Clementi, Cecilia
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Pinamonti G, Campo G, Chen J, ..., Clementi C (2018) Simulations Reveal Multiple Intermediates in the Unzipping
Mechanism of Neuronal SNARE Complex. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=0, 30268539].
- Clementi C (2007) Coarse-grained models of protein folding: toy models or predictive tools? Current Opinion in
Structural Biology. [IF=1.4, Cited=126, 18160277].
- Noé F, Clementi C (2017) Collective variables for the study of long-time kinetics from molecular trajectories: theory
and methods. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. [IF=1.4, Cited=46, 28327454].
- Noé F, De Fabritiis G, Clementi C (2019) Machine learning for protein folding and dynamics. Current Opinion in
Structural Biology. [IF=1.4, Cited=45, 31881449].
- Durumeric AEP, Charron NE, Templeton C, ..., Clementi C (2023) Machine learned coarse-grained protein force-fields: Are
we there yet? Current Opinion in Structural Biology. [IF=1.4, Cited=11, 36731338].
- Clementi C, García AE, Onuchic JN (2003) Interplay among tertiary contacts, secondary structure formation and side-chain
packing in the protein folding mechanism: all-atom representation study of protein L. Journal of Molecular Biology.
[IF=1.281, Cited=113, 12581651].
- Glielmo A, Husic BE, Rodriguez A, ..., Laio A (2021) Unsupervised Learning Methods for Molecular Simulation Data.
Chemical Reviews. [IF=11.712, Cited=54, 33945269].
- Hruska E, Balasubramanian V, Lee H, ..., Clementi C (2020) Extensible and Scalable Adaptive Sampling on Supercomputers.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=4, 33170696].
- Doerr S, Majewski M, Pérez A, ..., De Fabritiis G (2021) TorchMD: A Deep Learning Framework for Molecular Simulations.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=33, 33729795].
- Köhler J, Chen Y, Krämer A, ..., Noé F (2023) Flow-Matching: Efficient Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics without
Forces. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=5, 36668906].
- Noé F, Clementi C (2015) Kinetic distance and kinetic maps from molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Chemical
Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=66, 26574285].
- Boninsegna L, Gobbo G, Noé F, Clementi C (2015) Investigating Molecular Kinetics by Variationally Optimized Diffusion
Maps. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=19, 26580713].
- Noé F, Banisch R, Clementi C (2016) Commute Maps: Separating Slowly Mixing Molecular Configurations for Kinetic
Modeling. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=19, 27696838].
- Boninsegna L, Banisch R, Clementi C (2017) A Data-Driven Perspective on the Hierarchical Assembly of Molecular
Structures. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=7, 29207235].
- Litzinger F, Boninsegna L, Wu H, ..., Clementi C (2018) Rapid Calculation of Molecular Kinetics Using Compressed
Sensing. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=11, 29660273].
- Chen J, Chen J, Pinamonti G, Clementi C (2018) Learning Effective Molecular Models from Experimental Observables.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=9, 29806937].
- Zaporozhets I, Clementi C (2023) Multibody Terms in Protein Coarse-Grained Models: A Top-Down Perspective. Journal of
Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 37499123].
- Yrazu FM, Pinamonti G, Clementi C (2018) The Effect of Electrostatic Interactions on the Folding Kinetics of a
3-α-Helical Bundle Protein Family. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 30277393].
- Invernizzi M, Krämer A, Clementi C, Noé F (2022) Skipping the Replica Exchange Ladder with Normalizing Flows. Journal of
Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=3, 36484770].
- Krämer A, Durumeric AEP, Charron NE, ..., Noé F (2023) Statistically Optimal Force Aggregation for Coarse-Graining
Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=3, 37079800].
- Yang W, Templeton C, Rosenberger D, ..., Clementi C (2023) Slicing and Dicing: Optimal Coarse-Grained Representation to
Preserve Molecular Kinetics. ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=2, 36844497].
- Wang J, Olsson S, Wehmeyer C, ..., Clementi C (2019) Machine Learning of Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Force Fields.
ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=99, 31139712].
- Chavez LL, Onuchic JN, Clementi C (2004) Quantifying the roughness on the free energy landscape: entropic bottlenecks
and protein folding rates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=136, 15237999].
- Zheng W, Qi B, Rohrdanz MA, ..., Clementi C (2011) Delineation of folding pathways of a β-sheet miniprotein. Journal of
Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=26, 21942785].
- Davtyan A, Schafer NP, Zheng W, ..., Papoian GA (2012) AWSEM-MD: protein structure prediction using coarse-grained
physical potentials and bioinformatically based local structure biasing. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893,
Cited=148, 22545654].
- Zheng W, Rohrdanz MA, Clementi C (2013) Rapid exploration of configuration space with diffusion-map-directed molecular
dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=31, 23865517].
- Chen M, Chen X, Schafer NP, ..., Wolynes PG (2020) Surveying biomolecular frustration at atomic resolution. Nature
Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=19, 33230150].
- Mardt A, Hempel T, Clementi C, Noé F (2022) Deep learning to decompose macromolecules into independent Markovian
domains. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=3, 36402768].
- Majewski M, Pérez A, Thölke P, ..., De Fabritiis G (2023) Machine learning coarse-grained potentials of protein
thermodynamics. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=10, 37714883].
- Clementi C (2021) Fast track to structural biology. Nature Chemistry. [IF=3.667, Cited=2, 34707232].
- Lin X, George JT, Schafer NP, ..., Levine H (2021) Rapid Assessment of T-Cell Receptor Specificity of the Immune
Repertoire. Nature Computational Science. [IF=2.274, Cited=14, 36090450].
- Preto J, Clementi C (2014) Fast recovery of free energy landscapes via diffusion-map-directed molecular dynamics.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=39, 24955434].
- Agarwal A, Clementi C, Delle Site L (2017) Path integral-GC-AdResS simulation of a large hydrophobic solute in water: a
tool to investigate the interplay between local microscopic structures and quantum delocalization of atoms in space.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=7, 28484764].
- Matysiak S, Clementi C, Praprotnik M, ..., Delle Site L (2008) Modeling diffusive dynamics in adaptive resolution
simulation of liquid water. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=31, 18205455].
- Lambeth BP, Junghans C, Kremer K, ..., Delle Site L (2010) Communication: On the locality of hydrogen bond networks at
hydrophobic interfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=23, 21171675].
- Rohrdanz MA, Zheng W, Maggioni M, Clementi C (2011) Determination of reaction coordinates via locally scaled diffusion
map. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=90, 21456654].
- Zheng W, Rohrdanz MA, Maggioni M, Clementi C (2011) Polymer reversal rate calculated via locally scaled diffusion map.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=20, 21495744].
- Ledbetter PJ, Clementi C (2011) A new perspective on transition states: χ1 separatrix. Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=2, 21806099].
- Zheng W, Vargiu AV, Rohrdanz MA, ..., Clementi C (2013) Molecular recognition of DNA by ligands: roughness and
complexity of the free energy profile. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=10, 24116648].
- Cazade PA, Zheng W, Prada-Gracia D, ..., Meuwly M (2015) A comparative analysis of clustering algorithms: O2 migration
in truncated hemoglobin I from transition networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=4, 25591387].
- Clementi C, Henkelman G (2017) Preface: Special Topic on Reaction Pathways. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=0, 29055311].
- Boninsegna L, Nüske F, Clementi C (2018) Sparse learning of stochastic dynamical equations. Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=21, 29960307].
- Krylov A, Windus TL, Barnes T, ..., Head-Gordon T (2018) Perspective: Computational chemistry software and its
advancement as illustrated through three grand challenge cases for molecular science. Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=14, 30441927].
- Hruska E, Abella JR, Nüske F, ..., Clementi C (2018) Quantitative comparison of adaptive sampling methods for protein
dynamics. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=19, 30599712].
- Nüske F, Boninsegna L, Clementi C (2019) Coarse-graining molecular systems by spectral matching. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=9, 31370528].
- Wang J, Chmiela S, Müller KR, ..., Clementi C (2020) Ensemble learning of coarse-grained molecular dynamics force fields
with a kernel approach. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=15, 33687259].
- Husic BE, Charron NE, Lemm D, ..., Clementi C (2020) Coarse graining molecular dynamics with graph neural networks.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=35, 33218238].
- Wang J, Charron N, Husic B, ..., Clementi C (2021) Multi-body effects in a coarse-grained protein force field. Journal
of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=12, 33940848].
- Chen Y, Krämer A, Charron NE, ..., Noé F (2021) Machine learning implicit solvation for molecular dynamics. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=17, 34470360].
- Musil F, Zaporozhets I, Noé F, ..., Kapil V (2022) Quantum dynamics using path integral coarse-graining. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=4, 36379765].
- Das P, Matysiak S, Clementi C (2005) Balancing energy and entropy: a minimalist model for the characterization of
protein folding landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=50, 16006532].
- Wilson CJ, Das P, Clementi C, ..., Wittung-Stafshede P (2005) The experimental folding landscape of monomeric lactose
repressor, a large two-domain protein, involves two kinetic intermediates. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=16, 16203983].
- Das P, Wilson CJ, Fossati G, ..., Clementi C (2005) Characterization of the folding landscape of monomeric lactose
repressor: quantitative comparison of theory and experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=23, 16203982].
- Das P, Moll M, Stamati H, ..., Clementi C (2006) Low-dimensional, free-energy landscapes of protein-folding reactions by
nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=130, 16785435].
- Hegler JA, Lätzer J, Shehu A, ..., Wolynes PG (2009) Restriction versus guidance in protein structure prediction.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=24, 19706384].
- Boareto M, Jolly MK, Lu M, ..., Ben-Jacob E (2015) Jagged-Delta asymmetry in Notch signaling can give rise to a
Sender/Receiver hybrid phenotype. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=66, 25605936].
- Olsson S, Wu H, Paul F, ..., Noé F (2017) Combining experimental and simulation data of molecular processes via
augmented Markov models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=36, 28716931].
- Kluber A, Burt TA, Clementi C (2018) Size and topology modulate the effects of frustration in protein folding.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 30150375].
- Abella JR, Antunes D, Jackson K, ..., Kavraki LE (2020) Markov state modeling reveals alternative unbinding pathways for
peptide-MHC complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=7, 33184174].
- Clementi C, Plotkin SS (2004) The effects of nonnative interactions on protein folding rates: theory and simulation.
Protein Science. [IF=1.97, Cited=101, 15215519].
- Lehmann M, Lukonin I, Noé F, ..., Haucke V (2019) Nanoscale coupling of endocytic pit growth and stability. Science
advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=11, 31807703].
- Rohrdanz MA, Zheng W, Clementi C (2013) Discovering mountain passes via torchlight: methods for the definition of
reaction coordinates and pathways in complex macromolecular reactions. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. [IF=3.733,
Cited=68, 23298245].
- Noé F, Tkatchenko A, Müller KR, Clementi C (2020) Machine Learning for Molecular Simulation. Annual Review of Physical
Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=154, 32092281].
- A Rohrdanz M, Zheng W, Lambeth B, ..., Clementi C (2014) Multiscale approach to the determination of the photoactive
yellow protein signaling state ensemble. PLoS Computational Biology. [IF=1.278, Cited=3, 25356903].
- Abella JR, Antunes DA, Clementi C, Kavraki LE (2020) Large-Scale Structure-Based Prediction of Stable Peptide Binding to
Class I HLAs Using Random Forests. Frontiers in Immunology. [IF=1.49, Cited=7, 32793224].
- Nüske F, Koltai P, Boninsegna L, Clementi C (2021) Spectral Properties of Effective Dynamics from Conditional
Expectations. Entropy. [IF=0.998, Cited=1, 33494443].
- Abella JR, Antunes DA, Clementi C, Kavraki LE (2019) APE-Gen: A Fast Method for Generating Ensembles of Bound Peptide-
MHC Conformations. Molecules. [IF=1.167, Cited=19, 30832312].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Clementi C, Vendruscolo M, Maritan A, Domany E (1999) Folding Lennard-Jones proteins by a contact potential. Proteins:
Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=12, 10651270].
- Clementi C, Nymeyer H, Onuchic JN (2000) Topological and energetic factors: what determines the structural details of
the transition state ensemble and "en-route" intermediates for protein folding? An investigation for small globular
proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=680, 10801360].
- Clementi C, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN (2001) Prediction of folding mechanism for circular-permuted proteins. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=60, 11518537].
- Clementi C, Nowik W, Romani A, ..., Favaro G (2007) A spectrometric and chromatographic approach to the study of ageing
of madder (Rubia tinctorum L.) dyestuff on wool. Analytica Chimica Acta. [IF=1.176, Cited=17, 17616238].
- Clementi C, Casu G, Gremigni P (2017) An Abbreviated Version of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. Journal of Nutrition
Education and Behavior. [IF=0.974, Cited=10, 28391799].
- Clementi C, Miliani C, Romani A, Favaro G (2005) In situ fluorimetry: a powerful non-invasive diagnostic technique for
natural dyes used in artefacts Part I. Spectral characterization of orcein in solution, on silk and wool laboratory-
standards and a fragment of Renaissance tapestry. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy.
[IF=1.037, Cited=17, 16332451].
- Clementi C, Miliani C, Romani A, ..., Favaro G (2008) In-situ fluorimetry: a powerful non-invasive diagnostic technique
for natural dyes used in artefacts. Part II. Identification of orcein and indigo in Renaissance tapestries.
Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. [IF=1.037, Cited=9, 19004665].
- Clementi C, Carlotti B, Burattini C, ..., Elisei F (2019) Effect of hydrogen bonding interaction on the photophysics of
α-amino-orcein. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 30818151].
- Arts M, Garcia Satorras V, Huang CW, ..., van den Berg R (2023) Two for One: Diffusion Models and Force Fields for
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=8, 37688551].
- Bryant P, Kelkar A, Guljas A, ..., Noé F (2024) Structure prediction of protein-ligand complexes from sequence
information with Umol. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=0, 38806453].
- Meng X, Templeton C, Clementi C, Veit M (2023) The role of an amphiphilic helix and transmembrane region in the
efficient acylation of the M2 protein from influenza virus. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=0, 37919373].
- Cesaretti A, Carlotti B, Gentili PL, ..., Elisei F (2014) Doxycycline and oxytetracycline loading of a zwitterionic
amphoteric surfactant-gel and their controlled release. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=6, 25251135].
- Clementi C, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN (2000) How native-state topology affects the folding of dihydrofolate reductase and
interleukin-1beta. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=139, 10811910].
- Clementi C, Carloni P, Maritan A (1999) Protein design is a key factor for subunit-subunit association. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=4, 10449742].
- Conev A, Rigo MM, Devaurs D, ..., Kavraki LE (2023) EnGens: a computational framework for generation and analysis of
representative protein conformational ensembles. Briefings in Bioinformatics. [IF=1.732, Cited=2, 37418278].
- Conev A, Rigo MM, Devaurs D, ..., Kavraki L (2023) EnGens: a computational framework for generation and analysis of
representative protein conformational ensembles. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37163076].
- Romani A, Clementi C, Miliani C, ..., Favaro G (2008) Portable equipment for luminescence lifetime measurements on
surfaces. Applied Spectroscopy. [IF=0.919, Cited=19, 19094400].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Taliani G, Clementi C, Lecce R, ..., De Bac C (1990) Interferon treatment and ALT normalization concomitant with ongoing
viral replication. Hepatology. [IF=2.917, Cited=0, 2210684].
- Taliani G, Badolato C, Lecce R, ..., De Bac C (1995) Hepatitis C virus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells:
relation with response to interferon treatment. Journal of Medical Virology. [IF=1.67, Cited=31, 8551253].
- Shehu A, Clementi C, Kavraki LE (2006) Modeling protein conformational ensembles: from missing loops to equilibrium
fluctuations. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=31, 16917941].
- Plaku E, Stamati H, Clementi C, Kavraki LE (2007) Fast and reliable analysis of molecular motion using proximity
relations and dimensionality reduction. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=18, 17380507].
- Heath AP, Kavraki LE, Clementi C (2007) From coarse-grain to all-atom: toward multiscale analysis of protein landscapes.
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=40, 17523187].
- Shehu A, Kavraki LE, Clementi C (2009) Multiscale characterization of protein conformational ensembles. Proteins:
Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=26, 19280604].
- Stamati H, Clementi C, Kavraki LE (2010) Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to characterize the
conformational landscape of small peptides. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. [IF=0.897, Cited=21, 19731366].
- Taliani G, Furlan C, Grimaldi F, ..., De Bac C (1992) One course versus two courses of recombinant alpha interferon in
chronic C hepatitis. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 1450706].
- Taliani G, Badolato MC, Lecce R, ..., Bozza A (1993) Isolate antibody to hepatitis C virus core antigen (C22) by RIBA-2:
correlation with HCV-RNA and anti-NS5. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 8260866].
- Favaro G, Clementi C, Romani A, Vickackaite V (2007) Acidichromism and ionochromism of luteolin and apigenin, the main
components of the naturally occurring yellow weld: a spectrophotometric and fluorimetric study. Journal of Fluorescence.
[IF=0.623, Cited=20, 17710519].
- Taliani G, Lecce R, Clementi C, ..., De Bac C (1991) Antibodies to hepatitis C virus and response to interferon
treatment in non-A, non-B chronic hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology. [IF=5.444, Cited=0, 1646837].
- Matysiak S, Clementi C (2007) Mapping folding energy landscapes with theory and experiment. Archives of Biochemistry and
Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=16, 17910943].
- Matysiak S, Clementi C (2004) Optimal combination of theory and experiment for the characterization of the protein
folding landscape of S6: how far can a minimalist model go? Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=39, 15381433].
- Matysiak S, Clementi C (2006) Minimalist protein model as a diagnostic tool for misfolding and aggregation. Journal of
Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=26, 16959265].
- Grandi S, Clementi C, Guidi J, ..., Tossani E (2011) Personality characteristics and psychological distress associated
with primary exercise dependence: an exploratory study. Psychiatry Research. [IF=2.134, Cited=24, 21459457].
- Doherty B, Daveri A, Clementi C, ..., Miliani C (2013) The Book of Kells: a non-invasive MOLAB investigation by
complementary spectroscopic techniques. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 23850791].
- Taliani G, Lecce R, Badolato MC, ..., De Bac C (1994) Anti-GOR antibodies in anti-hepatitis C virus positive subjects
with and without virus replication and liver disease. Journal of Hepatology. [IF=5.444, Cited=6, 7523485].
- Taliani G, Duca F, Clementi C, De Bac C (1996) Platelet-associated immunoglobulin G, thrombocytopenia and response to
interferon treatment in chronic hepatitis C. Journal of Hepatology. [IF=5.444, Cited=4, 9007733].
- De Bac C, Clementi C, Duca F, ..., Taliani G (1997) Liver cirrhosis: epidemiological aspects in Italy. None. [IF=None,
Cited=3, 9108615].
- Chen J, Schafer NP, Wolynes PG, Clementi C (2019) Localizing Frustration in Proteins Using All-Atom Energy Functions.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=6, 31063375].
- Ogden J, Clementi C, Aylwin S (2006) The impact of obesity surgery and the paradox of control: A qualitative study.
Psychology and Health. [IF=1.245, Cited=69, 21985121].
- Mossa A, Pettini M, Clementi C (2006) Hamiltonian dynamics of homopolymer chain models. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 17155086].
- Mossa A, Clementi C (2007) Supersymmetric Langevin equation to explore free-energy landscapes. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 17501016].
- Matysiak S, Montesi A, Pasquali M, ..., Clementi C (2006) Dynamics of polymer translocation through nanopores: theory
meets experiment. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=69, 16605877].
- Casetti L, Clementi C, Pettini M (1996) Riemannian theory of Hamiltonian chaos and Lyapunov exponents. None. [IF=None,
Cited=35, 9965813].
- Cerruti-Sola M, Clementi C, Pettini M (2000) Hamiltonian dynamics and geometry of phase transitions in classical XY
models. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 11031563].
- Shehu A, Kavraki LE, Clementi C (2008) Unfolding the fold of cyclic cysteine-rich peptides. Protein Science. [IF=1.97,
Cited=10, 18287281].
- De Bac C, Grimaldi F, Clementi C, ..., Taliani G (1993) Efficacy of different regimens of interferon alfa-2b treatment
in chronic hepatitis C. Gut. [IF=5.22, Cited=8, 8314480].
- Ogden J, Clementi C, Aylwin S, Patel A (2005) Exploring the impact of obesity surgery on patients' health status: a
quantitative and qualitative study. Obesity Surgery. [IF=1.094, Cited=41, 15802072].
- Shehu A, Kavraki LE, Clementi C (2006) On the characterization of protein native state ensembles. Biophysical Journal.
[IF=0.842, Cited=23, 17158570].
- Guidi J, Clementi C, Grandi S (2013) [Psychological distress and personality characteristics among individuals with
primary exercise dependence]. Rivista di Psichiatria. [IF=0.794, Cited=5, 23748722].
- Stroffolini T, Menchinelli M, Taliani G, ..., Compagnoni A (1995) High prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in a
small central Italian town: lack of evidence of parenteral exposure. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 8541572].