Hershko, Avram
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Hershko A (1991) The ubiquitin pathway for protein degradation. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. [IF=2.462, Cited=84, 1656558].
- Eytan E, Moshe Y, Braunstein I, Hershko A (2006) Roles of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome and of its activator
Cdc20 in functional substrate binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=42, 16455800].
- Bornstein G, Ganoth D, Hershko A (2006) Regulation of neddylation and deneddylation of cullin1 in SCFSkp2 ubiquitin
ligase by F-box protein and substrate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=85, 16861300].
- Eytan E, Braunstein I, Ganoth D, ..., Hershko A (2008) Two different mitotic checkpoint inhibitors of the anaphase-
promoting complex/cyclosome antagonize the action of the activator Cdc20. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=21, 18591651].
- Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Eytan E, Kaisari S, ..., Hershko A (2015) Mode of interaction of TRIP13 AAA-ATPase with the
Mad2-binding protein p31comet and with mitotic checkpoint complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=36, 26324890].
- Kaisari S, Shomer P, Ziv T, ..., Hershko A (2019) Role of Polo-like kinase 1 in the regulation of the action of
p31comet in the disassembly of mitotic checkpoint complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=10, 31118282].
- Hershko A (2010) From rabbit reticulocytes to clam oocytes: in search of the system that targets mitotic cyclins for
degradation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. [IF=0.848, Cited=3, 20335505].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Hershko D, Bornstein G, Ben-Izhak O, ..., Hershko A (2001) Inverse relation between levels of p27(Kip1) and of its
ubiquitin ligase subunit Skp2 in colorectal carcinomas. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=109, 11335900].
- Hershko A (2005) The ubiquitin system for protein degradation and some of its roles in the control of the cell-division
cycle (Nobel lecture). Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=63, 16142823].
- Hershko A (1996) Mechanisms and regulation of ubiquitin-mediated cyclin degradation. Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology. [IF=0.945, Cited=9, 8861014].
- Hershko A (2005) Affinity purification of mitotic anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome on p13Suc1. None. [IF=None,
Cited=4, 16275328].
- Ahmed Q, Avidan AY, Ciechanover A, ..., Lavie P (2014) Israel-Gaza conflict. The Lancet. [IF=25.787, Cited=2, 25145777].
- Talmon A, Tal Y, Moss J, ..., Hershko A (2021) Clinical impact of allergy and pre-medication in CT studies with low-
osmolality intravenous iodinated contrast media. Clinical Radiology. [IF=1.019, Cited=1, 34973806].
- Hershko A, Razin A, Shemer R (1999) Imprinted methylation and its effect on expression of the mouse Zfp127 gene. Gene.
[IF=0.932, Cited=18, 10395905].
- Hershko A (1997) Roles of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis in cell cycle control. Current Opinion in Cell Biology.
[IF=1.539, Cited=224, 9425343].
- Hershko A (1996) Lessons from the discovery of the ubiquitin system. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. [IF=2.462,
Cited=45, 8987404].
- Wilkinson K, Hershko A (2015) Irwin Allan Rose (1926-2015). Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 26223618].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, ..., Varshavsky A (2000) Basic Medical Research Award. The ubiquitin system. Nature
Medicine. [IF=11.877, Cited=400, 11017125].
- Moshkovits I, Shik D, Itan M, ..., Munitz A (2013) CMRF35-like molecule 1 (CLM-1) regulates eosinophil homeostasis by
suppressing cellular chemotaxis. Mucosal Immunology. [IF=1.501, Cited=23, 23820751].
- Hershko A (2005) The ubiquitin system for protein degradation and some of its roles in the control of the cell division
cycle. Cell Death and Differentiation. [IF=2.211, Cited=195, 16094395].
- Hershko A, Kindler SH (1966) Mode of interaction of purine nucleotides and amino acids with glutamate dehydrogenase.
Biochemical Journal. [IF=0.852, Cited=7, 16742441].
- Hershko A (1991) The ubiquitin pathway of protein degradation and proteolysis of ubiquitin-protein conjugates.
Biochemical Society Transactions. [IF=0.925, Cited=6, 1664393].
- Hershko A, Finberg Y, Kantor B, ..., Razin A (2001) The mouse Snrpn minimal promoter and its human orthologue: activity
and imprinting. Genes to Cells. [IF=0.518, Cited=5, 11733034].
- Moshe Y, Boulaire J, Pagano M, Hershko A (2004) Role of Polo-like kinase in the degradation of early mitotic inhibitor
1, a regulator of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=139, 15148369].
- Braunstein I, Miniowitz S, Moshe Y, Hershko A (2007) Inhibitory factors associated with anaphase-promoting
complex/cylosome in mitotic checkpoint. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=57, 17360335].
- Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Teichner A, Sitry-Shevah D, Hershko A (2010) ATP is required for the release of the anaphase-
promoting complex/cyclosome from inhibition by the mitotic checkpoint. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=44, 20212161].
- Teichner A, Eytan E, Sitry-Shevah D, ..., Hershko A (2011) p31comet Promotes disassembly of the mitotic checkpoint
complex in an ATP-dependent process. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=71, 21300909].
- Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Eytan E, Ganoth D, ..., Hershko A (2012) Role of phosphorylation of Cdc20 in p31(comet)-stimulated
disassembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=19, 22566641].
- Eytan E, Sitry-Shevah D, Teichner A, Hershko A (2013) Roles of different pools of the mitotic checkpoint complex and the
mechanisms of their disassembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=20, 23754430].
- Eytan E, Wang K, Miniowitz-Shemtov S, ..., Hershko A (2014) Disassembly of mitotic checkpoint complexes by the joint
action of the AAA-ATPase TRIP13 and p31(comet). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=77, 25092294].
- Kaisari S, Sitry-Shevah D, Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Hershko A (2016) Intermediates in the assembly of mitotic checkpoint
complexes and their role in the regulation of the anaphase-promoting complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=11, 26755599].
- Kaisari S, Sitry-Shevah D, Miniowitz-Shemtov S, ..., Hershko A (2017) Role of CCT chaperonin in the disassembly of
mitotic checkpoint complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=29, 28096334].
- Sitry-Shevah D, Kaisari S, Teichner A, ..., Hershko A (2018) Role of ubiquitylation of components of mitotic checkpoint
complex in their dissociation from anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 29432156].
- Kaisari S, Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Sitry-Shevah D, ..., Hershko A (2022) Role of ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR5 in the
disassembly of mitotic checkpoint complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=7, 35217622].
- Shevah-Sitry D, Miniowitz-Shemtov S, Teichner A, ..., Hershko A (2022) Role of phosphorylation of Cdc20 in the
regulation of the action of APC/C in mitosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=3, 36001690].
- Eytan E, Ganoth D, Armon T, Hershko A (1989) ATP-dependent incorporation of 20S protease into the 26S complex that
degrades proteins conjugated to ubiquitin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=187, 2554287].
- Lahav-Baratz S, Sudakin V, Ruderman JV, Hershko A (1995) Reversible phosphorylation controls the activity of cyclosome-
associated cyclin-ubiquitin ligase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=124, 7568122].
- Aristarkhov A, Eytan E, Moghe A, ..., Ruderman JV (1996) E2-C, a cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein required for
the destruction of mitotic cyclins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=85, 8633058].
- Townsley FM, Aristarkhov A, Beck S, ..., Ruderman JV (1997) Dominant-negative cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein
E2-C/UbcH10 blocks cells in metaphase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=147, 9122200].
- Kwon YT, Reiss Y, Fried VA, ..., Varshavsky A (1998) The mouse and human genes encoding the recognition component of the
N-end rule pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=110, 9653112].
- Hershko A (2008) Some lessons from my work on the biochemistry of the ubiquitin system. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=5, 19075010].
- Hershko A, Dranitzki Z, Ulmanski R, ..., Naparstek Y (2001) Constitutive hyperhistaminaemia: a possible mechanism for
recurrent anaphylaxis. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. [IF=0.626, Cited=5, 11681534].
- Huang H, Hittle J, Zappacosta F, ..., Yen TJ (2008) Phosphorylation sites in BubR1 that regulate kinetochore attachment,
tension, and mitotic exit. Journal of Cell Biology. [IF=1.509, Cited=58, 19015317].
- Sudakin V, Ganoth D, Dahan A, ..., Hershko A (1995) The cyclosome, a large complex containing cyclin-selective ubiquitin
ligase activity, targets cyclins for destruction at the end of mitosis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. [IF=0.848,
Cited=468, 7787245].
- Hershkowitz I, Haran A, Hershko A (2023) Neutrophil-erythrocyte rosette formation: case report and proposed mechanism.
QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians. [IF=1.051, Cited=0, 36250894].
- Hershko A (1999) Mechanisms and regulation of the degradation of cyclin B. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society B: Biological Sciences. [IF=1.629, Cited=51, 10582242].
- Salamon P, Shefler I, Moshkovits I, ..., Hershko A (2017) IL-33 and IgE stimulate mast cell production of IL-2 and
regulatory T cell expansion in allergic dermatitis. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. [IF=1.219, Cited=20, 28892206].
- Simhadri VL, Hamasaki-Katagiri N, Tseng SC, ..., Kimchi-Sarfaty C (2014) Factor IX oligomerization underlies reduced
activity upon disruption of physiological conditions. Haemophilia. [IF=1.047, Cited=1, 24417758].
- Hershko A, Hirshberg B, Nahir M, Friedman G (1997) Yellow nail syndrome. Postgraduate Medical Journal. [IF=1.325,
Cited=17, 9307736].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A (1992) The ubiquitin system for protein degradation. Annual Review of
Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=754, 1323239].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A (1998) The ubiquitin system. Annual Review of Biochemistry.
[IF=5.273, Cited=1000, 9759494].
- Scheiman Elazary A, Klahr PP, Hershko A, ..., Naparstek Y (2011) Rituximab induces resolution of recurrent diffuse
alveolar hemorrhage in a patient with primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Lupus. [IF=0.927, Cited=17, 21993385].
- Hershko A (2010) Science as an adventure - lessons for the young scientist. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal.
[IF=0.535, Cited=0, 23908773].
- Hershko A, Ganoth D, Pehrson J, ..., Cohen LH (1991) Methylated ubiquitin inhibits cyclin degradation in clam embryo
extracts. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=138, 1653232].
- Hershko A (1988) Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=241, 2844803].
- Hershko A, Ganoth D, Sudakin V, ..., Eytan E (1994) Components of a system that ligates cyclin to ubiquitin and their
regulation by the protein kinase cdc2. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=136, 8106468].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Kaftory A, Hershko A, Fry M (1978) Protein turnover in senescent cultured chick embryo fibroblasts. Journal of Cellular
Physiology. [IF=1.265, Cited=22, 621215].
- Shteinberg M, Hershko A (1999) Role of Suc1 in the activation of the cyclosome by protein kinase Cdk1/cyclin B.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=28, 10092502].
- Shteinberg M, Protopopov Y, Listovsky T, ..., Hershko A (1999) Phosphorylation of the cyclosome is required for its
stimulation by Fizzy/cdc20. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=90, 10381365].
- Yudkovsky Y, Shteinberg M, Listovsky T, ..., Hershko A (2000) Phosphorylation of Cdc20/fizzy negatively regulates the
mammalian cyclosome/APC in the mitotic checkpoint. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643,
Cited=84, 10799291].
- Mager J, Hershko A, Zeitlin-Beck R, ..., Razin A (1967) Turnover of purine nucleotides in rabbit erythrocytes. I.
Studies in vivo. None. [IF=None, Cited=18, 5582756].
- Hershko A, Razin A, Shoshani T, Mager J (1967) Turnover of purine nucleotides in rabbit erythrocytes. II. Studies in
vitro. None. [IF=None, Cited=18, 5582757].
- Mamont P, Hershko A, Kram R, ..., Tomkins GM (1972) The pleiotypic response in mammalian cells: search for an
intracellular mediator. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=19, 4342710].
- Shechter Y, Rafaeli-Eshkol D, Hershko A (1973) Influence of protease inhibitors and energy metabolism on intracellular
protein breakdown in starving Escherichia coli. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643,
Cited=15, 4356824].
- Rafaeli-Eshkol D, Epstein D, Hershko A (1974) Roles of protein synthesis and tRNA aminoacylation in the regulation of
intracellular protein breakdown in E. coli. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=5, 4615711].
- Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A, Hershko A, Hershko A (1976) Early effects of serum on phospholipid metabolism in
untransformed and oncogenic virus-transformed cultured fibroblasts. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.
[IF=0.643, Cited=9, 187191].
- Ciehanover A, Hod Y, Hershko A (1978) A heat-stable polypeptide component of an ATP-dependent proteolytic system from
reticulocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=308, 666810].
- Eytan E, Hershko A (1984) Relevance of protease "inhibitor" to the ATP-ubiquitin proteolytic system. Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=4, 6331438].
- Hershko A, Heller H (1985) Occurrence of a polyubiquitin structure in ubiquitin-protein conjugates. Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=127, 2988526].
- Raviv O, Heller H, Hershko A (1987) Alterations in components of the ubiquitin-protein ligase system following
maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=11, 3593363].
- Rafaeli-Eshkol D, Hershko A (1974) Regulation of intracellular protein breakdown in stringent and relaxed strains of E.
coli, Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=8, 4607002].
- Hershko A (1983) Ubiquitin: roles in protein modification and breakdown. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=172, 6309404].
- Hershko A, Razin A, Mager J (1969) Regulation of the synthesis of 5-phosphoribosyl-I-pyrophosphate in intact red blood
cells and in cell-free preparations. None. [IF=None, Cited=90, 4307186].
- Aviram M, Hershko A (1977) Interconversion of multiple forms of tyrosine aminotransferase in vitro and in vivo in
cultured hepatoma cells. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 18211].
- Ciechanover A, Hod Y, Hershko A (2012) A heat-stable polypeptide component of an ATP-dependent proteolytic system from
reticulocytes. 1978. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=8, 22925675].
- Abuksis G, Orenstein S, Hershko A, ..., Winbereger D (2004) Cornea recipients: are their opinions and attitudes toward
organ donation different from those of the general population? Transplantation Proceedings. [IF=0.445, Cited=8, 15251304].
- Aviram M, Hershko A (1975) Influence of ATP depletion on the degradation of rapidly labeled RNA in cultured hepatoma
cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=2, 209789].
- Ruderman JV, Sudakin V, Hershko A (1997) Preparation of clam oocyte extracts for cell cycle studies. None. [IF=None,
Cited=3, 9251052].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A (1986) The ubiquitin pathway for the degradation of intracellular
proteins. None. [IF=None, Cited=86, 3025922].
- Epstein D, Elias-Bishko S, Hershko A (1975) Requirement for protein synthesis in the regulation of protein breakdown in
cultured hepatoma cells. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=74, 172118].
- Carrano AC, Eytan E, Hershko A, Pagano M (1999) SKP2 is required for ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the CDK inhibitor
p27. Nature Cell Biology. [IF=3.908, Cited=977, 10559916].
- Ganoth D, Bornstein G, Ko TK, ..., Hershko A (2001) The cell-cycle regulatory protein Cks1 is required for
SCF(Skp2)-mediated ubiquitinylation of p27. Nature Cell Biology. [IF=3.908, Cited=307, 11231585].
- Shemer R, Hershko A, Perk J, ..., Razin A (2000) The imprinting box of the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome domain. Nature
Genetics. [IF=6.89, Cited=65, 11101841].
- Busino L, Donzelli M, Chiesa M, ..., Draetta GF (2003) Degradation of Cdc25A by beta-TrCP during S phase and in response
to DNA damage. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=293, 14603323].
- Hershko A (2005) Early work on the ubiquitin proteasome system, an interview with Avram Hershko. Interview by CDD. Cell
Death and Differentiation. [IF=2.211, Cited=8, 16094391].
- Azaz-Livshits T, Hershko A, Ben-Chetrit E (2002) Paroxetine associated hepatotoxicity: a report of 3 cases and a review
of the literature. Pharmacopsychiatry. [IF=0.781, Cited=23, 12107856].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, ..., Rose IA (1979) Resolution of the ATP-dependent proteolytic system from
reticulocytes: a component that interacts with ATP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=95, 290989].
- Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A, Heller H, ..., Hershko A (1980) ATP-dependent conjugation of reticulocyte proteins with
the polypeptide required for protein degradation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=232, 6769112].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, ..., Rose IA (1980) Proposed role of ATP in protein breakdown: conjugation of
protein with multiple chains of the polypeptide of ATP-dependent proteolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=311, 6990414].
- Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A, Heller H, ..., Hershko A (1981) Activation of the heat-stable polypeptide of the ATP-
dependent proteolytic system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=106, 6262770].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Heller H, ..., Rose IA (1984) Role of the alpha-amino group of protein in ubiquitin-mediated
protein breakdown. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=109, 6095265].
- Hershko A, Leshinsky E, Ganoth D, Heller H (1984) ATP-dependent degradation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=99, 6324208].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Rose IA, Rose IA (1987) Ubiquitin-aldehyde: a general inhibitor of ubiquitin-recycling processes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=103, 3031653].
- Sudakin V, Shteinberg M, Ganoth D, ..., Hershko A (1997) Binding of activated cyclosome to p13(suc1). Use for affinity
purification. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=36, 9218435].
- Moshe Y, Bar-On O, Ganoth D, Hershko A (2011) Regulation of the action of early mitotic inhibitor 1 on the anaphase-
promoting complex/cyclosome by cyclin-dependent kinases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=23, 21454540].
- Golan A, Yudkovsky Y, Hershko A (2002) The cyclin-ubiquitin ligase activity of cyclosome/APC is jointly activated by
protein kinases Cdk1-cyclin B and Plk. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=102, 11859075].
- Sitry D, Seeliger MA, Ko TK, ..., Hershko A (2002) Three different binding sites of Cks1 are required for p27-ubiquitin
ligation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=47, 12140288].
- Bornstein G, Bloom J, Sitry-Shevah D, ..., Hershko A (2003) Role of the SCFSkp2 ubiquitin ligase in the degradation of
p21Cip1 in S phase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=325, 12730199].
- Donzelli M, Squatrito M, Ganoth D, ..., Draetta GF (2002) Dual mode of degradation of Cdc25 A phosphatase. EMBO Journal.
[IF=2.114, Cited=115, 12234927].
- Kafri T, Hershko A, Razin A (1993) Probing CpG methylation at CACGTG with BbrPI restriction enzyme. Nucleic Acids
Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=2, 8332512].
- Amital H, Heilweil-Harel M, Ulmansky R, ..., Naparstek Y (2007) Antibodies against the VRT101 laminin epitope correlate
with human SLE disease activity and can be removed by extracorporeal immunoadsorption. Rheumatology. [IF=1.686,
Cited=20, 17686790].
- Montagnoli A, Fiore F, Eytan E, ..., Pagano M (1999) Ubiquitination of p27 is regulated by Cdk-dependent phosphorylation
and trimeric complex formation. Genes and Development. [IF=1.985, Cited=344, 10323868].
- Hershko A, Fry M (1975) Post-translational cleavage of polypeptide chains: role in assembly. Annual Review of
Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=46, 1094922].
- Hershko A, Hershko A, Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A (1982) Mechanisms of intracellular protein breakdown. Annual Review
of Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=317, 6287917].
- Bar-On O, Shapira M, Skorecki K, ..., Hershko DD (2010) Regulation of APC/C (Cdh1) ubiquitin ligase in differentiation
of human embryonic stem cells. Cell Cycle. [IF=0.792, Cited=17, 20473026].
- Hadari T, Warms JV, Rose IA, ..., Hershko A (1992) A ubiquitin C-terminal isopeptidase that acts on polyubiquitin
chains. Role in protein degradation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=88, 1309773].
- Donzelli M, Busino L, Chiesa M, ..., Draetta GF (2004) Hierarchical order of phosphorylation events commits Cdc25A to
betaTrCP-dependent degradation. Cell Cycle. [IF=0.792, Cited=24, 14752276].
- Aviram M, Hershko A (1975) Proceedings: Energy requirement of the breakdown of RNA in cultured hepatoma cells. None.
[IF=None, Cited=1, 173680].
- Armon T, Ganoth D, Hershko A (1990) Assembly of the 26 S complex that degrades proteins ligated to ubiquitin is
accompanied by the formation of ATPase activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=50, 2174423].
- Reiss Y, Hershko A (1990) Affinity purification of ubiquitin-protein ligase on immobilized protein substrates. Evidence
for the existence of separate NH2-terminal binding sites on a single enzyme. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=36, 2303472].
- Heller H, Hershko A (1990) A ubiquitin-protein ligase specific for type III protein substrates. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=32, 2324089].
- Reiss Y, Heller H, Hershko A (1989) Binding sites of ubiquitin-protein ligase. Binding of ubiquitin-protein conjugates
and of ubiquitin-carrier protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=31, 2732227].
- Ciechanover A, Ciechanover A, Ferber S, ..., Arfin S (1988) Purification and characterization of arginyl-tRNA-protein
transferase from rabbit reticulocytes. Its involvement in post-translational modification and degradation of acidic NH2
termini substrates of the ubiquitin pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=36, 2841321].
- Ganoth D, Leshinsky E, Eytan E, Hershko A (1988) A multicomponent system that degrades proteins conjugated to ubiquitin.
Resolution of factors and evidence for ATP-dependent complex formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=74, 2842333].
- Hershko A (1985) The ATP-ubiquitin proteolytic pathway. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 2994077].
- Hershko A, Heller H, Eytan E, Reiss Y (1986) The protein substrate binding site of the ubiquitin-protein ligase system.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=78, 3017957].
- Reiss Y, Kaim D, Hershko A (1988) Specificity of binding of NH2-terminal residue of proteins to ubiquitin-protein
ligase. Use of amino acid derivatives to characterize specific binding sites. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=74, 3343227].
- Rose IA, Rose IA, Warms JV, ..., Hershko A (1979) A high molecular weight protease in liver cytosol. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=33, 468813].
- Hershko A, Tomkins GM (1972) Control of biochemical processes associated with cellular growth by insulin in transformed
and untransformed cultured mouse fibroblasts. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5051838].
- Shteyer A, Hershko A, Azaz B (1970) Oral surgical treatment of patients with hemophilia "A", treated by cryoprecipitated
factor 8. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5277695].
- Hershko A, Mamont P, Shields R, Tomkins GM (1971) "Pleiotypic response". None. [IF=None, Cited=316, 5285753].
- Hershko A, Jabotinsky K, Mager J (1969) Studies on red cell nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolases. None.
[IF=None, Cited=4, 5387409].
- Hershko A, Tomkins GM (1971) Studies on the degradation of tyrosine aminotransferase in hepatoma cells in culture.
Influence of the composition of the medium and adenosine triphosphate dependence. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
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