
from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=78, 7667272].
- Sakurai H, Kim YJ, Ohishi T, ..., Fukasawa T (1996) The yeast GAL11 protein binds to the transcription factor IIE
through GAL11 regions essential for its in vivo function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=17, 8790357].
- Kornberg RD (1998) Mechanism and regulation of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on
Quantitative Biology. [IF=0.889, Cited=11, 10384286].
- Kornberg RD, Thomas JO (1974) Chromatin structure; oligomers of the histones. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=441, 4825888].
- Kornberg RD (1974) Chromatin structure: a repeating unit of histones and DNA. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=1000, 4825889].
- Noll M, Thomas JO, Kornberg RD (1975) Preparation of native chromatin and damage caused by shearing. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=248, 17754290].
- Lue NF, Flanagan PM, Sugimoto K, Kornberg RD (1989) Initiation by yeast RNA polymerase II at the adenoviral major late
promoter in vitro. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=53, 2510298].
- Prunell A, Kornberg RD, Kornberg RD, ..., Crick FH (1979) Periodicity of deoxyribonuclease I digestion of chromatin.
Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=89, 441739].
- Chasman DI, Leatherwood J, Carey M, ..., Kornberg RD (1989) Activation of yeast polymerase II transcription by
herpesvirus VP16 and GAL4 derivatives in vitro. Molecular and Cellular Biology. [IF=1.026, Cited=112, 2557540].
- Kornberg RD (1999) Eukaryotic transcriptional control. Trends in Cell Biology. [IF=3.592, Cited=82, 10611681].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Bram RJ, Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1986) A GAL family of upstream activating sequences in yeast: roles in both induction and
repression of transcription. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=102, 3011415].
- Hemming SA, Bochkarev A, Darst SA, ..., Edwards AM (1995) The mechanism of protein crystal growth from lipid layers.
Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=34, 7869382].
- Meredith GD, Chang WH, Li Y, ..., Kornberg RD (1996) The C-terminal domain revealed in the structure of RNA polymerase
II. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=20, 8642599].
- Asturias FJ, Meredith GD, Poglitsch CL, Kornberg RD (1997) Two conformations of RNA polymerase II revealed by electron
crystallography. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=31, 9325110].
- Fu J, Gerstein M, David PR, ..., Kornberg RD (1998) Repeated tertiary fold of RNA polymerase II and implications for DNA
binding. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=3, 9665838].
- Asturias FJ, Kornberg RD (1995) A novel method for transfer of two-dimensional crystals from the air/water interface to
specimen grids. EM sample preparation/lipid-layer crystallization. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=15, 7772418].
- Myers LC, Leuther K, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (1997) Yeast RNA polymerase II transcription reconstituted with
purified proteins. Methods. [IF=0.927, Cited=22, 9237165].
- Sugimoto K, Matsumoto K, Kornberg RD, ..., Wittenberg C (1995) Dosage suppressors of the dominant G1 cyclin mutant
CLN3-2: identification of a yeast gene encoding a putative RNA/ssDNA binding protein. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 7476874].
- Jackson JF, Kornberg RD, Berg P, ..., Kornberg A (1965) On the heterogeneity of the deoxyribonucleic acid associated
with crystalline yeast cytochrome b2. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 4286177].
- Thomas JO, Kornberg RD (1975) Cleavable cross-links in the analysis of histone-histone associations. FEBS Letters.
[IF=0.871, Cited=47, 1225601].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (1985) A region flanking the GAL7 gene and a binding site for GAL4 protein as upstream activating
sequences in yeast. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=23, 3912516].
- Darst SA, Ribi HO, Pierce DW, Kornberg RD (1988) Two-dimensional crystals of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme
on positively charged lipid layers. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=39, 3054121].
- Fedor MJ, Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1988) Statistical positioning of nucleosomes by specific protein-binding to an upstream
activating sequence in yeast. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=164, 3063825].
- Darst SA, Kubalek EW, Edwards AM, Kornberg RD (1991) Two-dimensional and epitaxial crystallization of a mutant form of
yeast RNA polymerase II. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=31, 1920413].
- Kornberg RD, LaPointe JW, Lorch Y (1989) Preparation of nucleosomes and chromatin. None. [IF=None, Cited=56, 2770543].
- Sachs AB, Kornberg RD (1990) Purification and characterization of polyadenylate-binding protein. None. [IF=None,
Cited=6, 2116569].
- Lue NF, Flanagan PM, Kelleher RJ, ..., Kornberg RD (1991) RNA polymerase II transcription in vitro. None. [IF=None,
Cited=16, 2005807].
- Sachs AB, Bond MW, Kornberg RD (1986) A single gene from yeast for both nuclear and cytoplasmic polyadenylate-binding
proteins: domain structure and expression. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=259, 3518950].
- Lorch Y, LaPointe JW, Kornberg RD (1987) Nucleosomes inhibit the initiation of transcription but allow chain elongation
with the displacement of histones. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=355, 3568125].
- Lorch Y, LaPointe JW, Kornberg RD (1988) On the displacement of histones from DNA by transcription. Cell. [IF=8.479,
Cited=42, 3191529].
- Kelleher RJ, Flanagan PM, Kornberg RD (1990) A novel mediator between activator proteins and the RNA polymerase II
transcription apparatus. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=264, 2163759].
- Darst SA, Edwards AM, Kubalek EW, Kornberg RD (1991) Three-dimensional structure of yeast RNA polymerase II at 16 A
resolution. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=92, 2070414].
- Feaver WJ, Gileadi O, Li Y, Kornberg RD (1991) CTD kinase associated with yeast RNA polymerase II initiation factor b.
Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=119, 1836979].
- Feaver WJ, Svejstrup JQ, Bardwell L, ..., Kornberg RD (1993) Dual roles of a multiprotein complex from S. cerevisiae in
transcription and DNA repair. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=197, 8269516].
- Feaver WJ, Svejstrup JQ, Henry NL, Kornberg RD (1994) Relationship of CDK-activating kinase and RNA polymerase II CTD
kinase TFIIH/TFIIK. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=270, 8001136].
- Kim YJ, Björklund S, Li Y, ..., Kornberg RD (1994) A multiprotein mediator of transcriptional activation and its
interaction with the C-terminal repeat domain of RNA polymerase II. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=693, 8187178].
- Svejstrup JQ, Wang Z, Feaver WJ, ..., Kornberg RD (1995) Different forms of TFIIH for transcription and DNA repair:
holo-TFIIH and a nucleotide excision repairosome. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=167, 7813015].
- Kubalek EW, Kornberg RD, Darst SA (1991) Improved transfer of two-dimensional crystals from the air/water interface to
specimen support grids for high-resolution analysis by electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy. [IF=0.871, Cited=41, 1926634].
- Darst SA, Ahlers M, Meller PH, ..., Kornberg RD (1991) Two-dimensional crystals of streptavidin on biotinylated lipid
layers and their interactions with biotinylated macromolecules. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=112, 1901232].
- Schultz P, Célia H, Riva M, ..., Oudet P (1990) Structural study of the yeast RNA polymerase A. Electron microscopy of
lipid-bound molecules and two-dimensional crystals. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=22, 2254934].
- Asturias FJ, Ezeokonkwo C, Kornberg RD, Lorch Y (2004) Electron microscopic analysis of the RSC chromatin remodeling
complex. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 14975298].
- Lorch Y, Kornberg RD (2004) Isolation and assay of the RSC chromatin-remodeling complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 14979034].
- Edwards AM, Darst SA, Hemming SA, ..., Kornberg RD (1997) [11] Two-dimensional protein crystals in aid of three-
dimensional protein crystal growth. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 27799092].
- Liu X, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2012) RNA polymerase II transcription: structure and mechanism. None. [IF=None,
Cited=72, 23000482].
- Westover KD, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2004) Structural basis of transcription: nucleotide selection by rotation in the
RNA polymerase II active center. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=181, 15537538].
- Wang D, Bushnell DA, Westover KD, ..., Kornberg RD (2006) Structural basis of transcription: role of the trigger loop in
substrate specificity and catalysis. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=314, 17129781].
- Boeger H, Griesenbeck J, Kornberg RD (2008) Nucleosome retention and the stochastic nature of promoter chromatin
remodeling for transcription. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=109, 18485878].
- Liu X, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (2011) Lock and key to transcription: σ-DNA interaction. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=11, 22153066].
- Boeger H, Bushnell DA, Davis R, ..., Kornberg RD (2005) Structural basis of eukaryotic gene transcription. FEBS Letters.
[IF=0.871, Cited=75, 15680971].
- Bourbon HM, Aguilera A, Ansari AZ, ..., Kornberg RD (2004) A unified nomenclature for protein subunits of mediator
complexes linking transcriptional regulators to RNA polymerase II. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=176, 15175151].
- Boeger H, Griesenbeck J, Strattan JS, Kornberg RD (2004) Removal of promoter nucleosomes by disassembly rather than
sliding in vivo. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=169, 15175161].
- Takagi Y, Masuda CA, Chang WH, ..., Kornberg RD (2005) Ubiquitin ligase activity of TFIIH and the transcriptional
response to DNA damage. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=49, 15837426].
- Takagi Y, Calero G, Komori H, ..., Kornberg RD (2006) Head module control of mediator interactions. Molecular Cell.
[IF=2.773, Cited=86, 16885025].
- Kaplan CD, Larsson KM, Kornberg RD (2008) The RNA polymerase II trigger loop functions in substrate selection and is
directly targeted by alpha-amanitin. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=170, 18538653].
- Noll M, Kornberg RD (1977) Action of micrococcal nuclease on chromatin and the location of histone H1. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=409, 833849].
- Prunell A, Kornberg RD (1982) Variable center to center distance of nucleosomes in chromatin. Journal of Molecular
Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=35, 7077669].
- Griesenbeck J, Boeger H, Strattan JS, Kornberg RD (2004) Purification of defined chromosomal domains. None. [IF=None,
Cited=8, 14870666].
- Li Y, Bjorklund S, Kim YJ, Kornberg RD (1996) Yeast RNA polymerase II holoenzyme. None. [IF=None, Cited=19, 8791610].
- Chang WH, Kornberg RD (2000) Electron crystal structure of the transcription factor and DNA repair complex, core TFIIH.
Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=59, 11007479].
- Lorch Y, Zhang M, Kornberg RD (1999) Histone octamer transfer by a chromatin-remodeling complex. Cell. [IF=8.479,
Cited=177, 10025404].
- Lorch Y, Cairns BR, Zhang M, Kornberg RD (1998) Activated RSC-nucleosome complex and persistently altered form of the
nucleosome. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=130, 9674424].
- Leuther KK, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (1996) Two-dimensional crystallography of TFIIB- and IIE-RNA polymerase II
complexes: implications for start site selection and initiation complex formation. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=53, 8646784].
- Poglitsch CL, Meredith GD, Gnatt AL, ..., Kornberg RD (1999) Electron crystal structure of an RNA polymerase II
transcription elongation complex. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=32, 10499796].
- Fu J, Gnatt AL, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (1999) Yeast RNA polymerase II at 5 A resolution. Cell. [IF=8.479,
Cited=73, 10499797].
- Cairns BR, Lorch Y, Li Y, ..., Kornberg RD (1996) RSC, an essential, abundant chromatin-remodeling complex. Cell.
[IF=8.479, Cited=459, 8980231].
- Jensen GJ, Kornberg RD (2000) Defocus-gradient corrected back-projection. Ultramicroscopy. [IF=0.871, Cited=27, 10896140].
- Asturias FJ, Chang W, Li Y, Kornberg RD (1998) Electron crystallography of yeast RNA polymerase II preserved in vitreous
ice. Ultramicroscopy. [IF=0.871, Cited=5, 9499590].
- Bushnell DA, Cramer P, Kornberg RD (2001) Selenomethionine incorporation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA polymerase II.
Structure. [IF=1.155, Cited=21, 11342141].
- Lorch Y, Beve J, Gustafsson CM, ..., Kornberg RD (2000) Mediator-nucleosome interaction. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773,
Cited=51, 10949041].
- Cairns BR, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, ..., Kornberg RD (1998) Two actin-related proteins are shared functional
components of the chromatin-remodeling complexes RSC and SWI/SNF. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=143, 9844636].
- Cairns BR, Schlichter A, Erdjument-Bromage H, ..., Winston F (1999) Two functionally distinct forms of the RSC
nucleosome-remodeling complex, containing essential AT hook, BAH, and bromodomains. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773,
Cited=150, 10619019].
- Lorch Y, Zhang M, Kornberg RD (2001) RSC unravels the nucleosome. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=67, 11172714].
- Davis JA, Takagi Y, Kornberg RD, Asturias FA (2002) Structure of the yeast RNA polymerase II holoenzyme: Mediator
conformation and polymerase interaction. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=152, 12191485].
- Boeger H, Griesenbeck J, Strattan JS, Kornberg RD (2003) Nucleosomes unfold completely at a transcriptionally active
promoter. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=278, 12820971].
- Chung WH, Craighead JL, Chang WH, ..., Asturias FJ (2003) RNA polymerase II/TFIIF structure and conserved organization
of the initiation complex. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=67, 14580350].
- Ribi HO, Reichard P, Kornberg RD (1987) Two-dimensional crystals of enzyme-effector complexes: ribonucleotide reductase
at 18-A resolution. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=23, 3322409].
- Kornberg RD, McConnell HM (1971) Inside-outside transitions of phospholipids in vesicle membranes. Biochemistry.
[IF=0.753, Cited=366, 4324203].
- Uzgiris EE, Kornberg RD (1983) Two-dimensional crystallization technique for imaging macromolecules, with application to
antigen--antibody--complement complexes. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=140, 6823289].
- Rothman JE, Kornberg RD (None) Cell biology. An unfolding story of protein translocation. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=67, 3526158].
- Goldfarb DS, Gariépy J, Schoolnik G, Kornberg RD (None) Synthetic peptides as nuclear localization signals. Nature.
[IF=11.591, Cited=254, 3638500].
- Darst SA, Kubalek EW, Kornberg RD (1989) Three-dimensional structure of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme
determined by electron crystallography. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=102, 2671751].
- Flanagan PM, Kelleher RJ, Sayre MH, ..., Kornberg RD (1991) A mediator required for activation of RNA polymerase II
transcription in vitro. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=220, 2011193].
- Wang Z, Svejstrup JQ, Feaver WJ, ..., Friedberg EC (1994) Transcription factor b (TFIIH) is required during nucleotide-
excision repair in yeast. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=93, 8107888].
- Kim TK, Hashimoto S, Kelleher RJ, ..., Roeder RG (1994) Effects of activation-defective TBP mutations on transcription
initiation in yeast. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=81, 8183347].
- Imasaki T, Calero G, Cai G, ..., Takagi Y (2011) Architecture of the Mediator head module. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=82, 21725323].
- Edwards AM, Darst SA, Hemming SA, ..., Kornberg RD (1994) Epitaxial growth of protein crystals on lipid layers. None.
[IF=None, Cited=20, 7656038].
- Chaban Y, Ezeokonkwo C, Chung WH, ..., Asturias FJ (2008) Structure of a RSC-nucleosome complex and insights into
chromatin remodeling. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=85, 19029894].
- Lorch Y, Griesenbeck J, Boeger H, ..., Kornberg RD (2011) Selective removal of promoter nucleosomes by the RSC
chromatin-remodeling complex. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=31, 21725295].
- Kornberg RD, Klug A (1981) The nucleosome. None. [IF=None, Cited=49, 7209486].
- Kornberg RD (2007) An autobiographic conversation with Roger D. Kornberg on his work on transcription regulation. Cell
Death and Differentiation. [IF=2.211, Cited=2, 18007668].
- Kornberg RD (2007) The molecular basis of eucaryotic transcription. Cell Death and Differentiation. [IF=2.211,
Cited=22, 18007670].
- Oberthuer D, Knoška J, Wiedorn MO, ..., Bajt S (2017) Corrigendum: Double-flow focused liquid injector for efficient
serial femtosecond crystallography. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=1, 28635955].
- Thomas JO, Kornberg RD (1975) An octamer of histones in chromatin and free in solution. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=349, 241077].
- Finch JT, Noll M, Kornberg RD (1975) Electron microscopy of defined lengths of chromatin. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=76, 1059115].
- Baer BW, Kornberg RD (1980) Repeating structure of cytoplasmic poly(A)-ribonucleoprotein. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=71, 6929525].
- Bram RJ, Kornberg RD (1985) Specific protein binding to far upstream activating sequences in polymerase II promoters.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=135, 3881758].
- Ludwig DS, Ribi HO, Schoolnik GK, Kornberg RD (1986) Two-dimensional crystals of cholera toxin B-subunit-receptor
complexes: projected structure at 17-A resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=28, 3464971].
- Svejstrup JQ, Feaver WJ, Kornberg RD (1996) Subunits of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription factor TFIIH encoded by
the CCL1 gene. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=20, 8557668].
- Bushnell DA, Bamdad C, Kornberg RD (1996) A minimal set of RNA polymerase II transcription protein interactions. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=44, 8702741].
- Henry NL, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (1996) A yeast transcriptional stimulatory protein similar to human PC4. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=55, 8702984].
- Gustafsson CM, Myers LC, Li Y, ..., Kornberg RD (1997) Identification of Rox3 as a component of mediator and RNA
polymerase II holoenzyme. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=41, 8995225].
- Feaver WJ, Henry NL, Wang Z, ..., Kornberg RD (1997) Genes for Tfb2, Tfb3, and Tfb4 subunits of yeast
transcription/repair factor IIH. Homology to human cyclin-dependent kinase activating kinase and IIH subunits. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=47, 9235928].
- Gnatt A, Fu J, Kornberg RD (1997) Formation and crystallization of yeast RNA polymerase II elongation complexes. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=22, 9388221].
- Gustafsson CM, Myers LC, Beve J, ..., Kornberg RD (1998) Identification of new mediator subunits in the RNA polymerase
II holoenzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=36, 9812975].
- Asturias FJ, Kornberg RD (1999) Protein crystallization on lipid layers and structure determination of the RNA
polymerase II transcription initiation complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=5, 10066729].
- Feaver WJ, Huang W, Gileadi O, ..., Friedberg EC (2000) Subunit interactions in yeast transcription/repair factor TFIIH.
Requirement for Tfb3 subunit in nucleotide excision repair. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=14, 10681587].
- Li Y, Takagi Y, Jiang Y, ..., Kornberg RD (2001) A multiprotein complex that interacts with RNA polymerase II elongator.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=50, 11390369].
- Takagi Y, Komori H, Chang WH, ..., Kornberg RD (2003) Revised subunit structure of yeast transcription factor IIH
(TFIIH) and reconciliation with human TFIIH. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=24, 14500720].
- Borggrefe T, Davis R, Bareket-Samish A, Kornberg RD (2001) Quantitation of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery
in yeast. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=48, 11591727].
- Murakami K, Calero G, Brown CR, ..., Kornberg RD (2013) Formation and fate of a complete 31-protein RNA polymerase II
transcription preinitiation complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=25, 23303183].
- Borggrefe T, Davis R, Erdjument-Bromage H, ..., Kornberg RD (2002) A complex of the Srb8, -9, -10, and -11
transcriptional regulatory proteins from yeast. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=112, 12200444].
- Takagi Y, Kornberg RD (2005) Mediator as a general transcription factor. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=113, 16263706].
- Baer BW, Kornberg RD (1983) The protein responsible for the repeating structure of cytoplasmic
poly(A)-ribonucleoprotein. Journal of Cell Biology. [IF=1.509, Cited=106, 6833379].
- Jensen GJ, Meredith G, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD (1998) Structure of wild-type yeast RNA polymerase II and location of
Rpb4 and Rpb7. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=41, 9545247].
- Leuther KK, Hammarsten O, Kornberg RD, Chu G (1999) Structure of DNA-dependent protein kinase: implications for its
regulation by DNA. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=71, 10064579].
- Prunell A, Kornberg RD (1978) Relation of nucleosomes to nucleotide sequences in the rat. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. [IF=1.629, Cited=6, 26068].
- Friedberg EC, Bardwell AJ, Bardwell L, ..., Wang Z (1995) Nucleotide excision repair in the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae: its relationship to specialized mitotic recombination and RNA polymerase II basal transcription.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. [IF=1.629, Cited=27, 7746856].
- Cairns BR, Levinson RS, Yamamoto KR, Kornberg RD (1996) Essential role of Swp73p in the function of yeast Swi/Snf
complex. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=75, 8804308].
- Myers LC, Gustafsson CM, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (1998) The Med proteins of yeast and their function through the
RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=197, 9420330].
- Chasman DI, Lue NF, Buchman AR, ..., Kornberg RD (1990) A yeast protein that influences the chromatin structure of UASG
and functions as a powerful auxiliary gene activator. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=147, 2361590].
- Lorch Y, LaPointe JW, Kornberg RD (1992) Initiation on chromatin templates in a yeast RNA polymerase II transcription
system. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=30, 1459452].
- Kelleher RJ, Flanagan PM, Chasman DI, ..., Kornberg RD (1992) Yeast and human TFIIDs are interchangeable for the
response to acidic transcriptional activators in vitro. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=42, 1310667].
- Cairns BR, Ramer SW, Kornberg RD (1992) Order of action of components in the yeast pheromone response pathway revealed
with a dominant allele of the STE11 kinase and the multiple phosphorylation of the STE7 kinase. Genes and Development.
[IF=1.985, Cited=125, 1628833].
- Henry NL, Campbell AM, Feaver WJ, ..., Kornberg RD (1994) TFIIF-TAF-RNA polymerase II connection. Genes and Development.
[IF=1.985, Cited=91, 7995524].
- Prunell A, Kornberg RD (1978) Relation of nucleosomes to DNA sequences. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative
Biology. [IF=0.889, Cited=39, 98278].
- Kornberg RD (1977) Structure of chromatin. Annual Review of Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=687, 332067].
- Kaplan CD, Kornberg RD (2008) A bridge to transcription by RNA polymerase. None. [IF=None, Cited=14, 19090964].
- Sayre MH, Tschochner H, Kornberg RD (1992) Reconstitution of transcription with five purified initiation factors and RNA
polymerase II from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=73, 1331084].
- Henry NL, Sayre MH, Kornberg RD (1992) Purification and characterization of yeast RNA polymerase II general initiation
factor g. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=30, 1331085].
- Sayre MH, Tschochner H, Kornberg RD (1992) Purification and properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA polymerase II
general initiation factor a. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=21, 1429681].
- Feaver WJ, Gileadi O, Kornberg RD (1991) Purification and characterization of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription
factor b. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=32, 1918015].
- Edwards AM, Kane CM, Young RA, Kornberg RD (1991) Two dissociable subunits of yeast RNA polymerase II stimulate the
initiation of transcription at a promoter in vitro. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=147, 1985924].
- Flanagan PM, Kelleher RJ, Feaver WJ, ..., Kornberg RD (1990) Resolution of factors required for the initiation of
transcription by yeast RNA polymerase II. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=35, 2193032].
- Lue NF, Kornberg RD (1990) Accurately initiated, enhancer-dependent transcription by RNA polymerase I in yeast extracts.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=10, 2211685].
- Thomas JO, Kornberg RD (1978) The study of histone--histone associations by chemical cross-linking. None. [IF=None,
Cited=94, 355797].
- Baer BW, Kornberg RD (1979) Random location of nucleosomes on genes for 5 S rRNA. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=12, 489561].
- Nojima H, Kornberg RD (1983) Genes and pseudogenes for mouse U1 and U2 small nuclear RNAs. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=28, 6190807].
- Feaver WJ, Henry NL, Bushnell DA, ..., Kornberg RD (1994) Yeast TFIIE. Cloning, expression, and homology to vertebrate
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