Breslow, Ronald
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Breslow R (2001) Biomimetic selectivity. Chemical Record. [IF=1.183, Cited=11, 11893055].
- Breslow R (1991) Enzyme mimics. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 1935417].
- Breslow R, Bandyopadhyay S, Levine M, Zhou W (2006) Water exclusion and enantioselectivity in catalysis. ChemBioChem.
[IF=0.691, Cited=8, 16977662].
- Breslow R (2014) Novel aromatic and antiaromatic systems. Chemical Record. [IF=1.183, Cited=11, 25335917].
- Breslow R, Levine M, Cheng ZL (2009) Imitating prebiotic homochirality on Earth. Origins of Life and Evolution of
Biospheres. [IF=0.629, Cited=9, 19911303].
- Breslow R, Ramalingam V, Appayee C (2013) Catalysis of glyceraldehyde synthesis by primary or secondary amino acids
under prebiotic conditions as a function of pH. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. [IF=0.629, Cited=10, 24346788].
- Breslow R, Wei S, Kenesky C (2007) Enantioselective Transaminations by Dendrimeric Enzyme Mimics. Tetrahedron.
[IF=0.579, Cited=7, 18596840].
- Breslow R (1998) Biomimetic chemistry: a frontier at the chemistry/biology interface. None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 9495828].
- Breslow R (2004) Determining the geometries of transition States by use of antihydrophobic additives in water. Accounts
of Chemical Research. [IF=3.533, Cited=50, 15260509].
- Breslow R, Dong SD (1998) Biomimetic Reactions Catalyzed by Cyclodextrins and Their Derivatives. Chemical Reviews.
[IF=11.712, Cited=319, 11848956].
- Baugh SD, Yang Z, Leung DK, ..., Breslow R (2001) Cyclodextrin dimers as cleavable carriers of photodynamic sensitizers.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=49, 11741411].
- Breslow R, Groves K, Mayer MU (2002) Antihydrophobic cosolvent effects for alkylation reactions in water solution,
particularly oxygen versus carbon alkylations of phenoxide ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=14, 11929252].
- Liu L, Breslow R (2002) A potent polymer/pyridoxamine enzyme mimic. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=16, 11982360].
- Liu L, Rozenman M, Breslow R (2002) Hydrophobic effects on rates and substrate selectivities in polymeric transaminase
mimics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=17, 12392403].
- Liu L, Breslow R (2003) Dendrimeric pyridoxamine enzyme mimics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=23, 14518994].
- Biscoe MR, Breslow R (2003) Hydrophobically directed selective reduction of ketones. Journal of the American Chemical
Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=9, 14558814].
- Bong D, Tam I, Breslow R (2004) Oligothiophene isocyanides for platinum-based molecular electronic applications. Journal
of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=9, 15382906].
- Liu L, Zhou W, Chruma J, Breslow R (2004) Transamination reactions with multiple turnovers catalyzed by hydrophobic
pyridoxamine cofactors in the presence of polyethylenimine polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=22, 15225053].
- Biscoe MR, Breslow R (2005) Oxaziridinium salts as hydrophobic epoxidation reagents: remarkable hydrophobically-directed
selectivity in olefin epoxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=8, 16076170].
- Quinn JR, Foss F, Venkataraman L, Breslow R (2007) Oxidation potentials correlate with conductivities of aromatic
molecular wires. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=17, 17887757].
- Schneebeli ST, Kamenetska M, Cheng Z, ..., Breslow R (2011) Single-molecule conductance through multiple π-π-stacked
benzene rings determined with direct electrode-to-benzene ring connections. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=60, 21265533].
- Breslow R (2012) Evidence for the likely origin of homochirality in amino acids, sugars, and nucleosides on prebiotic
Earth. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=1, 22444622].
- Appayee C, Breslow R (2014) Deuterium studies reveal a new mechanism for the formose reaction involving hydride shifts.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=23, 24575857].
- Chen W, Li H, Widawsky JR, ..., Breslow R (2014) Aromaticity decreases single-molecule junction conductance. Journal of
the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=27, 24397414].
- Zhao H, Foss F, Breslow R (2008) Artificial enzymes with thiazolium and imidazolium coenzyme mimics. Journal of the
American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=11, 18763766].
- Schneebeli ST, Hall ML, Breslow R, Friesner R (2009) Quantitative DFT modeling of the enantiomeric excess for dioxirane-
catalyzed epoxidations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=26, 19243187].
- Skouta R, Wei S, Breslow R (2009) High rates and substrate selectivities in water by polyvinylimidazoles as transaminase
enzyme mimics with hydrophobically bound pyridoxamine derivatives as coenzyme mimics. Journal of the American Chemical
Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=5, 19824661].
- Yang J, Gabriele B, Belvedere S, ..., Breslow R (2002) Catalytic oxidations of steroid substrates by artificial
cytochrome p-450 enzymes. Journal of Organic Chemistry. [IF=0.885, Cited=53, 12126389].
- Widawsky JR, Chen W, Vázquez H, ..., Venkataraman L (2013) Length-dependent thermopower of highly conducting Au-C bonded
single molecule junctions. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=41, 23682792].
- Dadosh T, Sperling J, Bryant GW, ..., Bar-Joseph I (2009) Plasmonic control of the shape of the Raman spectrum of a
single molecule in a silver nanoparticle dimer. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=26, 19534506].
- Leivers M, Tam I, Groves K, ..., Breslow R (2003) A forbidden rearrangement. Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=2, 12967286].
- Biscoe MR, Uyeda C, Breslow R (2004) Requirements for selective hydrophobic acceleration in the reduction of ketones.
Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=3, 15524476].
- Tam IW, Yan J, Breslow R (2006) An 11 nm molecular wire that switches electrochemically between an insulating and a
fully conjugated conducting state. Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=3, 16408870].
- Fang Z, Breslow R (2006) Metal coordination-directed hydroxylation of steroids with a novel artificial P-450 catalyst.
Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=19, 16408887].
- Bandyopadhyay S, Zhou W, Breslow R (2007) Isotactic polyethylenimines induce formation of L-amino acids in
transamination. Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=12, 17316011].
- Schneebeli S, Kamenetska M, Foss F, ..., Breslow R (2010) The electrical properties of biphenylenes. Organic Letters.
[IF=1.091, Cited=9, 20722383].
- Levine M, Kenesky CS, Mazori D, Breslow R (2008) Enantioselective synthesis and enantiomeric amplification of amino
acids under prebiotic conditions. Organic Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=23, 18491865].
- Breslow R, Groves K, Mayer MU (1999) Antihydrophobic cosolvent effects in organic displacement reactions. Organic
Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=1, 10822546].
- Breslow R, Levine MS (2006) Amplification of enantiomeric concentrations under credible prebiotic conditions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=51, 16938839].
- Breslow R, Cheng ZL (2009) On the origin of terrestrial homochirality for nucleosides and amino acids. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=45, 19478058].
- Breslow R, Cheng ZL (2010) L-amino acids catalyze the formation of an excess of D-glyceraldehyde, and thus of other D
sugars, under credible prebiotic conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=44, 20231487].
- Cheng L, Abhilash KG, Breslow R (2012) Binding and biomimetic cleavage of the RNA poly(U) by synthetic polyimidazoles.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=7, 22826260].
- Breslow R, Appayee C (2013) Transketolase reaction under credible prebiotic conditions. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=8, 23440198].
- Lee JH, Mahendran A, Yao Y, ..., Marks PA (2013) Development of a histone deacetylase 6 inhibitor and its biological
effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=63, 24023063].
- Cheng L, Mahendran A, Gonzalez RL, Breslow R (2014) Deoxypolypeptides bind and cleave RNA. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=3, 24843145].
- Cheng L, Doubleday C, Breslow R (2015) Evidence for tunneling in base-catalyzed isomerization of glyceraldehyde to
dihydroxyacetone by hydride shift under formose conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=5, 25831511].
- Lee JH, Yao Y, Mahendran A, ..., Marks PA (2015) Creation of a histone deacetylase 6 inhibitor and its biological
effects [corrected]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=17, 26371309].
- Gopinath P, Ramalingam V, Breslow R (2015) Magnesium pyrophosphates in enzyme mimics of nucleotide synthases and kinases
and in their prebiotic chemistry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=4, 26371307].
- Porter NJ, Mahendran A, Breslow R, Christianson DW (2017) Unusual zinc-binding mode of HDAC6-selective hydroxamate
inhibitors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=51, 29203661].
- Breslow R, Huang DL, Anslyn E (1989) On the mechanism of action of ribonucleases: dinucleotide cleavage catalyzed by
imidazole and Zn2+. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=29, 2467290].
- Breslow R, Guo T (1990) Surface tension measurements show that chaotropic salting-in denaturants are not just water-
structure breakers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=62, 2153285].
- Breslow R, Huang DL (1991) Effects of metal ions, including Mg2+ and lanthanides, on the cleavage of ribonucleotides and
RNA model compounds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=40, 1709734].
- Breslow R, Jursic B, Yan ZF, ..., Marks PA (1991) Potent cytodifferentiating agents related to
hexamethylenebisacetamide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=33, 2062836].
- Breslow R, Halfon S (1992) Quantitative effects of antihydrophobic agents on binding constants and solubilities in
water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=10, 1495980].
- Breslow R, Xu R (1993) Recognition and catalysis in nucleic acid chemistry. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=19, 7679492].
- Breslow R (1993) Kinetics and mechanism in RNA cleavage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=10, 7679493].
- Breslow R, Chapman WH (1996) On the mechanism of action of ribonuclease A: relevance of enzymatic studies with a
p-nitrophenylphosphate ester and a thiophosphate ester. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=22, 8816743].
- Breslow R, Huang Y, Zhang X, Yang J (1997) An artificial cytochrome P450 that hydroxylates unactivated carbons with
regio- and stereoselectivity and useful catalytic turnovers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=42, 9326577].
- Richon VM, Emiliani S, Verdin E, ..., Marks PA (1998) A class of hybrid polar inducers of transformed cell
differentiation inhibits histone deacetylases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=495, 9501205].
- Ruebner A, Yang Z, Leung D, Breslow R (1999) A cyclodextrin dimer with a photocleavable linker as a possible carrier for
the photosensitizer in photodynamic tumor therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=29, 10611274].
- Leung DK, Yang Z, Breslow R (2000) Selective disruption of protein aggregation by cyclodextrin dimers. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=28, 10805768].
- Breslow R (2008) Biomimetic chemistry: biology as an inspiration. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=33, 18784073].
- Breslow R (1987) Artificial enzymes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. [IF=0.889, Cited=2, 3454286].
- Guo X, Small JP, Klare JE, ..., Nuckolls C (2006) Covalently bridging gaps in single-walled carbon nanotubes with
conducting molecules. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=122, 16424333].
- Breslow R (1984) A figure of modern science: a time to remember. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17819491].
- Breslow R (1982) Artificial enzymes. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=51, 7123255].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1995) Crisis hospitalization in a psychiatric emergency service. None. [IF=None,
Cited=1, 7476810].
- Breslow R, Sorkin JD, Frey CM, Kessler LG (1997) Americans' knowledge of cancer risk and survival. Preventive Medicine.
[IF=1.601, Cited=96, 9085385].
- Breslow R, Bergstrom N (1994) Nutritional prediction of pressure ulcers. None. [IF=None, Cited=22, 7963176].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1993) Crisis hospitalization on a psychiatric emergency service. General Hospital
Psychiatry. [IF=1.772, Cited=17, 8307344].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1996) Acute intoxication and substance abuse among patients presenting to a
psychiatric emergency service. General Hospital Psychiatry. [IF=1.772, Cited=22, 8739011].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1997) Time study of psychiatric emergency service evaluations. General Hospital
Psychiatry. [IF=1.772, Cited=8, 9034804].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1998) County drift: a type of geographic mobility of chronic psychiatric patients.
General Hospital Psychiatry. [IF=1.772, Cited=9, 9506253].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1999) The disruptive behavior disorders in the psychiatric emergency service.
General Hospital Psychiatry. [IF=1.772, Cited=3, 10378115].
- Breslow R, Wideroff L, Graubard BI, ..., Ballard-Barbash R (1999) Alcohol and prostate cancer in the NHANES I
epidemiologic follow-up study. First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of the United States. Annals of
Epidemiology. [IF=1.481, Cited=28, 10332931].
- Quinn JR, Foss F, Venkataraman L, ..., Breslow R (2007) Single-molecule junction conductance through diaminoacenes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=18, 17488083].
- Breslow R, Erickson BJ, Cavanaugh KC (2000) The psychiatric emergency service: where we've been and where we're going.
Psychiatric Quarterly. [IF=1.165, Cited=19, 10832154].
- Breslow R, Graubard BI, Sinha R, Subar AF (2000) Diet and lung cancer mortality: a 1987 National Health Interview Survey
cohort study. Cancer Causes and Control. [IF=0.9, Cited=48, 10877335].
- Marks PA, Breslow R, Rifkind RA, ..., Singh R (1989) Polar/apolar chemical inducers of differentiation of transformed
cells: strategies to improve therapeutic potential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=12, 2762329].
- Jin R, Chapman WH, Srinivasan AR, ..., Breslauer KJ (1993) Comparative spectroscopic, calorimetric, and computational
studies of nucleic acid complexes with 2',5"-versus 3',5"-phosphodiester linkages. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=16, 8248146].
- Griffiths RJ, Pettipher ER, Koch K, ..., Milici AJ (1995) Leukotriene B4 plays a critical role in the progression of
collagen-induced arthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=122, 7831322].
- Richon VM, Webb Y, Merger R, ..., Marks PA (1996) Second generation hybrid polar compounds are potent inducers of
transformed cell differentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=232, 8650156].
- Breslow R, Subar AF, Patterson BH, Block G (1997) Trends in food intake: the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview
Surveys. Nutrition and Cancer. [IF=0.835, Cited=11, 9200155].
- Breslow R, Weed DL (1998) Review of epidemiologic studies of alcohol and prostate cancer: 1971-1996. Nutrition and
Cancer. [IF=0.835, Cited=31, 9507506].
- Breslow R, Shay JW, Gazdar AF, Srivastava S (1997) Telomerase and early detection of cancer: a National Cancer Institute
workshop. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=22, 9150185].
- Breslow R, Sorkin JD (1993) Comparison of one-day and three-day calorie counts in hospitalized patients: a pilot study.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. [IF=2.072, Cited=9, 8409178].
- Breslow R, Hallfrisch J, Guy DG, ..., Goldberg AP (1993) The importance of dietary protein in healing pressure ulcers.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. [IF=2.072, Cited=83, 8463519].
- Breslow R, Klinger BI, Erickson BJ (1996) Characteristics of managed care patients in a psychiatric emergency service.
Psychiatric Services. [IF=1.487, Cited=1, 8916248].
- Breslow R, Grand S, Freedman N (1980) Effect of vocal feedback on Stroop Color-Word interference. Perceptual and Motor
Skills. [IF=0.831, Cited=1, 7375294].
- Breslow R, Hallfrisch J, Goldberg AP (1991) Malnutrition in tubefed nursing home patients with pressure sores. Journal
of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. [IF=1.381, Cited=32, 1766057].
- Breslow R, Ross SA, Weed DL (1998) Quality of reviews in epidemiology. American Journal of Public Health. [IF=2.376,
Cited=20, 9518988].
- Breslow R, Kocsis J, Belkin B (1980) Memory deficits in depression: evidence utilizing the Wechsler Memory Scale.
Perceptual and Motor Skills. [IF=0.831, Cited=23, 7443375].
- Breslow R, Ballard-Barbash R, Munoz K, Graubard BI (2001) Long-term recreational physical activity and breast cancer in
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I epidemiologic follow-up study. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and
Prevention. [IF=1.23, Cited=0, 11440967].
- Breslow R, Alberg AJ, Helzlsouer KJ, ..., Comstock GW (1995) Serological precursors of cancer: malignant melanoma, basal
and squamous cell skin cancer, and prediagnostic levels of retinol, beta- carotene, lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, and
selenium. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. [IF=1.23, Cited=0, 8634654].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Yang J, Breslow R (2000) Selective Hydroxylation of a Steroid at C-9 by an Artificial Cytochrome P-450 We thank the
National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Environmental Protection Agency for financial
support of this research. J.Y. acknowledges support from an NCERQA EPA Graduate Fellowship and a Bristol-Myers Squibb
Graduate Fellowship. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=31, 10934396].
- Breslow R (1986) Artificial enzymes and enzyme models. None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 3521215].
- Breslow R (1978) Studies on enzyme models and on the enzyme carboxypeptidase A. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 246779].
- Belvedere S, Breslow R (2001) Regioselective oxidation of steroids by a manganese porphyrin carrying metal coordinating
groups. Bioorganic Chemistry. [IF=1.325, Cited=9, 16256701].
- Leivers M, Breslow R (2001) Concerning two-metal cooperativity in model phosphate hydrolysis. Bioorganic Chemistry.
[IF=1.325, Cited=4, 11846433].
- Corcoran R, Labelle M, Czarnik AW, Breslow R (1985) An assay to determine the kinetics of RNA cleavage. Analytical
Biochemistry. [IF=0.706, Cited=7, 2581471].
- Breslow R, DeMuth GW, Weiss C (1985) Lithium incorporation in the fibroblasts of manic-depressives. Biological
Psychiatry. [IF=2.412, Cited=2, 2981128].
- Czarnik AW, Breslow R (1984) Hexadeoxycycloheptaamylose-pyridoxamine, an artificial transaminase with a "deeper" binding
pocket. Carbohydrate Research. [IF=0.688, Cited=2, 6733723].
- Breslow R, Goldsby RA (1969) Isolation and characterization of thymidine transport mutants of Chinese hamster cells.
Experimental Cell Research. [IF=0.736, Cited=57, 4182358].
- Breslow R (1979) Chemical reactions of steroids which imitate the selectivity of enzymatic transformations. None.
[IF=None, Cited=1, 491590].
- Cheng JB, Pillar JS, Conklyn MJ, ..., Showell HJ (1990) Antigen-dependent leukotriene synthesis and histamine release
from IgG1 passively-sensitized guinea pig lungs ex vivo: relationship between serum levels of antigen-specific IgG1 and
mediator synthesis/release. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 1725604].
- Liu L, Breslow R (2004) Polymeric and dendrimeric pyridoxal enzyme mimics. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. [IF=0.86,
Cited=12, 15158796].
- Chruma JJ, Liu L, Zhou W, Breslow R (2005) Hydrophobic and electronic factors in the design of dialkylglycine
decarboxylase mimics. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. [IF=0.86, Cited=9, 15953728].
- Zhou W, Yerkes N, Chruma JJ, ..., Breslow R (2005) Chiral polyamines from reduction of polypeptides: asymmetric
pyridoxamine-mediated transaminations. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. [IF=0.704, Cited=11, 15713385].
- Fang Z, Breslow R (2005) A thiolate ligand on a cytochrome P-450 mimic permits the use of simple environmentally benign
oxidants for biomimetic steroid hydroxylation in water. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. [IF=0.704, Cited=9, 16183271].
- Wei S, Wang J, Venhuizen S, ..., Breslow R (2009) Dendrimers in solution can have their remote catalytic groups folded
back into the core: enantioselective transaminations by dendritic enzyme mimics-II. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
Letters. [IF=0.704, Cited=3, 19729305].
- Zhao H, Breslow R (2010) A mimic of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.
[IF=0.704, Cited=0, 20826089].
- Levine M, Kenesky CS, Zheng S, ..., Breslow R (2008) Synthesis and catalytic properties of diverse chiral polyamines.
Tetrahedron Letters. [IF=0.515, Cited=5, 19794811].
- Marks PA, Richon VM, Breslow R, Rifkind RA (1999) Hybrid polar inducers of transformed cell differentiation/apoptosis.
From the cell to the clinic. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 10196668].
- Nesna N, Lou J, Breslow R (2000) The binding of cocaine to cyclodextrins. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters.
[IF=0.704, Cited=3, 10987420].
- Liu L, Rozenman M, Breslow R (2002) Stereoselectivity in reactions of amino acids catalyzed by pyridoxal derivatives
carrying rigidly-attached chirally-mounted basic groups--transamination, racemization, decarboxylation, retro-aldol
reaction, and aldol condensation. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. [IF=0.86, Cited=7, 12413849].
- Wilson D, Perlson L, Breslow R (2003) Helical templating of oligopeptides by cyclodextrin dimers. Bioorganic and
Medicinal Chemistry. [IF=0.86, Cited=10, 12757731].
- Fasella E, Dong SD, Breslow R (1999) Reversal of optical induction in transamination by regioisomeric bifunctionalized
cyclodextrins. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. [IF=0.86, Cited=15, 10400323].
- Gellman SH, Gellman SH, Petter R, ..., Breslow R (1986) Catalytic hydrolysis of a phosphate triester by tetracoordinated
zinc complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=17, 22175588].
- Breslow R, Mehta MP (1986) Catalytic directed steroid chlorination with billion-fold turnovers. Journal of the American
Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=1, 22175626].
- Breslow R, McClure DE (1976) Letter: Cooperative catalysis of the cleavage of an amide by carboxylate and phenolic
groups in a carboxypeptidase A model. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=3, 1244371].
- Breslow R, Wernick D (1976) Letter: On the mechanism of catalysis by carboxypeptidase A. Journal of the American
Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=14, 1244372].
- Breslow R, Khanna PL (1976) Letter: An intramolecular model for the enzymatic insertion of coenzyme B12 into unactivated
carbon-hydrogen bonds. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=4, 1249362].
- Breslow R, Corcoran RJ, Snider BB, ..., Kaleya R (1977) Selective halogenation of steroids using attached aryl iodide
templates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=23, 833385].
- Breslow R, Overman LE (1970) An "artificial enzyme" combining a metal catalytic group and a hydrophobic binding cavity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=69, 5451011].
- Breslow R, McAllister C (1971) Intramolecular bifunctional catalysis of ester hydrolysis by metal ion and carboxylate in
a carboxypeptidase model. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=2, 5133100].
- Breslow R, Dale JA, Kalicky P, ..., Washburn WN (1972) Introduction of a 9(11) double bond into steroids by selective
free-radical halogenation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=6, 5032504].
- Breslow R, Baldwin S, Flechtner T, ..., Washburn W (1973) Remote oxidation of steroids by photolysis of attached
benzophenone groups. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=55, 4708826].
- Breslow R, Corcoran RJ, Snider BB (1974) Letter: Remote functionalization of steroids by a radical relay mechanism.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=9, 4414371].
- Breslow R, Snider BB, Corcoran RJ (1974) Letter: A cortisone synthesis using remote oxidation. Journal of the American
Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=7, 4414092].
- Breslow R, McClure DE, Brown RS, Eisenach J (1975) Letter: Very fast zinc-catalyzed hydrolysis of an anhydride. A model
for the rate and mechanism of carboxypeptidase A catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=7, 1133332].
- Snider BB, Corcoran RJ, Breslow R (1975) Letter: Removal of the steroid side chain using remote oxidation. Conversion of
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