Harris, Milton
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Harris M, Schaup HW, Selivonchick DP (1988) B-naphthoflavone induction and its effect on hepatic phospholipid metabolism
in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 2898991].
- Siew D, Zahler NH, Cassano AG, ..., Harris M (1999) Identification of adenosine functional groups involved in substrate
binding by the ribonuclease P ribozyme. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=34, 10026268].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Harris A, Harris M, Biller J, ..., Martin B (2000) Aging affects the retrobulbar circulation differently in women and
men. None. [IF=None, Cited=59, 10922201].
- Harris M, Juriloff DM (1997) Genetic landmarks for defects in mouse neural tube closure. None. [IF=None, Cited=34, 9358605].
- Harris M, Juriloff DM (1999) Mini-review: toward understanding mechanisms of genetic neural tube defects in mice. None.
[IF=None, Cited=87, 10525207].
- Harris M, Rodger JC (1998) Characterisation of fibrous sheath and midpiece fibre network polypeptides of marsupial
spermatozoa with a monoclonal antibody. Molecular Reproduction and Development. [IF=0.746, Cited=6, 9669530].
- Harris M, Feldberg RS, Lau KM, ..., Cochrane DE (2000) Expression of proinflammatory genes during estrogen-induced
inflammation of the rat prostate. Prostate. [IF=0.814, Cited=61, 10861753].
- Harris M, Shapiro RL, Roses DF (1995) Malignant melanoma. Primary surgical management (excision and node dissection)
based on pathology and staging. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=14, 7805000].
- Harris M, Montaner JS (2000) Clinical uses of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Reviews in Medical
Virology. [IF=2.449, Cited=21, 10891870].
- Harris M, Eastman RC (2000) Early detection of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus: a US perspective. Diabetes/Metabolism
Research and Reviews. [IF=2.396, Cited=143, 10934451].
- Teschke K, Marion SA, Tsui JKC, ..., Harris M (2013) Parkinson's disease and occupation: differences in associations by
case identification method suggest referral bias. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=10, 24166740].
- Jones MK, Harris M, Peters PA, ..., Demers PA (2014) Prostate cancer and occupational exposure to whole-body vibration
in a national population-based cohort study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=6, 24965268].
- Harris M, Kirkham TL, MacLeod JS, ..., Demers PA (2018) Surveillance of cancer risks for firefighters, police, and armed
forces among men in a Canadian census cohort. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=14, 30073696].
- Pahwa M, Labrèche F, Kim J, ..., Demers PA (2019) The impact of night shift work on breast cancer: Results from the
Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada Study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=6, 31172551].
- Harris M, Kim J, Demers P (2021) Metabolic health measurements of shift workers in a national cross-sectional study:
Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=1, 34346078].
- Zeng X, Berriault C, Arrandale VH, ..., Demers PA (2022) Radon exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases among
male miners in Ontario, Canada: A cohort study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=1, 36495187].
- Wilkinson MJ, Howell A, Harris M, ..., Sellwood RA (1985) Retroperitoneal tumour infiltration detected by bone scanning
in patients with infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=2, 4027536].
- Srinivasan V, Kehinde EO, Harris M, Turner AG (1992) Localized amyloid of the glans penis. British Journal of Surgery.
[IF=2.615, Cited=6, 1467888].
- Sheldon R, Kiff ES, Clarke A, ..., Hamdy S (2005) Sacral nerve stimulation reduces corticoanal excitability in patients
with faecal incontinence. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=64, 16044426].
- Schwaiger N, Wu J, Wright B, ..., Rohanizadeh R (2010) BioWeld(®) Tube and surgical glue for experimental sutureless
venous microanastomosis. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615, Cited=3, 20890932].
- Harris M (1990) Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in black and white Americans. None. [IF=None, Cited=81, 2198151].
- Harris M, Nolan JM, Malhotra A, ..., Pace NR (1994) Use of photoaffinity crosslinking and molecular modeling to analyze
the global architecture of ribonuclease P RNA. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=97, 7521297].
- Harris SE, Sabatini M, Harris M, ..., Mundy GR (1994) Expression of bone morphogenetic protein messenger RNA in
prolonged cultures of fetal rat calvarial cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. [IF=1.839, Cited=83, 8191933].
- Harris SE, Bonewald LF, Harris M, ..., Mundy GR (1994) Effects of transforming growth factor beta on bone nodule
formation and expression of bone morphogenetic protein 2, osteocalcin, osteopontin, alkaline phosphatase, and type I
collagen mRNA in long-term cultures of fetal rat calvarial osteoblasts. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. [IF=1.839,
Cited=187, 8079661].
- Nair S, Song Y, Meghji S, ..., Henderson B (1995) Surface-associated proteins from Staphylococcus aureus demonstrate
potent bone resorbing activity. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. [IF=1.839, Cited=40, 7639108].
- Harris M, Kihlen M, Bywater RP (1993) PLIM: a protein-ligand interaction modeller. Journal of Molecular Recognition.
[IF=0.58, Cited=4, 8060668].
- Deschenes MR, Sherman EG, Roby MA, ..., Harris M (2014) Effect of resistance training on neuromuscular junctions of
young and aged muscles featuring different recruitment patterns. Journal of Neuroscience Research. [IF=1.0, Cited=22, 25287122].
- Harris M, Tsui JK, Marion SA, ..., Teschke K (2012) Association of Parkinson's disease with infections and occupational
exposure to possible vectors. Movement Disorders. [IF=1.981, Cited=37, 22753266].
- Harris M, Cantor AB, Goorin AM, ..., Link MP (1995) Treatment of osteosarcoma with ifosfamide: comparison of response in
pediatric patients with recurrent disease versus patients previously untreated: a Pediatric Oncology Group study. None.
[IF=None, Cited=59, 7990769].
- Rath SR, Marsh JA, Newnham JP, ..., Choong CS (2016) Parental pre-pregnancy BMI is a dominant early-life risk factor
influencing BMI of offspring in adulthood. Obesity Science and Practice. [IF=0.857, Cited=21, 27812379].
- Harris SE, Harris M, Mahy P, ..., Mundy GR (1994) Expression of bone morphogenetic protein messenger RNAs by normal rat
and human prostate and prostate cancer cells. Prostate. [IF=0.814, Cited=76, 8146069].
- Harris M (1989) Cortisone cure of the eyelid closure defect in lidgap-Stein fetal mice: a dose-response and time-
response study as a test of the hypomorph hypothesis for the lidgap alleles. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 2772845].
- Harris M, Juriloff DM, Gunn TM, Miller JE (1994) Development of the cerebellar defect in ataxic SELH/Bc mice. None.
[IF=None, Cited=9, 7974256].
- Harris M, Fallot RD (2001) Envisioning a trauma-informed service system: a vital paradigm shift. None. [IF=None,
Cited=58, 11291260].
- Harris M, Fallot RD (2001) Trauma-informed inpatient services. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 11291261].
- Harris M, Fallot RD (2001) Designing trauma-informed addictions services. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 11291263].
- Harris M, Carney JM, Hua DH, Leedle RA (1994) Detection of oxidation products in individual neurons by fluorescence
microscopy. Experimental Neurology. [IF=1.135, Cited=8, 7925846].
- Harris M, Zacharewski T, Safe S (1993) Comparative potencies of Aroclors 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260 in male Wistar
rats--assessment of the toxic equivalency factor (TEF) approach for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). None. [IF=None,
Cited=26, 8314461].
- Harris M, Neil JC (1994) Myristoylation-dependent binding of HIV-1 Nef to CD4. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281,
Cited=56, 8057354].
- Harris M, Christian EL (1999) Use of circular permutation and end modification to position photoaffinity probes for
analysis of RNA structure. Methods. [IF=0.927, Cited=14, 10208816].
- Harris M, Hartley AL (1997) Value of peer review of pathology in soft tissue sarcomas. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 9286485].
- Harris M (1989) Phenotypic changes in cell culture. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 2483057].
- Harris M, Pace NR (None) Analysis of the tertiary structure of bacterial RNase P RNA. Molecular Biology Reports.
[IF=0.735, Cited=3, 8901497].
- Harris M, Foster SP (1991) Wind tunnel studies of sex pheromone-mediated behavior of the Hessian fly (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology. [IF=0.819, Cited=19, 24258636].
- Harris M, Keller JE, Miller JR (1987) Responses ton-dipropyl disulfide by ovipositing onion flies: Effects of
concentration and site of release. Journal of Chemical Ecology. [IF=0.819, Cited=20, 24302147].
- Harris M (1993) Osmotic stress variants in Chinese hamster cells. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 7507265].
- Harris M (1996) Treating sexual abuse trauma with dually diagnosed women. Community Mental Health Journal. [IF=1.24,
Cited=16, 8840080].
- Harris M (1994) Modifications in service delivery and clinical treatment for women diagnosed with severe mental illness
who are also the survivors of sexual abuse trauma. None. [IF=None, Cited=15, 10138013].
- Harris M (1997) Evidence that resistance to osmotic stress is mediated by gene amplification. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 9217998].
- Harris M, Douglas SD (1990) Nutritional modulation of phagocyte function with special emphasis on the newborn. Indian
Journal of Pediatrics. [IF=1.159, Cited=0, 2246010].
- Harris M, Levy AR, Teschke KE (2008) Personal privacy and public health: potential impacts of privacy legislation on
health research in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. [IF=0.929, Cited=11, 18767274].
- Harris M, Chora L, Bishop CA, Bogart JP (2000) Species- and age-related differences in susceptibility to pesticide
exposure for two amphibians, Rana pipiens, and Bufo americanus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
[IF=0.668, Cited=30, 10656894].
- Heyland DK, van Zanten ARH, Grau-Carmona T, ..., Harris M (2019) A multicenter, randomized, double-blind study of
ulimorelin and metoclopramide in the treatment of critically ill patients with enteral feeding intolerance: PROMOTE
trial. Intensive Care Medicine. [IF=5.381, Cited=12, 31062046].
- Harris M, Wilson LK, Elliott JE, ..., Henning KV (2000) Transfer of DDT and metabolites from fruit orchard soils to
American robins (Turdus migratorius) twenty years after agricultural use of DDT in Canada. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology. [IF=0.881, Cited=40, 10871424].
- Maclean D, Harris M, Drake T, ..., Bryant T (2018) Factors Predicting a Good Symptomatic Outcome After Prostate Artery
Embolisation (PAE). None. [IF=None, Cited=21, 29484467].
- Vigneswaran G, Doshi N, Maclean D, ..., Modi S (2024) Machine Learning to Predict Prostate Artery Embolization Outcomes.
None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 38896298].
- Harris M, Mitchell BM, Sood SG, ..., Venema RC (2008) Increased nitric oxide synthase activity and Hsp90 association in
skeletal muscle following chronic exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. [IF=1.318, Cited=43, 18784937].
- Harris M, Slack KN, Prestosa DT, Hryvniak DJ (2009) Resistance training improves femoral artery endothelial dysfunction
in aged rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology. [IF=1.318, Cited=16, 19859729].
- Eltweri AM, Basamh M, Ting YY, ..., Kuan LL (2024) A retrospective multicentre clinical study on management of isolated
splenic vein thrombosis: risks and benefits of anticoagulation. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. [IF=1.12, Cited=0, 38592545].
- Parker S, Arnautovska U, Korman N, ..., Dark F (2022) Comparative Effectiveness of Integrated Peer Support and Clinical
Staffing Models for Community-Based Residential Mental Health Rehabilitation: A Prospective Observational Study.
Community Mental Health Journal. [IF=1.24, Cited=4, 36057000].
- Fan JK, Macpherson RA, Smith PM, ..., McLeod CB (2021) Age Differences in Work-Disability Duration Across Canada:
Examining Variations by Follow-Up Time and Context. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. [IF=1.508, Cited=1, 32910344].
- Harris M, Hoffman RM, Olesiak M (2021) Chronic Exercise Mitigates the Effects of Sirtuin Inhibition by Salermide on
Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation. Cardiovascular Toxicology. [IF=0.751, Cited=0, 34185244].
- Harris M, Angtuaco T, Frazier CN, Mattison DR (1988) Diagnosis of a viable abdominal pregnancy by magnetic resonance
imaging. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [IF=3.371, Cited=17, 3394735].
- Harris M, Hensley K, Butterfield DA, ..., Carney JM (1995) Direct evidence of oxidative injury produced by the
Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide (1-40) in cultured hippocampal neurons. Experimental Neurology. [IF=1.135, Cited=193, 7895820].
- Harris M, Kennedy JG, Siegesmund KA, Yorde DE (1988) Relationship between distention and absorption in rat intestine. I.
Effect of luminal volume on the morphology of the absorbing surface. Gastroenterology. [IF=5.156, Cited=22, 3350286].
- Harris M, Kennedy JG (1988) Relationship between distention and absorption in rat intestine. II. Effects of volume and
flow rate on transport. Gastroenterology. [IF=5.156, Cited=24, 3350287].
- Harris M, Hay RT (1988) DNA sequences required for the initiation of adenovirus type 4 DNA replication in vitro. Journal
of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=21, 3418700].
- Harris M, Deary IJ, Wilson JA (1996) Life events and difficulties in relation to the onset of globus pharyngis. Journal
of Psychosomatic Research. [IF=1.27, Cited=33, 8843039].
- Harris M, Zacharewski T, Piskorska-Pliszczynska J, ..., Safe S (1990) Structure-dependent induction of aryl hydrocarbon
hydroxylase activity in C57BL/6 mice by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and related congeners: mechanistic studies.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. [IF=0.883, Cited=15, 2219118].
- Harris M, Freeman T, Hughes J (1992) Retinal speed gradients and the perception of surface slant. Vision Research.
[IF=0.963, Cited=11, 1604847].
- Harris M, Hajduk SL (1992) Kinetoplastid RNA editing: in vitro formation of cytochrome b gRNA-mRNA chimeras from
synthetic substrate RNAs. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=48, 1547505].
- Harris M, Schiller HJ, Reilly PM, ..., Bulkley GB (1992) Free radicals and other reactive oxygen metabolites in
inflammatory bowel disease: cause, consequence or epiphenomenon? Pharmacology and Therapeutics. [IF=2.796, Cited=109, 1409852].
- Harris M, Jeste DV, Krull A, ..., Heaton RK (1991) Deficit syndrome in older schizophrenic patients. Psychiatry
Research. [IF=2.134, Cited=10, 1798826].
- Harris M (1992) The conservative management of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible with ultrasound therapy. British
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=73, 1390563].
- Harris M (1993) Central giant cell granulomas of the jaws regress with calcitonin therapy. British Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=97, 8471587].
- Harris M, Birnbaum LS (1989) Developmental toxicity of perfluorodecanoic acid in C57BL/6N mice. None. [IF=None,
Cited=20, 2731659].
- Harris M, Uraih LC, Birnbaum LS (1989) Acute toxicity of perfluorodecanoic acid in C57BL/6 mice differs from
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 2620793].
- Harris M, Chapin RE, Lockhart AC, Jokinen MP (1992) Assessment of a short-term reproductive and developmental toxicity
screen. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 1516774].
- Harris M (1991) Non-radioactive techniques for the labelling of nucleic acids. Biotechnology Advances. [IF=3.437,
Cited=0, 14548736].
- Harris M, Thompson IM (1996) The anatomic radical perineal prostatectomy: a contemporary and anatomic approach. Urology.
[IF=0.983, Cited=21, 8911522].
- Harris M, Beck JC, Lancaster W, ..., Bradford CR (1998) The HPV 6 E6/E7 transforming genes are expressed in inverted
papilloma. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. [IF=1.877, Cited=8, 9527109].
- Harris M, Heaton RK, Schalz A, ..., Patterson TL (1997) Neuroleptic dose reduction in older psychotic patients.
Schizophrenia Research. [IF=1.262, Cited=12, 9416653].
- Witten PE, Harris M, Huysseune A, Winkler C (2016) Small teleost fish provide new insights into human skeletal diseases.
None. [IF=None, Cited=44, 28129851].
- Jardim ACG, Igloi Z, Shimizu JF, ..., Rahal P (2014) Natural compounds isolated from Brazilian plants are potent
inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication in vitro. Antiviral Research. [IF=1.4, Cited=14, 25557602].
- Johansen SL, Iceman KE, Iceman CR, ..., Harris M (2015) Isoflurane causes concentration-dependent inhibition of
medullary raphé 5-HT neurons in situ. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical. [IF=0.858, Cited=9, 26213357].
- Urso K, Caetano-Lopes J, Lee PY, ..., Charles JF (2019) A role for G protein-coupled receptor 137b in bone remodeling in
mouse and zebrafish. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 31173907].
- Nishiyori R, Harris M, Baur K, Meehan SK (2021) Changes in cortical hemodynamics with the emergence of skilled motor
ability in infants: An fNIRS study. Brain Research. [IF=0.766, Cited=3, 34571012].
- Pahwa M, Harris M, MacLeod J, ..., Demers PA (2017) Sedentary work and the risks of colon and rectal cancer by
anatomical sub-site in the Canadian census health and environment cohort (CanCHEC). Cancer Epidemiology. [IF=1.22,
Cited=6, 28651179].
- Ford AC, Luthra P, Hanauer SB, ..., Reinisch W (2014) Placebo response rate in clinical trials of fistulizing Crohn's
disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. [IF=2.701, Cited=13, 25218669].
- Colville JG, Ray A, Harris M, ..., Snaith B (2021) Evaluating cone-beam CT in the diagnosis of suspected scaphoid
fractures in the emergency department: preliminary findings. Clinical Imaging. [IF=0.88, Cited=0, 34979360].
- Harris M, Radford JA, Deakin DP, ..., Cowan RA (2004) Limited field radiotherapy for early stage, infra-diaphragmatic
Hodgkin's lymphoma. Clinical Oncology. [IF=1.125, Cited=2, 14768756].
- Lewis TS, Kennedy JA, Price GJ, ..., Cobben DCP (2020) Palliative Lung Radiotherapy: Higher Dose Leads to Improved
Survival? Clinical Oncology. [IF=1.125, Cited=1, 32600918].
- Shinkins B, Harris M, Lewington A, ..., Snaith B (2020) Kidney function testing prior to contrast-enhanced CT: a
comparative cost analysis of a personalised risk-stratified pathway versus a test all approach. Clinical Radiology.
[IF=1.019, Cited=0, 33109348].
- Elameer M, Harris M, Cox J (2022) Diagnosis of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy: a review of current guidelines.
Clinical Radiology. [IF=1.019, Cited=0, 36123200].
- Wolfe D, Luhmann N, Harris M, ..., Swan T (2015) Human rights and access to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject
drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy. [IF=1.483, Cited=27, 26232055].
- Lazarus JV, Safreed-Harmon K, Stumo SR, ..., Harris M (2017) Restrictions on access to direct-acting antivirals for
people who inject drugs: The European Hep-CORE study and the role of patient groups in monitoring national HCV
responses. International Journal of Drug Policy. [IF=1.483, Cited=9, 28689856].
- Ross PJ, Wasan HS, Croagh D, ..., Harris M (2021) Results of a single-arm pilot study of 32P microparticles
in unresectable locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma with gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel or FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy.
ESMO Open. [IF=1.493, Cited=4, 34953400].
- Vidal L, Dlamini Z, Qian S, ..., Saini KS (2024) Equitable inclusion of diverse populations in oncology clinical trials:
deterrents and drivers. ESMO Open. [IF=1.493, Cited=0, 38718705].
- Harris M, El Hindy M, Usmari-Moraes M, ..., Conway ME (2020) BCAT-induced autophagy regulates Aβ load through an
interdependence of redox state and PKC phosphorylation-implications in Alzheimer's disease. Free Radical Biology and
Medicine. [IF=1.551, Cited=9, 31982508].
- Harris M, Gabriel RA, Dutton RP, Urman RD (2018) A retrospective analysis of factors associated with anesthetic case
duration for cesarean deliveries. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia. [IF=1.341, Cited=0, 29496300].
- Woody CA, Ferrari AJ, Siskind DJ, ..., Harris M (2017) A systematic review and meta-regression of the prevalence and
incidence of perinatal depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. [IF=1.877, Cited=452, 28531848].
- Harris M, Prior JC, Koehoorn M (2008) Age at menarche in the Canadian population: secular trends and relationship to
adulthood BMI. Journal of Adolescent Health. [IF=2.016, Cited=58, 19027642].
- Garza-Leal J, Castillo L, Harris M (2015) Endometrial Ablation With the AEGEA Vapor System in Challenging Uterine
Anatomies. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. [IF=1.338, Cited=0, 27679249].
- Gritti M, Jegatheeswaran A, Yissar D, ..., McCrindle BW (2020) Understanding the literature: Complexity of statistical
methods used in high-impact cardiothoracic surgery research. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. [IF=2.274,
Cited=0, 33349448].
- Harris M (2007) Scaffolding reflective journal writing - negotiating power, play and position. Nurse Education Today.
[IF=1.622, Cited=2, 17698259].
- Iceman KE, Harris M (2013) A group of non-serotonergic cells is CO2-stimulated in the medullary raphé. Neuroscience.
[IF=0.846, Cited=11, 24333211].
- Mazza D, McCarthy E, Carey M, ..., Harris M (2019) "90% of the time, it's not just weight": General practitioner and
practice staff perspectives regarding the barriers and enablers to obesity guideline implementation. Obesity Research
and Clinical Practice. [IF=0.996, Cited=7, 31109793].
- Mazza D, McCarthy E, Singh N, ..., Harris M (2020) "There's always something else": Patient perspectives on improving
the implementation of obesity guidelines in general practice. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. [IF=0.996,
Cited=1, 32962956].
- Harris M, Butler DL, Boivin GP, ..., Wenstrup RJ (2004) Mesenchymal stem cells used for rabbit tendon repair can form
ectopic bone and express alkaline phosphatase activity in constructs. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. [IF=1.22,
Cited=141, 15304271].
- Harris M, Koehoorn M, Teschke K (2011) Ongoing challenges to finding people with Parkinson's disease for epidemiological
studies: a comparison of population-level case ascertainment methods. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. [IF=1.19,
Cited=3, 21531606].
- Branion-Calles M, Teschke K, Koehoorn M, ..., Harris M (2021) Estimating walking and bicycling in Canada and their road
collision fatality risks: The need for a national household travel survey. Preventive Medicine Reports. [IF=1.049,
Cited=3, 33898207].
- KilBride AL, Mendl M, Statham P, ..., Green LE (2014) Risks associated with preweaning mortality in 855 litters on 39
commercial outdoor pig farms in England. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. [IF=1.119, Cited=8, 25175675].
- Pierson J, Osborne C, Kan A, ..., Wolstenhulme S (2017) Letter to the Editor. Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=0, 28687299].
- Flintham K, Field L, Harris M, ..., Snaith B (2017) RE: Can placing lead-rubber inferolateral to the light beam
diaphragm limit ionising radiation to multiple radiosensitive organs? Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=0, 29306383].
- Palmer D, Snaith B, Harris M (2018) Assistant radiographer practitioners: Creating capacity or challenging professional
boundaries? Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=3, 29976338].
- Snaith B, Walker A, Robertshaw S, ..., Harris M (2020) Has NICE guidance changed the management of the suspected
scaphoid fracture: A survey of UK practice. Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=4, 33011069].
- Harris M, Snaith B, Adamson HK, ..., Woznitza N (2020) An analysis of advanced and specialist posts in diagnostic
radiography: Do job descriptions describe advanced practice? Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=1, 33115632].
- Strudwick R, Harris M, McAlinney H, ..., O'Regan T (2021) The College of Radiographers Research Strategy for the next
five years. Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=2, 34247913].
- Hughes J, Harris M, Snaith B, Benn H (2022) Comparison of scattered entrance skin dose burden in MSCT, CBCT, and X-ray
for suspected scaphoid injury: Regional dose measurements in a phantom model. Radiography. [IF=1.024, Cited=1, 35183441].
- McWilliam A, Lee L, Harris M, ..., van Herk M (2017) Benefit of using motion compensated reconstructions for reducing
inter-observer and intra-observer contouring variation for organs at risk in lung cancer patients. Radiotherapy and
Oncology. [IF=1.715, Cited=2, 29221648].
- Hoffman M, Taylor BE, Harris M (2015) Evolution of lung breathing from a lungless primitive vertebrate. Respiratory
Physiology and Neurobiology. [IF=0.704, Cited=10, 26476056].
- Harris M, Wilson LK, Trudeau SF, Elliott JE (2007) Vitamin A and contaminant concentrations in surf scoters (Melanitta
perspicillata) wintering on the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. [IF=2.026,
Cited=4, 17407786].
- MacLeod JS, Harris M, Tjepkema M, ..., Demers PA (2017) Cancer Risks among Welders and Occasional Welders in a National
Population-Based Cohort Study: Canadian Census Health and Environmental Cohort. Safety and Health at Work. [IF=1.658,
Cited=17, 28951802].
- Westman ME, Malik R, Hall E, ..., Norris JM (2016) The protective rate of the feline immunodeficiency virus vaccine: An
Australian field study. Vaccine. [IF=1.264, Cited=25, 27522177].
- Harris M (1992) Flash sterilization. Is it safe for routine use? AORN Journal. [IF=0.555, Cited=0, 1610153].
- Harris M, Olive DL (1994) Changing hysterectomy patterns after introduction of laparoscopically assisted vaginal
hysterectomy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [IF=3.371, Cited=30, 8059810].
- Harris M, Davis DJ, Durham B, Millett F (1997) Temperature and viscosity dependence of the electron-transfer reaction
between plastocyanin and cytochrome c labeled with a ruthenium(II) bipyridine complex. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 9131042].
- Harris M, Ming LJ (1999) Different phosphate binding modes of Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase between crystal and
solution states and the status of zinc-bound water. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=6, 10437797].
- Harris M, Laudito A, Waye JD (1994) Colonoscopic features of colonic anastomoses. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. [IF=2.7,
Cited=7, 7988817].
- Harris M, Bunker CH, Hamman RF, ..., Kamboh MI (1998) Racial differences in the distribution of a low density
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Australia. [IF=1.604, Cited=0, 10474584].
- Harris M, Ginn D (1999) Adult attention deficit disorder and child abuse. Medical Journal of Australia. [IF=1.604,
Cited=1, 10590730].
- Traynor VJ, Rose VK, Harris E, ..., Harris M (2000) What role for Divisions of General Practice in addressing health
inequity within their communities? Medical Journal of Australia. [IF=1.604, Cited=0, 10937033].
- Blakeman TM, Harris M, Comino EJ, Zwar NA (2001) Evaluating general practitioners' views about the implementation of the
Enhanced Primary Care Medicare items. Medical Journal of Australia. [IF=1.604, Cited=17, 11556428].
- Harris M, Telfer BL (None) The health needs of asylum seekers living in the community. Medical Journal of Australia.
[IF=1.604, Cited=21, 11837853].
- Harris M, Penrose-Wall J (2001) Mental distress or disorder? Medical Journal of Australia. [IF=1.604, Cited=2, 11556439].
- Harris M (1996) Medical care for patients with diabetes. Epidemiologic aspects. Annals of Internal Medicine. [IF=5.157,
Cited=59, 8554202].
- Fedynich AM, Bryan AL, Harris M (1998) Hematozoa in the endangered wood stork from Georgia. Journal of Wildlife
Diseases. [IF=0.601, Cited=3, 9476241].
- Kreuder C, Miller MA, Jessup DA, ..., Mazet JA (2003) Patterns of mortality in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris
nereis) from 1998-2001. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. [IF=0.601, Cited=106, 14567210].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Kornberg R, Harris M, Ackerman AB (1978) Epidermotropically metastatic malignant melanoma. Differentiating malignant
melanoma metastatic to the epidermis from malignant melanoma primary in the epidermis. None. [IF=None, Cited=37, 619785].
- Marbella AM, Harris M, Diehr S, Ignace G (1998) Use of Native American healers among Native American patients in an
urban Native American health center. None. [IF=None, Cited=46, 9519925].
- Berman PH, Nigro MA, Harris M, Oski FA (1973) Activation of fibrinolysis in muscular dystrophy. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 4711808].
- McDonald HR, Harris M (1988) Operating microscope-induced retinal phototoxicity during pars plana vitrectomy. None.
[IF=None, Cited=24, 3355421].
- Jospe N, Kaplowitz PB, McCurdy FA, ..., Boyle R (2001) Third-year medical student survey of office preceptorships during
the pediatric clerkship. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 11343504].
- Harris M, Harrington G, Beveridge J (1968) Modification to the technique for small bowel biopsy in children including
the use of metoclopramide. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 5635058].
- Harris M, Moskowitz WB, Engle WD, ..., Kumar S (1981) Group B streptococcal septicemia and delayed-onset diaphragmatic
hernia. A new clinical association. None. [IF=None, Cited=11, 7023232].
- Weiner MA, Harris M, Siegel RB, Klein G (1982) Ganglioneuroma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in association with
neurofibromatosis. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 6816063].
- Alpert G, Campos JM, Harris M, ..., Plotkin SA (1984) Vancomycin dosage in pediatrics reconsidered. None. [IF=None,
Cited=12, 6691310].
- Gruskay J, Harris M, Costarino AT, ..., Baumgart S (1989) Neonatal Staphylococcus epidermidis meningitis with
unremarkable CSF examination results. None. [IF=None, Cited=21, 2718994].
- Fisher J, Epstein LJ, Harris M (1967) Validity of the psychiatric interview. Predicting the effectiveness of the first
Peace Corps volunteers in Ghana. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 6059230].
- Dowds BN, Fontana AF, Russakoff M, Harris M (1977) Cognitive mediators between patients' social class and therapists'
evaluations. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 889414].
- Gilbert PL, Harris M, McAdams LA, Jeste DV (1995) Neuroleptic withdrawal in schizophrenic patients. A review of the
literature. None. [IF=None, Cited=200, 7872841].
- Jeste DV, Gilbert PL, McAdams LA, Harris M (1995) Considering neuroleptic maintenance and taper on a continuum. Need for
individual rather than dogmatic approach. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 7872848].
- Jeste DV, Caligiuri MP, Paulsen JS, ..., McAdams LA (1995) Risk of tardive dyskinesia in older patients. A prospective
longitudinal study of 266 outpatients. None. [IF=None, Cited=145, 7654127].
- Drake RE, McHugo GJ, Bebout RR, ..., Quimby E (1999) A randomized clinical trial of supported employment for inner-city
patients with severe mental disorders. None. [IF=None, Cited=114, 10401508].
- Roses DF, Campion JF, Harris M, Gumport SL (1979) Malignant melanoma. Delayed hypersensitivity skin testing. None.
[IF=None, Cited=5, 758875].
- Roses DF, Harris M, Gumport SL (1981) Surgical management for malignant melanoma of the trunk. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 7469772].
- Roses DF, Harris M, Hidalgo D, ..., Dubin N (1982) Primary melanoma thickness correlated with regional lymph node
metastases. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 7092543].
- Mitnick JS, Vazquez MF, Roses DF, ..., Waisman J (1991) Stereotaxic localization for fine-needle aspiration breast
biopsy. Initial experience with 300 patients. None. [IF=None, Cited=17, 1656912].
- Harris M, Gumport SL (1973) Total excision biopsy for primary malignant melanoma. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical
Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=12, 4740941].
- Montaner JS, Reiss P, Cooper D, ..., Lange JM (1998) A randomized, double-blind trial comparing combinations of
nevirapine, didanosine, and zidovudine for HIV-infected patients: the INCAS Trial. Italy, The Netherlands, Canada and
Australia Study. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=435, 9544767].
- Gu K, Cowie CC, Harris M (1999) Diabetes and decline in heart disease mortality in US adults. JAMA - Journal of the
American Medical Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=443, 10208144].
- Troisi RJ, Cowie CC, Harris M (2000) Diurnal variation in fasting plasma glucose: implications for diagnosis of diabetes
in patients examined in the afternoon. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=48, 11135780].
- Morphopoulos G, Pearson M, Ryder WD, ..., Harris M (1996) Tumour angiogenesis as a prognostic marker in infiltrating
lobular carcinoma of the breast. Journal of Pathology. [IF=1.708, Cited=26, 8943814].
- Gunn TM, Juriloff DM, Harris M (1996) Exencephaly and cleft cerebellum in SELH/Bc mouse embryos are alternative
developmental consequences of the same underlying genetic defect. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 9035344].
- Hall JL, Harris M, Juriloff DM (1997) Effect of multifactorial genetic liability to exencephaly on the teratogenic
effect of valproic acid in mice. None. [IF=None, Cited=15, 9261924].
- Dolinski K, Ball CA, Chervitz SA, ..., Botstein D (1998) Expanding yeast knowledge online. Yeast. [IF=0.782, Cited=6, 9885151].
- Köck H, Harris M, Anderson SC, ..., Maneval DC (1996) Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer suppresses growth of human
glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Cancer. [IF=1.931, Cited=56, 8824552].
- Jenkins EC, Schupf N, Genovese M, ..., Brown WT (1997) Increased low-level chromosome 21 mosaicism in older individuals
with Down syndrome. None. [IF=None, Cited=14, 9028448].
- Kung FH, Harris M, Krischer JP (1999) Ifosfamide/carboplatin/etoposide (ICE), an effective salvaging therapy for
recurrent malignant non-Hodgkin lymphoma of childhood: a Pediatric Oncology Group phase II study. None. [IF=None,
Cited=11, 10064193].
- Awad HA, Butler DL, Harris M, ..., Boivin GP (2000) In vitro characterization of mesenchymal stem cell-seeded collagen
scaffolds for tendon repair: effects of initial seeding density on contraction kinetics. None. [IF=None, Cited=128, 10825223].
- Chang AB, Masters IB, Williams GR, ..., O'Neil MC (2000) A modified nasopharyngeal tube to relieve high upper airway
obstruction. Pediatric Pulmonology. [IF=0.981, Cited=17, 10738018].
- Berglund CA, Pond CD, Harris M, ..., Boland C (1997) The formation of professional and consumer solutions: ethics in the
general practice setting. Health Care Analysis. [IF=1.339, Cited=0, 10167720].
- Patterson TL, Shaw W, Semple SJ, ..., Jeste DV (1997) Health-related quality of life in older patients with
schizophrenia and other psychoses: relationships among psychosocial and psychiatric factors. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry. [IF=1.488, Cited=33, 9178049].
- Day CL, Sober AJ, Lew RA, ..., Postel A (1981) Malignant melanoma patients with positive nodes and relatively good
prognoses: microstaging retains prognostic significance in clinical stage I melanoma patients with metastases to
regional nodes. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=76, 7226047].
- Trau H, Rigel DS, Harris M, ..., Grier WR (1983) Metastases of thin melanomas. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=38, 6821832].
- Harrist TJ, Rigel DS, Day CL, ..., Golomb FM (1984) "Microscopic satellites" are more highly associated with regional
lymph node metastases than is primary melanoma thickness. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=60, 6704906].
- Harris M, Shen S, Weiner MA, ..., Rose J (1984) Treatment of primary undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver with surgery
and chemotherapy. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=26, 6541966].
- Brecher ML, Berger P, Freeman AI, ..., Cohen ME (1985) Computerized tomography scan findings in children with acute
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- Voorhess ML, Brecher ML, Glicksman AS, ..., Freeman AI (1986) Hypothalamic-pituitary function of children with acute
lymphocytic leukemia after three forms of central nervous system prophylaxis. A retrospective study. Cancer. [IF=2.097,
Cited=27, 3753892].
- Mishriki Y, D'Amore J, Harris M, Nathanson L (1987) Bilateral adult Wilms' tumor. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=2, 3028598].
- Steward WP, Crowther D, McWilliam LJ, ..., Harris M (1988) Maintenance chlorambucil after CVP in the management of
advanced stage, low-grade histologic type non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. A randomized prospective study with an assessment of
prognostic factors. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=46, 3338014].
- Bystryn JC, Oratz R, Harris M, ..., Speyer JL (1988) Immunogenicity of a polyvalent melanoma antigen vaccine in humans.
Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=36, 3342366].
- Dumont AE, Harris M, Vazquez M (1990) Regional differences in the intranodal distribution of tumor cells. Cancer.
[IF=2.097, Cited=1, 2208007].
- Birch JM, Hartley AL, Blair V, ..., Jones PH (1990) Cancer in the families of children with soft tissue sarcoma. Cancer.
[IF=2.097, Cited=45, 2224780].
- Krance RA, Newman EM, Ravindranath Y, ..., Crist W (1991) A pilot study of intermediate-dose methotrexate and cytosine
arabinoside, "spread-out" or "up-front," in continuation therapy for childhood non-T, non-B acute lymphoblastic
leukemia. A Pediatric Oncology Group study. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=13, 1985748].
- Hartley AL, Birch JM, Blair V, ..., Jones PH (1993) Patterns of cancer in the families of children with soft tissue
sarcoma. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=23, 8334646].
- de Campos ES, Menasce LP, Radford J, ..., Thatcher N (1994) Metastatic carcinoma of uncertain primary site: a
retrospective review of 57 patients treated with vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide (VAC) or VAC alternating
with cisplatin and etoposide (VAC/PE). Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=8, 8293415].
- Jayson GC, Howell A, Harris M, ..., Ryder WD (1994) Carcinomatous meningitis in patients with breast cancer. An
aggressive disease variant. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=59, 7982179].
- Miller K, Abeles G, Oratz R, ..., Bystryn JC (1995) Improved survival of patients with melanoma with an antibody
response to immunization to a polyvalent melanoma vaccine. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=31, 7812920].
- Cangiarella J, Symmans WF, Shapiro RL, ..., Waisman J (2000) Aspiration biopsy and the clinical management of patients
with malignant melanoma and palpable regional lymph nodes. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=18, 10896329].
- Chen T, Kumar G, Harris M, ..., Payne GF (2000) Enzymatic grafting of hexyloxyphenol onto chitosan to alter surface and
rheological properties. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. [IF=0.932, Cited=20, 11042553].
- Sisk EA, Bradford CR, Jacob A, ..., Gregoire L (2000) Human papillomavirus infection in "young" versus "old" patients
with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Head and Neck. [IF=1.334, Cited=34, 11002318].
- Germiller JA, Myers LL, Harris M, Bradford CR (2001) Pseudoaneurysm of the proximal facial artery presenting as
oropharyngeal hemorrhage. Head and Neck. [IF=1.334, Cited=8, 11428458].
- Kivlahan DR, Harris M, Moore JE, ..., Donovan DM (1985) Validation of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes Scale as
a measure of intelligence in male alcoholics. Journal of Clinical Psychology. [IF=1.258, Cited=0, 3980754].
- Huang WX, Gao Q, Harris M, ..., Vivilecchia RV (2001) Separation of ritalin racemate and its by-product racemates by
capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. [IF=0.842, Cited=6, 11589283].
- Harris M, Exner T, Rickard KA, Kronenberg H (1985) Multiple cerebral thrombosis in Fletcher factor (prekallikrein)
deficiency: a case report. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=21, 3849258].
- Russo SA, Harris M, Greengard O (1987) Diminished lymphocyte and granulocyte gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activity in
acute lymphocytic leukemia and response to chemotherapy. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=5, 2888307].
- Charba D, Moake JL, Harris M, Hester JP (1993) Abnormalities of von Willebrand factor multimers in drug-associated
thrombotic microangiopathies. American Journal of Hematology. [IF=2.714, Cited=20, 8438900].
- Harris M, Carriere AR (1985) Planning a statewide genetic screening program: defining program functions to achieve
desired outcomes. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 4073125].
- Miller CH, Hilgartner MW, Harris M, ..., Aledort LM (1986) Concurrence of von Willebrand's disease and hemophilia A:
implications for carrier detection and prevalence. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 3085499].
- Graham JM, Saunders R, Fratkin J, ..., Klein RZ (1986) A cluster of Pallister-Hall syndrome cases, (congenital
hypothalamic hamartoblastoma syndrome). None. [IF=None, Cited=20, 3146300].
- Jeziorowska A, Ciesla W, Houck GE, ..., Kaluzewski B (1993) Cytogenetic and molecular identification of a de novo direct
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- Van Allen MI, Kalousek DK, Chernoff GF, ..., Chitayat D (1993) Evidence for multi-site closure of the neural tube in
humans. None. [IF=None, Cited=186, 8267004].
- Sorensen LB, Paunicka K, Harris M (1983) Reversal of scleroderma renal crisis for more than two years in a patient
treated with captopril. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 6344871].
- Valente EJ, Smith TN, Harris M (2001) Discrimination in resolving systems. VI. Comparison of the diastereomers of
deoxyephedrinium and ephedrinium 4'-fluoromandelates. Chirality. [IF=0.632, Cited=2, 11317345].
- Shammas NW, Harris M, McKinney D, Hauber WJ (2001) Digoxin withdrawal in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy following
normalization of ejection fraction with beta blockers. Clinical Cardiology. [IF=0.88, Cited=1, 11768743].
- Bystryn JC, Oratz R, Roses D, ..., Lew R (1992) Relationship between immune response to melanoma vaccine immunization
and clinical outcome in stage II malignant melanoma. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=45, 1739915].
- Kendall PC, Khanna MS, Edson A, ..., Harris M (2011) Computers and psychosocial treatment for child anxiety: recent
advances and ongoing efforts. Depression and Anxiety. [IF=2.336, Cited=16, 21049529].
- Stern E, Parmelee AH, Harris M (1973) Sleep state periodicity in prematures and young infants. Developmental
Psychobiology. [IF=0.735, Cited=34, 4793365].
- Ma TH, Anderson VA, Harris M, Bare JL (1983) Tradescantia-Micronucleus (Trad-MCN) test on the genotoxicity of malathion.
None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 6861722].
- Wagstaff J, Steward W, Jones M, ..., Crowther D (1986) Factors affecting remission and survival in patients with
advanced Hodgkin's disease treated with MVPP. Hematological Oncology. [IF=0.919, Cited=13, 2427429].
- Smith DB, Harris M, Gowland E, ..., Scarffe JH (1986) Non-secretory multiple myeloma: a report of 13 cases with a review
of the literature. Hematological Oncology. [IF=0.919, Cited=22, 3549511].
- Latzman GS, Kornbluth A, Murphy SJ, ..., Harris M (2007) Use of an intravascular thrombectomy device to treat life-
threatening venous thrombosis in a patient with Crohn's disease and G20210A prothrombin gene mutation. Inflammatory
Bowel Diseases. [IF=1.468, Cited=6, 17206666].
- Wilkinson MJ, Howell A, Harris M, ..., Sellwood RA (1984) The prognostic significance of two epithelial membrane
antigens expressed by human mammary carcinomas. International Journal of Cancer. [IF=1.931, Cited=65, 6365800].
- Pollard VW, Harris M, Hajduk SL (1992) Native mRNA editing complexes from Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria. EMBO Journal.
[IF=2.114, Cited=109, 1330537].
- Harris M (1975) Treatment of acute schizophrenia with a new butyrophenone-lenperone. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
[IF=0.95, Cited=0, 1091666].
- Chapin RE, Wine RN, Harris M, ..., Haseman JK (2001) Structure and control of a cell-cell adhesion complex associated
with spermiation in rat seminiferous epithelium. None. [IF=None, Cited=68, 11700851].
- Doraiswamy A, Narayan RJ, Harris M, ..., Chrisey DB (2007) Laser microfabrication of hydroxyapatite-osteoblast-like cell
composites. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. [IF=0.917, Cited=18, 17051538].
- Hall JA, Harris M, Malark M, ..., Harris SE (1990) Characterization of the hamster DDT-1 cell aFGF/HGBF-I gene and cDNA
and its modulation by steroids. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. [IF=0.787, Cited=13, 1693366].
- Hall JA, Harris M, Intres R, Harris SE (1993) Acidic fibroblast growth factor gene 5' non-coding exon and flanking
region from hamster DDT1 cells: identification of the promoter region and transcriptional regulation by testosterone and
aFGF protein. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. [IF=0.787, Cited=9, 7679390].
- Schlegel R, Harris M, Belinsky GS (1995) Tyrosine phosphorylations specific to mitosis in human and hamster cells.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. [IF=0.787, Cited=0, 7539009].
- Bailey PJ, Harris M (1968) Patterns of resistance to 2-deoxy-D-glucose in pig kidney cells. Journal of Cellular
Physiology. [IF=1.265, Cited=1, 5663112].
- Harris M (1971) Mutation rates in cells at different ploidy levels. Journal of Cellular Physiology. [IF=1.265,
Cited=107, 5167848].
- Harris M (1972) Effect of x-irradiation of one partner on hybrid frequency in fusions between Chinese hamster cells.
Journal of Cellular Physiology. [IF=1.265, Cited=14, 4672335].
- Harris M (1975) Non-mendelian segregation in hybrids between chinese hamster cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology.
[IF=1.265, Cited=29, 1194375].
- Loredo GA, Brukman A, Harris M, ..., Gilbert SF (2001) Development of an evolutionarily novel structure: fibroblast
growth factor expression in the carapacial ridge of turtle embryos. None. [IF=None, Cited=18, 11598915].
- Juriloff DM, Harris M (1993) Retinoic acid, cortisone, or thyroxine suppresses the mutant phenotype of the eyelid
development mutation, lgMl, in mice. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 8423438].
- Konstantinidis P, Harris M (2011) Same but different: ontogeny and evolution of the Musculus adductor mandibulae in the
Tetraodontiformes. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. [IF=0.7, Cited=7, 20922774].
- Festoff BW, Munoz PA, Patel MK, ..., Beach RL (1989) Monoclonal antibody detects embryonic epitope specific for nerve-
derived transferrin. Journal of Neuroscience Research. [IF=1.0, Cited=5, 2474665].
- Webber RJ, Harris M, Hough AJ (1985) Cell culture of rabbit meniscal fibrochondrocytes: proliferative and synthetic
response to growth factors and ascorbate. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. [IF=1.22, Cited=87, 3981294].
- Erickson DM, Harris SE, Dean DD, ..., Schwartz Z (1997) Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 regulates
costochondral growth plate chondrocytes and induces expression of BMP-2 and BMP-4 in a cell maturation-dependent manner.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research. [IF=1.22, Cited=31, 9246083].
- Harris M (1981) Preparation and release characteristics of potassium chloride microcapsules. Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences. [IF=1.035, Cited=7, 7229950].
- Charny CK, Jacobowitz G, Melamed J, ..., Harris M (1995) Sinus histiocytosis mimicking metastatic melanoma in lymph
nodes of a patient with a large joint prosthesis: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Surgical
Oncology. [IF=1.036, Cited=6, 7564379].
- Wright B, Vicaretti M, Schwaiger N, ..., Harris M (2007) Laser-assisted end-to-end BioWeld anastomosis in an ovine
model. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. [IF=1.281, Cited=4, 17886280].
- Hartley AL, Birch JM, Marsden HB, ..., Blair V (1988) Malignant disease in the mothers of children with Ewing's tumour.
None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 3352541].
- Hartley AL, Birch JM, Kelsey AM, ..., Blair V (1990) Epidemiological and familial aspects of hepatoblastoma. None.
[IF=None, Cited=15, 2154662].
- Harris M, Persaud V (1974) Carcinosarcoma of the breast. Journal of Pathology. [IF=1.708, Cited=29, 4834054].
- Harris M, Ahmed A (1977) The ultrastructure of tubular carcinoma of the breast. Journal of Pathology. [IF=1.708,
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- Harris M, Palmer MK (1980) The structure of the human thyroid in relation to ageing and focal thyroiditis. Journal of
Pathology. [IF=1.708, Cited=2, 7365576].
- Morrissey RE, Harris M, Schwetz BA (1989) Developmental toxicity screen: results of rat studies with diethylhexyl
phthalate and ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 2568021].
- Juriloff DM, Gunn TM, Harris M, ..., Dewell SL (2001) Multifactorial genetics of exencephaly in SELH/Bc mice. None.
[IF=None, Cited=24, 11598925].
- Harris M, Fraser FC (1968) Lid gap in newborn mice: a study of its cause and prevention. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 5759143].
- Harris M, Juriloff DM, Biddle FG (1984) Cortisone cure of the lidgap defect in fetal mice: a dose-response and time-
response study. None. [IF=None, Cited=18, 6740513].
- Juriloff DM, Harris M (1985) Thyroxine-induced differential mortality of cleft lip mouse embryos: dose- and time-
response studies of the A/WySn strain. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 4040275].
- Birnbaum LS, Harris M, Miller CP, ..., Lamb JC (1986) Synergistic interaction of 2,3,7,8,-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
and hydrocortisone in the induction of cleft palate in mice. None. [IF=None, Cited=25, 3738807].
- Macdonald KB, Juriloff DM, Harris M (1989) Developmental study of neural tube closure in a mouse stock with a high
incidence of exencephaly. None. [IF=None, Cited=61, 2928966].
- Juriloff DM, Harris M (1989) A scanning electron microscope study of fetal eyelid closure accelerated by cortisone in
SWV/Bc mice. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 2763210].
- Juriloff DM, Macdonald KB, Harris M (1989) Genetic analysis of the cause of exencephaly in the SELH/Bc mouse stock.
None. [IF=None, Cited=28, 2814901].
- Abbott BD, Harris M, Birnbaum LS (1989) Etiology of retinoic acid-induced cleft palate varies with the embryonic stage.
None. [IF=None, Cited=64, 2623642].
- Lindström P, Harris M, Hoberman AM, ..., Morrissey RE (1990) Developmental toxicity of orally administered
2',3'-dideoxycytidine in mice. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 2171152].
- Tom C, Juriloff DM, Harris M (1991) Studies of the effect of retinoic acid on anterior neural tube closure in mice
genetically liable to exencephaly. None. [IF=None, Cited=27, 2006470].
- Juriloff DM, Harris M, Tom C, MacDonald KB (1991) Normal mouse strains differ in the site of initiation of closure of
the cranial neural tube. None. [IF=None, Cited=67, 1925982].
- Abbott BD, Harris M, Birnbaum LS (1992) Comparisons of the effects of TCDD and hydrocortisone on growth factor
expression provide insight into their interaction in the embryonic mouse palate. None. [IF=None, Cited=28, 1731395].
- Gunn TM, Juriloff DM, Harris M (1992) Further genetic studies of the cause of exencephaly in SELH mice. None. [IF=None,
Cited=11, 1412061].
- Juriloff DM, Harris M, Harrod ML, ..., Miller JE (1993) Ataxia and a cerebellar defect in the exencephaly-prone SELH/Bc
mouse stock. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 8322227].
- Gunn TM, Juriloff DM, Vogl W, ..., Miller JE (1993) Histological study of the cranial neural folds of mice genetically
liable to exencephaly. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 8303615].
- Gunn TM, Juriloff DM, Harris M (1995) Genetically determined absence of an initiation site of cranial neural tube
closure is causally related to exencephaly in SELH/Bc mouse embryos. None. [IF=None, Cited=10, 8588181].
- Harris M, Bergman HC (1984) The young adult chronic patient: affective responses to treatment. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 6749083].
- Harris M, Bergman HC (1988) Clinical case management for the chronically mentally ill: a conceptual analysis. None.
[IF=None, Cited=1, 3070331].
- Harris M, Bachrach LL (1988) A treatment-planning grid for clinical case managers. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 3070329].
- Harris M, Bergman HC (1988) Case management and continuity of care for the "revolving-door" patient. None. [IF=None,
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- Harris M (1988) New directions for clinical case management. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 3237193].
- Kline J, Harris M, Bebout RR, Drake RE (1991) Contrasting integrated and linkage models of treatment for homeless,
dually diagnosed adults. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 1886553].
- Fallot RD, Harris M (2001) A trauma-informed approach to screening and assessment. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 11291259].
- Butterfield DA, Hensley K, Harris M, ..., Carney J (1994) beta-Amyloid peptide free radical fragments initiate
synaptosomal lipoperoxidation in a sequence-specific fashion: implications to Alzheimer's disease. Biochemical and
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- Dunnick JK, Gupta BN, Harris M, Lamb JC (1984) Reproductive toxicity of dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP) in the male
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- Birnbaum LS, Weber H, Harris M, ..., McKinney JD (1985) Toxic interaction of specific polychlorinated biphenyls and
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- Lamb JC, Harris M, McKinney JD, Birnbaum LS (1986) Effects of thyroid hormones on the induction of cleft palate by
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- Birnbaum LS, Harris M, Crawford DD, Morrissey RE (1987) Teratogenic effects of polychlorinated dibenzofurans in
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- Birnbaum LS, Harris M, Barnhart ER, Morrissey RE (1987) Teratogenicity of three polychlorinated dibenzofurans in
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- Birnbaum LS, Harris M, Stocking LM, ..., Morrissey RE (1989) Retinoic acid and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
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- Biegel L, Harris M, Davis D, ..., Safe S (1989) 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl as a 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
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- Hébert CD, Harris M, Elwell MR, Birnbaum LS (1990) Relative toxicity and tumor-promoting ability of
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- Zacharewski T, Harris M, Biegel L, ..., Safe S (1992) 6-Methyl-1,3,8-trichlorodibenzofuran (MCDF) as an antiestrogen in
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Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. [IF=0.498, Cited=62, 3292899].
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Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. [IF=0.498, Cited=33, 6392874].
- Dunnick JK, Solleveld HA, Harris M, ..., Lamb JC (1984) Dimethyl methyl phosphonate induction of dominant lethal
mutations in male mice. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. [IF=0.498, Cited=0, 6440015].
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production in young and old F344 rats. Immunology Letters. [IF=0.719, Cited=11, 8537107].
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- Hartley AL, Birch JM, Harris M, ..., Kelsey AM (1994) Leukemia, lymphoma, and related disorders in families of children
diagnosed with Wilms' tumor. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 7954323].
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processing and developmentally regulated expression. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. [IF=0.541, Cited=35, 1381496].
- Chen D, Feng JQ, Feng M, ..., Harris SE (1993) Cloning and sequence of bone morphogenetic protein 4 cDNA from fetal rat
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surgery and radiotherapy: results from a randomised trial. Radiotherapy and Oncology. [IF=1.715, Cited=93, 8783398].
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- Sandy JR, Meghji S, Scutt AM, ..., Meikle MC (1989) Murine osteoblasts release bone-resorbing factors of high and low
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susceptibility following pre- and postnatal exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). None. [IF=None,
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- Feldman SC, Harris M, Laemle LK (1990) The maturation of the somatostatin systems in the rat visual cortex. Peptides.
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ultrasound in oral surgery. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=55, 3156621].
- Harris M (1987) Medical versus surgical management of temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction. British Journal of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=5, 3555612].
- Feinmann C, Ong M, Harvey W, Harris M (1987) Psychological factors influencing post-operative pain and analgesic
consumption. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=40, 3476153].
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=0, 2653421].
- Meghji S, Harvey W, Harris M (1989) Interleukin 1-like activity in cystic lesions of the jaw. British Journal of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=27, 2537653].
- Anwar M, Harris M (1990) Model surgery for orthognathic planning. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
[IF=0.986, Cited=22, 2279039].
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British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=5, 2207040].
- Hutchison IL, Cullum ID, Langford JA, ..., Harris M (1990) The investigation of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible by
99mTc-methylene diphosphonate radionuclide bone scans. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986,
Cited=8, 2135651].
- Hutchison IL, Cope M, Delpy DT, ..., Harris M (1990) The investigation of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible by near
infrared spectroscopy. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=6, 2135652].
- Aghabeigi B, Feinmann C, Harris M (1992) Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with chronic
idiopathic facial pain. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=29, 1450157].
- Aghabeigi B, Henderson B, Hopper C, Harris M (1993) Temporomandibular joint synovial fluid analysis. British Journal of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=18, 8431407].
- Joffe JM, Aghabeigi B, Davies EH, Harris M (1993) A retrospective study of 66 titanium cranioplasties. British Journal
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=8, 8512906].
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operative complaints and patient satisfaction. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. [IF=0.986, Cited=114, 7718526].
- Harris M, Cooper EV (1993) Amnihook versus amnicot for amniotomy in labour. Midwifery. [IF=1.264, Cited=0, 8283954].
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germinal epithelial damage and infertility induced by di-n-pentyl phthalate. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 3220221].
- Couture LA, Harris M, Birnbaum LS (1989) Developmental toxicity of 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran in the Fischer 344
rat. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 2714534].
- Morrissey RE, Fowler BA, Harris M, ..., Schwetz BA (1990) Arsine: absence of developmental toxicity in rats and mice.
None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 2227160].
- Couture LA, Harris M, Birnbaum LS (1990) Characterization of the peak period of sensitivity for the induction of
hydronephrosis in C57BL/6N mice following exposure to 2,3,7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. None. [IF=None, Cited=34, 2373295].
- Birnbaum LS, McDonald MM, Blair PC, ..., Harris M (1990) Differential toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
(TCDD) in C57BL/6J mice congenic at the Ah Locus. None. [IF=None, Cited=53, 2373298].
- Steward WP, Todd ID, Harris M, ..., Crowther D (1984) A multivariate analysis of factors affecting survival in patients
with high-grade histology non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. None. [IF=None, Cited=18, 6547675].
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non-Hodgkin's lymphoma involving the gastrointestinal tract. None. [IF=None, Cited=31, 3841067].
- Mackintosh JF, Cowan RA, Jones M, ..., Crowther D (1988) Prognostic factors in stage I and II high and intermediate
grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. None. [IF=None, Cited=15, 3208806].
- Dunnick JK, Harris M, Chapin RE, ..., Lamb JC (1986) Reproductive toxicology of methyldopa in male F344/N rats.
Toxicology. [IF=0.909, Cited=7, 3775779].
- Zacharewski T, Harris M, Safe S, ..., Hutzinger O (1988) Applications of the in vitro aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase
induction assay for determining "2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents": pyrolyzed brominated flame
retardants. Toxicology. [IF=0.909, Cited=13, 2845603].
- Schifman AL, Mansson PE, Carter DB, ..., Harris SE (1988) Structure of the androgen dependent SVS VI protein as derived
from cDNA. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. [IF=1.007, Cited=4, 2848738].
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both the neurohypophysis and the medulla in the rat. Neuroscience Letters. [IF=0.777, Cited=18, 7254700].
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Letters. [IF=0.777, Cited=6, 3352955].
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with chronic spinal cord injury. Neuroscience Letters. [IF=0.777, Cited=21, 8272262].
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[IF=None, Cited=12, 6112097].
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chemoreceptor stimulation in the rat. Neuroscience. [IF=0.846, Cited=4, 3380309].
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projecting to the forebrain. Neuroscience. [IF=0.846, Cited=5, 2511501].
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