Dubochet, Jacques
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Dubochet J (2011) Why is it so difficult to accept Darwin's theory of evolution? On the popular fallacy that evolution
has a predetermined direction, and the development of a responsible worldview based on free will. BioEssays. [IF=0.818,
Cited=1, 21254153].
- Dubochet J (2007) The physics of rapid cooling and its implications for cryoimmobilization of cells. None. [IF=None,
Cited=51, 17327150].
- Dubochet J, Zuber B, Eltsov M, ..., Livolant F (2007) How to "read" a vitreous section. None. [IF=None, Cited=38, 17327166].
- Dubochet J (2015) A Reminiscence about Early Times of Vitreous Water in Electron Cryomicroscopy. Biophysical Journal.
[IF=0.842, Cited=6, 26362521].
- Cerritelli S, O'Neil CP, Velluto D, ..., Hubbell JA (2009) Aggregation behavior of poly(ethylene glycol-bl-propylene
sulfide) di- and triblock copolymers in aqueous solution. Langmuir. [IF=0.927, Cited=33, 19711914].
- Dobay A, Dubochet J, Millett K, ..., Stasiak A (2003) Scaling behavior of random knots. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=46, 16576754].
- Garvalov BK, Zuber B, Bouchet-Marquis C, ..., Cyrklaff M (2006) Luminal particles within cellular microtubules. Journal
of Cell Biology. [IF=1.509, Cited=66, 16954350].
- Dubochet J (2012) Cryo-EM--the first thirty years. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=50, 22457877].
- Matsuo H, Chevallier J, Mayran N, ..., Gruenberg J (2004) Role of LBPA and Alix in multivesicular liposome formation and
endosome organization. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=436, 14739459].
- Zuber B, Haenni M, Ribeiro T, ..., Dubochet J (2006) Granular layer in the periplasmic space of gram-positive bacteria
and fine structures of Enterococcus gallinarum and Streptococcus gordonii septa revealed by cryo-electron microscopy of
vitreous sections. Journal of Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=54, 16952957].
- Zuber B, Chami M, Houssin C, ..., Daffé M (2008) Direct visualization of the outer membrane of mycobacteria and
corynebacteria in their native state. Journal of Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=244, 18567661].
- Dubochet J, Knapek E (2018) Ups and downs in early electron cryo-microscopy. PLoS Biology. [IF=2.285, Cited=2, 29672565].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Dubochet J (2018) On the Development of Electron Cryo-Microscopy (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie - International
Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=9, 29984876].
- Dubochet J, Adrian M, Dustin I, ..., Stasiak A (1992) Cryoelectron microscopy of DNA molecules in solution. None.
[IF=None, Cited=8, 1406324].
- Dubochet J (1993) Twisting in a crowd. Trends in Cell Biology. [IF=3.592, Cited=3, 14731532].
- Dubochet J (1995) High-pressure freezing for cryoelectron microscopy. Trends in Cell Biology. [IF=3.592, Cited=32, 14732080].
- Dubochet J (2001) Making science in a fractal landscape. Micron. [IF=0.819, Cited=2, 10900375].
- Dubochet J, Sartori Blanc N (2001) The cell in absence of aggregation artifacts. Micron. [IF=0.819, Cited=57, 10900384].
- Dubochet J, Adrian M, Chang JJ, ..., Schultz P (1988) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens. Quarterly Reviews
of Biophysics. [IF=1.372, Cited=1000, 3043536].
- Dubochet J (2009) Genomics for citizens. Providing the public with more and better knowledge to address the challenges
of the twenty-first century. EMBO Reports. [IF=1.375, Cited=2, 19763145].
- Dubochet J (2008) Citizen biologists. The Lausanne experience. EMBO Reports. [IF=1.375, Cited=5, 18174891].
- Dubochet J (2003) Teaching scientists to be citizens. It is hard to become a good scientist. It is even harder to become
a good citizen. EMBO Reports. [IF=1.375, Cited=8, 12671671].
- Zuber B, Nikonenko I, Klauser P, ..., Dubochet J (2005) The mammalian central nervous synaptic cleft contains a high
density of periodically organized complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=133, 16354833].
- Eltsov M, Maclellan KM, Maeshima K, ..., Dubochet J (2008) Analysis of cryo-electron microscopy images does not support
the existence of 30-nm chromatin fibers in mitotic chromosomes in situ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=197, 19064912].
- Bednar J, Horowitz RA, Dubochet J, Woodcock CL (1995) Chromatin conformation and salt-induced compaction: three-
dimensional structural information from cryoelectron microscopy. Journal of Cell Biology. [IF=1.509, Cited=101, 8522597].
- Stasiak A, Dubochet J, Furrer P, ..., Maddocks J (1999) DNA: uncooked, al dente, or scotti? Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 10189314].
- Dubochet J, Noll M (1978) Nucleosome arcs and helices. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=50, 694532].
- Eltsov M, Dubochet J (2006) Study of the Deinococcus radiodurans nucleoid by cryoelectron microscopy of vitreous
sections: Supplementary comments. Journal of Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=6, 16923871].
- Matias VRF, Al-Amoudi A, Dubochet J, Beveridge TJ (2003) Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated
sections of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=193, 14526023].
- Eltsov M, Dubochet J (2005) Fine structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans nucleoid revealed by cryoelectron microscopy
of vitreous sections. Journal of Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=36, 16291678].
- Keller B, Dubochet J, Adrian M, ..., Kellenberger E (1988) Length and shape variants of the bacteriophage T4 head:
mutations in the scaffolding core genes 68 and 22. Journal of Virology. [IF=1.075, Cited=18, 3292792].
- Dubochet J, Adrian M, Richter K, ..., Wittek R (1994) Structure of intracellular mature vaccinia virus observed by
cryoelectron microscopy. Journal of Virology. [IF=1.075, Cited=45, 8107253].
- Dubochet J, Richter K, Roy HV, McDowall AW (1991) Freezing: facts and hypothesis. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 1822020].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Gopalakrishnan G, Danelon C, Izewska P, ..., Vogel H (2006) Multifunctional lipid/quantum dot hybrid nanocontainers for
controlled targeting of live cells. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=64, 16847983].
- Dubochet J, Adrian M, Schultz P, Oudet P (1986) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified SV40 minichromosomes: the liquid
drop model. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=31, 3011410].
- McDowall AW, Smith JM, Dubochet J (1986) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified chromosomes in situ. EMBO Journal.
[IF=2.114, Cited=80, 3755397].
- Lepault J, Dubochet J, Baschong W, Kellenberger E (1987) Organization of double-stranded DNA in bacteriophages: a study
by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified samples. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=89, 2956092].
- Adrian M, ten Heggeler-Bordier B, Wahli W, ..., Dubochet J (1990) Direct visualization of supercoiled DNA molecules in
solution. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=79, 2265618].
- ten Heggeler-Bordier B, Wahli W, Adrian M, ..., Dubochet J (1992) The apical localization of transcribing RNA
polymerases on supercoiled DNA prevents their rotation around the template. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=61, 1537341].
- Cyrklaff M, Adrian M, Dubochet J (1990) Evaporation during preparation of unsupported thin vitrified aqueous layers for
cryo-electron microscopy. None. [IF=None, Cited=26, 2250188].
- Aebi U, Smith PR, Dubochet J, ..., Kellenberger E (1973) A study of the structure of the T-layer of Bacillus brevis.
None. [IF=None, Cited=94, 4782061].
- Bednar J, Furrer P, Stasiak A, ..., Bates AD (1994) The twist, writhe and overall shape of supercoiled DNA change during
counterion-induced transition from a loosely to a tightly interwound superhelix. Possible implications for DNA structure
in vivo. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=140, 8289322].
- Bednar J, Furrer P, Katritch V, ..., Stasiak A (1995) Determination of DNA persistence length by cryo-electron
microscopy. Separation of the static and dynamic contributions to the apparent persistence length of DNA. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=120, 7500335].
- Furrer P, Bednar J, Stasiak AZ, ..., Dubochet J (1997) Opposite effect of counterions on the persistence length of
nicked and non-nicked DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=15, 9102464].
- Vologodskii AV, Crisona NJ, Laurie B, ..., Stasiak A (1998) Sedimentation and electrophoretic migration of DNA knots and
catenanes. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=50, 9571029].
- Stahlberg H, Dubochet J, Vogel H, Ghosh R (1998) Are the light-harvesting I complexes from Rhodospirillum rubrum
arranged around the reaction centre in a square geometry? Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=20, 9743629].
- Furrer P, Bednar J, Dubochet J, ..., Prunell A (1995) DNA at the entry-exit of the nucleosome observed by cryoelectron
microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=38, 7662486].
- Piñol I Margalef F, Furrer P, Kunt M, Dubochet J (1996) The flying cylinder: a new algorithm for filament recognition in
noisy stereo images. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=1, 8742719].
- Bohrmann B, Adrian M, Dubochet J, ..., Döbeli H (2000) Self-assembly of beta-amyloid 42 is retarded by small molecular
ligands at the stage of structural intermediates. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=30, 10940228].
- Sartori Blanc N, Senn A, Leforestier A, ..., Dubochet J (2001) DNA in human and stallion spermatozoa forms local
hexagonal packing with twist and many defects. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=30, 11469879].
- Bouchet-Marquis C, Dubochet J, Fakan S (2005) Cryoelectron microscopy of vitrified sections: a new challenge for the
analysis of functional nuclear architecture. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. [IF=0.683, Cited=49, 16328430].
- Folkhard W, Leonard KR, Malsey S, ..., Helmuth R (1979) X-ray diffraction and electron microscope studies on the
structure of bacterial F pili. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=43, 381672].
- Aebi U, van den Broek R, Smith PR, ..., Kistler J (1979) Crystalline aggregation of a proteolytic fragment of the major
head protein of bacteriophage T4. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=9, 469944].
- Knapek E, Dubochet J (1980) Beam damage to organic material is considerably reduced in cryo-electron microscopy. Journal
of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=42, 7441748].
- Chang JJ, Dubochet J, Baudras A, ..., Takahashi M (1981) Electron microscope observation of a fibre structure formed by
non-specific binding of cAMP receptor protein to DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=12, 7028994].
- McDowall AW, Hofmann W, Lepault J, ..., Dubochet J (1984) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified insect flight muscle.
Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=34, 6481807].
- Lepault J, Dubochet J (1986) Electron microscopy of frozen hydrated specimens: preparation and characteristics. None.
[IF=None, Cited=13, 3736433].
- Baschong W, Aebi U, Baschong-Prescianotto C, ..., Wurtz M (1988) Head structure of bacteriophages T2 and T4. None.
[IF=None, Cited=22, 3198952].
- Dustin I, Furrer P, Stasiak A, ..., Egelman E (1991) Spatial visualization of DNA in solution. Journal of Structural
Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=18, 1817606].
- Leforestier A, Dubochet J, Livolant F (2001) Bilayers of nucleosome core particles. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842,
Cited=34, 11566811].
- Trus BL, Steven AC, McDowall AW, ..., Podolsky RJ (1989) Interactions between actin and myosin filaments in skeletal
muscle visualized in frozen-hydrated thin sections. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=14, 2720069].
- Laurie B, Katritch V, Sogo J, ..., Stasiak A (1998) Geometry and physics of catenanes applied to the study of DNA
replication. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=22, 9635735].
- Sottas PE, Larquet E, Stasiak A, Dubochet J (1999) Brownian dynamics simulation of DNA condensation. Biophysical
Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=11, 10512808].
- Adrian M, Cover TL, Dubochet J, Heuser JE (2002) Multiple oligomeric states of the Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin
demonstrated by cryo-electron microscopy. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=31, 12054773].
- O'Neil CP, van der Vlies AJ, Velluto D, ..., Hubbell JA (2009) Extracellular matrix binding mixed micelles for drug
delivery applications. Journal of Controlled Release. [IF=1.674, Cited=18, 19332089].
- Al-Amoudi A, Norlen LPO, Dubochet J (2004) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections of native biological cells and
tissues. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=132, 15363793].
- Al-Amoudi A, Studer D, Dubochet J (2005) Cutting artefacts and cutting process in vitreous sections for cryo-electron
microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=129, 15797735].
- El-Bez C, Adrian M, Dubochet J, Cover TL (2005) High resolution structural analysis of Helicobacter pylori VacA toxin
oligomers by cryo-negative staining electron microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=33, 16125415].
- Dubochet J, Ducommun M, Zollinger M, Kellenberger E (1971) A new preparation method for dark-field electron microscopy
of biomacromolecules. None. [IF=None, Cited=249, 4931423].
- Dubochet J (1975) Carbon loss during irradiation of T4 bacteriophages and E. coli bacteria in electron microscopes.
None. [IF=None, Cited=22, 1097727].
- Engel A, Dubochet J, Kellenberger E (1976) Some progress in the use of a scanning transmission electron microscope for
the observation of biomacromolecules. None. [IF=None, Cited=16, 794515].
- Sjöstrand FS, Dubochet J, Wurtz M, Kellenberger E (1978) Dark-field electron microscopic analysis of mitochondrial
membranes. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 82621].
- Lepault J, Dubochet J (1980) Freezing, fracturing, and etching artifacts in particulate suspensions. None. [IF=None,
Cited=8, 7420536].
- Griffiths G, McDowall A, Back R, Dubochet J (1984) On the preparation of cryosections for immunocytochemistry. None.
[IF=None, Cited=282, 6544882].
- Adrian M, Dubochet J, Fuller SD, Harris JR (1998) Cryo-negative staining. Micron. [IF=0.819, Cited=79, 9684350].
- De Carlo S, El-Bez C, Alvarez-Rúa C, ..., Dubochet J (2002) Cryo-negative staining reduces electron-beam sensitivity of
vitrified biological particles. Journal of Structural Biology. [IF=0.773, Cited=33, 12217660].
- Adrian M, Dubochet J, Lepault J, McDowall AW (None) Cryo-electron microscopy of viruses. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=576, 6322001].
- Vogel RH, Provencher SW, von Bonsdorff CH, ..., Dubochet J (None) Envelope structure of Semliki Forest virus
reconstructed from cryo-electron micrographs. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=117, 3960136].
- Stasiak A, Weber C, Dubochet J (1989) DNA helical repeats. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 2918920].
- Stasiak A, Katritch V, Bednar J, ..., Dubochet J (1996) Electrophoretic mobility of DNA knots. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=80, 8906784].
- Katritch V, Olson WK, Pieranski P, ..., Stasiak A (1997) Properties of ideal composite knots. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=20, 9217153].
- Strasser BJ, Dubochet J (2005) Obituary: Eduard Kellenberger (1920-2004). Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 15729328].
- Dubochet J, Bednar J, Furrer P, ..., Bolshoy AA (1994) Determination of the DNA helical repeat by cryo-electron
microscopy. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 7664047].
- Tsitrin Y, Morton CJ, el-Bez C, ..., van der Goot FG (2002) Conversion of a transmembrane to a water-soluble protein
complex by a single point mutation. None. [IF=None, Cited=31, 12219082].
- Al-Amoudi A, Chang JJ, Leforestier A, ..., Dubochet J (2004) Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections. EMBO
Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=225, 15318169].
- Bouchet-Marquis C, Zuber B, Glynn AM, ..., Chrétien D (2007) Visualization of cell microtubules in their native state.
Biology of the Cell. [IF=0.753, Cited=55, 17049046].
- Leforestier A, Richter K, Livolant F, Dubochet J (1996) Comparison of slam-freezing and high-pressure freezing effects
on the DNA cholesteric liquid crystalline structure. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=15, 8923755].
- Sartori Blanc N, Studer D, Ruhl K, Dubochet J (1998) Electron beam-induced changes in vitreous sections of biological
samples. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=22, 9853376].
- De Carlo S N, Adrian M, Kälin P, ..., Dubochet J (1999) Unexpected property of trehalose as observed by cryo-electron
microscopy. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=8, 10540255].
- AL-Amoudi A, Dubochet J, Studer D (2002) Amorphous solid water produced by cryosectioning of crystalline ice at 113 K.
Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=21, 12180960].
- Al-Amoudi A, Dubochet J, Gnaegi H, ..., Studer D (2003) An oscillating cryo-knife reduces cutting-induced deformation of
vitreous ultrathin sections. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=31, 14516359].
- Noll M, Zimmer S, Engel A, Dubochet J (1980) Self-assembly of single and closely spaced nucleosome core particles.
Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=34, 7355128].
- Amzallag A, Vaillant C, Jacob M, ..., Maddocks JH (2006) 3D reconstruction and comparison of shapes of DNA minicircles
observed by cryo-electron microscopy. Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=19, 17012274].
- Demurtas D, Amzallag A, Rawdon EJ, ..., Stasiak A (2009) Bending modes of DNA directly addressed by cryo-electron
microscopy of DNA minicircles. Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=29, 19282451].
- Katritch V, Olson WK, Vologodskii A, ..., Stasiak A (2000) Tightness of random knotting. None. [IF=None, Cited=40, 11031608].
- Al-Amoudi A, Dubochet J, Norlén L (2005) Nanostructure of the epidermal extracellular space as observed by cryo-electron
microscopy of vitreous sections of human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. [IF=1.265, Cited=54, 15816835].
- Dubochet J (1973) High resolution dark-field electron microscopy. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=2, 4126994].
- Dubochet J (1976) A simple method to measure resolution on micrographs. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=0, 947226].
- Lepault J, Booy FP, Dubochet J (1983) Electron microscopy of frozen biological suspensions. Journal of Microscopy.
[IF=0.654, Cited=99, 6186816].
- McDowall AW, Chang JJ, Freeman R, ..., Dubochet J (1983) Electron microscopy of frozen hydrated sections of vitreous ice
and vitrified biological samples. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=93, 6350598].
- Richter K, Gnägi H, Dubochet J (1991) A model for cryosectioning based on the morphology of vitrified ultrathin
sections. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=9, 1920393].
- Han HM, Zuber B, Dubochet J (2008) Compression and crevasses in vitreous sections under different cutting conditions.
Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=22, 18445144].
- Bleck CKE, Merz A, Gutierrez MG, ..., Griffiths G (2010) Comparison of different methods for thin section EM analysis of
Mycobacterium smegmatis. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=42, 20055916].
- Morel C, Gander ES, Herzberg M, ..., Scherrer K (1973) The duck-globin messenger-ribonucleoprotein complex. Resistance
to high ionic strength, particle gel electrophoresis, composition and visualisation by dark-field electron microscopy.
None. [IF=None, Cited=50, 4738397].
- Dubochet J, Morel C, Lebleu B, Herzberg M (1973) Structure of globin mRNA and mRNA-protein particles. Use of dark-field
electron microscopy. None. [IF=None, Cited=22, 4738398].
- Bordier C, Dubochet J (1974) Electron microscopic localization of the binding sites of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase
in the early promoter region of T7 DNA. None. [IF=None, Cited=44, 4600365].
- Dubochet J, McDowall AW, Menge B, ..., Lickfeld KG (1983) Electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated bacteria. Journal of
Bacteriology. [IF=0.898, Cited=99, 6408064].
- Dubochet J, Booy FP, Freeman R, ..., Walter CA (1981) Low temperature electron microscopy. None. [IF=None, Cited=25, 7020572].
- Dubochet J, Kellenberger E (1972) Selective adsorption of particles to the supporting film and its consequences on
particle counts in electron microscopy. None. [IF=None, Cited=16, 4115391].
- Leforestier A, Nissen HU, Dubochet J (1995) DNA-DNA interaction in thin layer analysed by cryo-electron microscopy.
None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 8556446].