Herath, Thushani
Publication with MATCHING institution:
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Attaya A, Wang T, Zou J, ..., Yoon S (2018) Gene expression analysis of isolated salmonid GALT leucocytes in response to
PAMPs and recombinant cytokines. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. [IF=1.219, Cited=8, 29906623].
- Trimpin S, Herath T, Inutan ED, ..., Mackie K (2010) Automated solvent-free matrix deposition for tissue imaging by mass
spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.41, Cited=32, 19968249].
- Trimpin S, Inutan ED, Herath T, McEwen CN (2010) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry method
for selectively producing either singly or multiply charged molecular ions. Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.41, Cited=43, 19904915].
- Herath T, Clinch EC, Orozco I, ..., Marshall P (2016) Relative Rate and Product Studies of the Reactions of Atomic
Chlorine with Tetrafluoroethylene, 1,2-Dichloro-1,2-difluoroethylene, 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethylene, and
Hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene in the Presence of Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=2, 27579511].
- Lin YF, Yan L, Lee SK, ..., Li W (2011) Orbital alignment in photodissociation probed using strong field ionization.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 22191879].
- Lin YF, Lee SK, Adhikari P, ..., Li W (2015) Note: An improved 3D imaging system for electron-electron coincidence
measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments. [IF=0.917, Cited=3, 26429497].
- Karunadasa AKUI, Toma C, Senaratne P, ..., Gamage CD (2024) ELISA for leptospiral 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in
urine is a promising screening tool for acute leptospirosis. Access Microbiology. [IF=0.161, Cited=0, 38868371].
- Herath T, Yan L, Lee SK, Li W (2012) Strong-field ionization rate depends on the sign of the magnetic quantum number.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=11, 23006084].
- Herath T, Ferguson HW, Thompson KD, ..., Richards RH (2012) Ultrastructural morphogenesis of salmonid alphavirus 1.
Journal of Fish Diseases. [IF=0.881, Cited=3, 22913764].
- Rizgalla J, Bron JE, Shinn AP, ..., Ferguson HW (2016) Ulcerative dermatitis in wild dusky grouper Epinephelus
marginatus (Lowe) from Libyan waters. Journal of Fish Diseases. [IF=0.881, Cited=3, 27144368].
- Monaghan SJ, Bergmann SM, Thompson KD, ..., Adams A (2016) Ultrastructural analysis of sequential cyprinid herpesvirus 3
morphogenesis in vitro. Journal of Fish Diseases. [IF=0.881, Cited=0, 28025825].
- Herath T, Guruge D, Fernando M, ..., Senarathna L (2018) The effect of a community based health promotion intervention
to change gender norms among women in a rural community in Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health. [IF=1.661, Cited=4, 30081873].
- Hoare R, Thompson KD, Herath T, ..., Adams A (2016) Development, Characterisation and Application of Monoclonal
Antibodies for the Detection and Quantification of Infectious Salmon Anaemia Virus in Plasma Samples Using Luminex Bead
Array Technology. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253, Cited=5, 27434377].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Trimpin S, Herath T, Inutan ED, ..., Walker JM (2009) Field-free transmission geometry atmospheric pressure matrix-
assisted laser desorption/ionization for rapid analysis of unadulterated tissue samples. Rapid Communications in Mass
Spectrometry. [IF=0.653, Cited=24, 19685478].
- Trimpin S, Inutan ED, Herath T, McEwen CN (2009) Laserspray ionization, a new atmospheric pressure MALDI method for
producing highly charged gas-phase ions of peptides and proteins directly from solid solutions. Molecular and Cellular
Proteomics. [IF=1.296, Cited=51, 19955086].