Gilman, Henry
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Gilman H (1941) SOME BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17832843].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Gilman H, Hukins DW (1994) Seeded growth of hydroxyapatite in the presence of dissolved albumin. Journal of Inorganic
Biochemistry. [IF=0.935, Cited=10, 8046435].
- Gilman H, Hukins DW (1994) Seeded growth of hydroxyapatite in the presence of dissolved albumin at constant composition.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. [IF=0.935, Cited=12, 8046436].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Malbon CC, Gilman H, Fain JN (1980) Hormonal stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation and glycogen phosphorylase activity
in calcium-depleted hepatocytes from euthyroid and hypothyroid rats. Biochemical Journal. [IF=0.852, Cited=6, 6258557].
- Hoffman BB, Michel T, Kilpatrick DM, ..., Fain JN (1980) Agonist versus antagonist binding to alpha-adrenergic
receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=37, 6107908].
- Gilman H (1985) Iowa, not ohio. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17777908].
- Spencer DF, Alpert SB, Gilman H (1986) Cool water: demonstration of a clean and efficient new coal technology. Science.
[IF=7.729, Cited=3, 17781411].
- Gilman H (1929) ORGANIC SYNTHESES. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17756187].
- Tipermas A, Gilman H, Russakoff LM (1984) A case report of leukopenia associated with phenelzine. American Journal of
Psychiatry. [IF=3.582, Cited=0, 6731626].
- Gilman H (1982) The electronic medical assistant. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 10261830].
- Ramírez-Ramos A, Gilman H, Recavarren S, ..., Alvarez-Bedoya M (1991) [Various characteristics of Helicobacter pylori
infection in Perú]. Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana. [IF=0.108, Cited=0, 1824177].
- Gilman H, Elliott R, Simmons R (1979) Use of a computer in a family physician's office. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 523896].
- Gilman H (1970) Grand-rounds whiplash: predisposing cause. New England Journal of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 5472954].