Curl, Robert
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Curl RF, Curl R, Smalley RE, ..., Heath JR (2001) How the news that we were not the first to conceive of soccer ball C60
got to us. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. [IF=0.677, Cited=3, 11391865].
- Chen HB, Thweatt WD, Wang J, ..., Curl R (2005) IR kinetic spectroscopy investigation of the CH4 + O(1D) reaction.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=4, 16838992].
- Curl R, Lee MK, Scuseria GE (2008) C60 buckminsterfullerene high yields unraveled. Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
[IF=0.841, Cited=4, 18956857].
- Curl R (2005) Obituary: Richard E. Smalley (1943-2005). Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 16371995].
- Curl R (2016) Harry Kroto (1939-2016). Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=1, 27225112].
- Melnik DG, Liu J, Chen MW, ..., Curl R (2011) The spectroscopic characterization of the methoxy radical. III.
Rotationally resolved Ã2A1-X̃2E electronic and X̃2E submillimeter wave spectra of partially deuterated CH2DO and CHD2O
radicals. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=8, 21913766].
- Lewis EK, Haaland WC, Nguyen F, ..., Metzker ML (2005) Color-blind fluorescence detection for four-color DNA sequencing.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=14, 15800037].
- Lewicki R, Doty JH, Curl R, ..., Wysocki G (2009) Ultrasensitive detection of nitric oxide at 5.33 microm by using
external cavity quantum cascade laser-based Faraday rotation spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=33, 19625625].
- Curl RF, Curl R, Smalley RE, Smalley RE (1988) Probing c60. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=51, 17834045].
- Barnes MD, Brooks PR, Curl R, Johnson BR (1993) Probing chemical reactions: evidence for exploration of an excited
potential energy surface at thermal energies. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=1, 17745355].
- Altindis E, Alpar MA, Aksay E, ..., Kizil C (2013) Turkey must end violent response to protests. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 23869001].
- Chen J, So S, Lee H, ..., Tittel FK (2004) Atmospheric formaldehyde monitoring in the Greater Houston area in 2002.
Applied Spectroscopy. [IF=0.919, Cited=7, 17140485].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Matsuba ESM, Russo N, McKernan E, ..., Burack JA (2022) Visual filtering in time and space among persons with Down
syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. [IF=1.533, Cited=1, 35922115].
- Curl R (1962) Speleology: Peculiar laboratories for the study of evolution, caves fascinate scientists from many
disciplines. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17744441].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Curl R, Schultz JS (1973) A polygonal approximation for unsteady state diffusion of oxygen into hemoglobin solutions.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. [IF=0.945, Cited=1, 4766517].
- Taheri PA, Bitzer LG, Curl R, ..., Hoover EL (1992) Surgical repair of a celiac axis aneurysm and renal oncocytoma: a
single case report. Annals of Vascular Surgery. [IF=0.86, Cited=3, 1467186].
- Kosterev AA, Curl R, Tittel FK, ..., Faist J (2002) Chemical sensing with pulsed QC-DFB lasers operating at 15.6
micrometers. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. [IF=0.839, Cited=10, 12599401].
- Menzel L, Kosterev AA, Curl R, ..., Urban W (2001) Spectroscopic detection of biological NO with a quantum cascade
laser. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. [IF=0.839, Cited=28, 11795325].
- Stachowiak MK, Kucinski A, Curl R, ..., Stachowiak EK (2012) Schizophrenia: a neurodevelopmental disorder--integrative
genomic hypothesis and therapeutic implications from a transgenic mouse model. Schizophrenia Research. [IF=1.262,
Cited=29, 23231877].
- Addicks W, Weiner N, Flynn G, ..., Topp E (1990) Topical drug delivery from thin applications: theoretical predictions
and experimental results. Pharmaceutical Research. [IF=0.917, Cited=7, 2281035].
- Oh DM, Curl R, Amidon GL (1993) Estimating the fraction dose absorbed from suspensions of poorly soluble compounds in
humans: a mathematical model. Pharmaceutical Research. [IF=0.917, Cited=102, 8456075].
- Han J, Hu S, Chen H, ..., Curl R (2007) Jet-cooled infrared spectrum of methoxy in the CH stretching region. Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=5, 17622407].
- Thakur M, Melnik D, Barnett H, ..., Curl R (2010) Wide-field four-channel fluorescence imager for biological
applications. Journal of Biomedical Optics. [IF=1.37, Cited=0, 20459261].
- Curl R, Stellmack JA (1966) Speleology. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17830377].
- Kasper JV, Pollock CR, Curl R, Tittel FK (1982) Computer control of broadly tunable lasers: conversion of a color center
laser into a high resolution laser spectrometer. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=6, 20372436].
- Dane CB, Brüggemann R, Curl R, ..., Tittel FK (1987) Multiwavenumber linearized diode laser spectra by overlapping
frequency scans. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=0, 20454080].
- Simon U, Benko Z, Sigrist MW, ..., Tittel FK (1993) Design considerations of an infrared spectrometer based on
difference-frequency generation in AgGaSe(2). Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=7, 20856513].
- Töpfer T, Petrov KP, Mine Y, ..., Tittel FK (1997) Room-temperature mid-infrared laser sensor for trace gas detection.
Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=15, 18264334].
- Kosterev AA, Curl R, Tittel FK, ..., Cho AY (2000) Effective utilization of quantum-cascade distributed-feedback lasers
in absorption spectroscopy. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=24, 11543546].
- Claps R, Englich FV, Leleux DP, ..., Curl R (2001) Ammonia Detection by use of Near-Infrared Diode-Laser-Based Overtone
Spectroscopy. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=16, 18360479].
- Kosterev AA, Curl R, Tittel FK, ..., Cho AY (2002) Transportable automated ammonia sensor based on a pulsed
thermoelectrically cooled quantum-cascade distributed feedback laser. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=12, 11905584].
- Bakhirkin YA, Kosterev AA, Roller C, ..., Tittel FK (2004) Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser based off-axis integrated
cavity output spectroscopy for biogenic nitric oxide detection. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=37, 15098827].
- Weidmann D, Kosterev AA, Roller C, ..., Tittel FK (2004) Monitoring of ethylene by a pulsed quantum cascade laser.
Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=9, 15181816].
- Wysocki G, McCurdy M, So S, ..., Tittel FK (2004) Pulsed quantum-cascade laser-based sensor for trace-gas detection of
carbonyl sulfide. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=16, 15587735].
- Simon U, Miller CE, Bradley CC, ..., Tittel FK (1993) Difference-frequency generation in AgGaS2 by using single-mode
diode-laser pump sources. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=10, 19823290].
- Petrov KP, Goldberg L, Burns WK, ..., Tittel FK (1996) Detection of CO in air by diode-pumped 4.6-microm difference-
frequency generation in quasi-phase-matched LiNbO(3). Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=12, 19865313].
- Petrov KP, Curl R, Tittel FK, Goldberg L (1996) Continuous-wave tunable 8.7-microm spectroscopic source pumped by fiber-
coupled communications lasers. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=3, 19881688].
- Goldberg L, Koplow J, Lancaster DG, ..., Tittel FK (1998) Mid-infrared difference-frequency generation source pumped by
1.1-1.5 micrometer dual-wavelength fiber amplifier for trace-gas detection. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=6, 11763099].
- Lancaster DG, Richter D, Curl R, ..., Koplow J (1999) High-power continuous-wave mid-infrared radiation generated by
difference frequency mixing of diode-laser-seeded fiber amplifiers and its application to dual-beam spectroscopy. Optics
Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=7, 11543188].
- Kosterev AA, Curl R, Tittel FK, ..., Cho AY (1999) Methane concentration and isotopic composition measurements with a
mid-infrared quantum-cascade laser. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=23, 11543189].
- Kosterev AA, Bakhirkin YA, Curl R, Tittel FK (2002) Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy. Optics Letters.
[IF=1.297, Cited=137, 18033396].
- Likins M, Salzberg CL, Stowitschek JJ, ..., Curl R (1989) Co-worker implemented job training: the use of coincidental
training and quality-control checking on the food preparation skills of trainees with mental retardation. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis. [IF=1.544, Cited=5, 2613599].
- Kosterev AA, Curl R, Tittel FK, ..., Cho AY (2001) Absorption spectroscopy with quantum cascade lasers. Laser Physics.
[IF=0.522, Cited=1, 12143896].
- Arrow KJ, Axelrod J, Benacerraf B, ..., Wilson RW (2001) Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. None. [IF=None,
Cited=2, 12462241].
- Agre P, Agre PC, Altman S, ..., West-Eberhard MJ (2005) Using ethics to fight bioterrorism. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 16106523].