Boyer, Paul D
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Boyer PD (1998) Energy, Life, and ATP (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=29, 29710952].
- Boyer PD (1993) The binding change mechanism for ATP synthase--some probabilities and possibilities. None. [IF=None,
Cited=475, 8417777].
- Boyer PD (2000) Catalytic site forms and controls in ATP synthase catalysis. None. [IF=None, Cited=49, 10838041].
- Boyer PD (1998) ATP synthase--past and future. None. [IF=None, Cited=26, 9693715].
- Boyer PD (2002) Catalytic site occupancy during ATP synthase catalysis. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=37, 11852046].
- Boyer PD (2001) New insights into one of nature's remarkable catalysts, the ATP synthase. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773,
Cited=6, 11545726].
- Boyer PD (1987) The unusual enzymology of ATP synthase. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=35, 2894841].
- Boyer PD (2001) Toward an adequate scheme for the ATP synthase catalysis. Biochemistry (Moscow). [IF=0.674, Cited=10, 11736627].
- Boyer PD (1998) Energy, life, and ATP. Bioscience Reports. [IF=0.84, Cited=20, 9798783].
- Boyer PD, Cross RL, Momsen W (1973) A new concept for energy coupling in oxidative phosphorylation based on a molecular
explanation of the oxygen exchange reactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=122, 4517936].
- Smith DJ, Boyer PD (1976) Demonstration of a transitory tight binding of ATP and of committed P(i) and ADP during ATP
synthesis by chloroplasts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=18, 16592374].
- Kasho VN, Boyer PD (1989) Vacuolar ATPases, like F1,F0-ATPases, show a strong dependence of the reaction velocity on the
binding of more than one ATP per enzyme. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=16, 2530585].
- Boyer PD (1989) A perspective of the binding change mechanism for ATP synthesis. FASEB Journal. [IF=1.029, Cited=111, 2526771].
- Boyer PD (1986) The case for a return to fixed indirect costs. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 3715460].
- Boyer PD (1997) The ATP synthase--a splendid molecular machine. Annual Review of Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=929, 9242922].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Boyer PD, Stulberg MP (1958) Tracing of the In Vivo Path from Amino Acid to Protein. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=2, 16590178].
- Boyer PD (2002) A research journey with ATP synthase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=65, 12181328].
- Boyer PD (1963) Phosphohistidine. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=21, 17751787].
- Boyer PD, Diamond RA, Rothenberg EV (1989) Changes in inducibility of IL-2 receptor alpha-chain and T cell-receptor
expression during thymocyte differentiation in the mouse. Journal of Immunology. [IF=0.939, Cited=17, 2498427].
- Boyer PD, Rothenberg EV (1988) IL-2 receptor inducibility is blocked in cortical-type thymocytes. Journal of Immunology.
[IF=0.939, Cited=22, 3129501].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Jaskoll T, Boyer PD, Melnick M (1994) Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and embryonic mouse lung morphogenesis. Developmental
Dynamics. [IF=0.691, Cited=17, 7873786].
- Wolcott RG, Boyer PD (1975) Isotopic probes of catalytic steps of myosin adenosine triphosphatase. None. [IF=None,
Cited=9, 127885].
- Kasho VN, Allison WS, Boyer PD (1993) Study of the mechanism of MF1 ATPase inhibition by fluorosulfonylbenzoyl inosine,
quinacrine mustard, and efrapeptin using intermediate 18O exchange as a probe. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
[IF=0.874, Cited=1, 8424665].
- Kasho VN, Boyer PD (1984) Relationships of inosine triphosphate and bicarbonate effects on F1 ATPase to the binding
change mechanism. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. [IF=0.676, Cited=7, 6242244].
- Hill RD, Ford S, Byington KH, ..., Boyer PD (1968) Properties of a polar 32P-phospholipid isolated from a particulate
mitochondrial ATPase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=1, 4235226].
- Chude O, Boyer PD (1974) Protein-bound sulfhydryl groups and thiolesters in mitochondria and submitochondrial particles
and their relationships to oxidative phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=7, 4208772].
- Weber BH, Storm MC, Boyer PD (1974) An assessment of the exchangeability of water molecules in the interior of
chymotrypsinogen in solution. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. [IF=0.874, Cited=2, 4850517].
- Kandpal RP, Boyer PD (1987) Escherichia coli F1 ATPase is reversibly inhibited by intra- and intersubunit crosslinking:
an approach to assess rotational catalysis. None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 2879565].
- Milgrom YM, Boyer PD (1990) The ADP that binds tightly to nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1-ATPase and inhibits
catalysis is bound at a catalytic site. None. [IF=None, Cited=36, 2145975].
- Yuthavong Y, Feldman N, Boyer PD (1975) Some chemical characteristics of dimethylsuberimidate and its effect on
sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 1122319].
- Wolcott RG, Boyer PD (1973) On the nature of p-nitrothiophenylated myosin. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 4710233].
- Mitchell RA, Butler LG, Boyer PD (1964) The association of readily-soluble bound phosphohistidine from mitochondria with
succinate thiokinase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=21, 5871845].
- Kreil G, Boyer PD (1964) Detection of bound phosphohistidine in E. coli succinate thiokinase. Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=25, 5332854].
- Skye GE, Shavit N, Boyer PD (1967) The catalysis by modified chloroplasts of the Pi-ATP, Pi-HOH and ATP-HOH exchange
reactions in the absence of light. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=2, 6053199].
- Boyer PD (1969) The inhibition of pyruvate kinase by ATP: a Mg++ buffer system for use in enzyme studies. Biochemical
and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=18, 5777786].
- Cross RL, Boyer PD (1973) Evidence for detection of AT 32 P bound at the coupling sites of mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=10, 4699564].
- Wolcott RG, Boyer PD (1974) The reversal of the myosin and actomyosin ATPase reactions and the free energy of ATP
binding to myosin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=22, 4275131].
- Rosing J, Smith DJ, Kayalar C, Boyer PD (1976) Medium ADP and not ADP already tightly bound to phylakoid membranes forms
the initial ATP in chloroplast phosphorylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643,
Cited=11, 10896].
- Tsuji FI, DeLuca M, Boyer PD, ..., Akutagawa M (1977) Mechanism of the enzyme--catalyzed oxidation of Cypridina and
firefly luciferins studied by means of 17O2 and H218O1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643,
Cited=8, 836314].
- Hart RC, Stempel KE, Boyer PD, Cormier MJ (1978) Mechanism of the enzyme-catalyzed bioluminescent oxidation of
coelenterate-type luciferin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=12, 27179].
- Wannlund J, DeLuca M, Stempel K, Boyer PD (1978) Use of 14C-carboxyl-luciferin in determining the mechanism of the
firefly luciferase catalyzed reactions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=5, 666806].
- Guerrero KJ, Boyer PD (1988) Tightly bound 2-azido-adenine nucleotides at catalytic and noncatalytic sites of the rat
liver F1 ATPase label adjacent tryptic peptides of the beta subunit. Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=5, 2900637].
- Baldarelli RM, Mahoney PA, Salas F, ..., Lengyel JA (1988) Transcripts of the Drosophila blastoderm-specific locus,
terminus, are concentrated posteriorly and encode a potential DNA-binding finger. Developmental Biology. [IF=0.815,
Cited=17, 3334721].
- Boyer PD (1975) A model for conformational coupling of membrane potential and proton translocation to ATP synthesis and
to active transport. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=78, 1225567].
- Boyer PD (1975) Energy transduction and proton translocation by adenosine triphosphatases. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871,
Cited=18, 122942].
- Ernster L, Carlsson C, Boyer PD (1977) Reconstituted mitochondrial oligomycin-sensitive ATPase (F0F1) with intermediate
Pi in equilibrium HOH exchange but no Pi in equilibrium ATP exchange activity. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=2, 145953].
- Myers JA, Boyer PD (1983) Catalytic properties of the ATPase on submitochondrial particles after exchange of tightly
bound nucleotides under different steady state conditions. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=3, 6226536].
- Xue ZX, Miller CG, Zhou JM, Boyer PD (1987) Catalytic and noncatalytic nucleotide binding sites of chloroplast F1
ATPase. Photoaffinity labeling and peptide sequencing. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=21, 2889622].
- Wise JG, Hicke BJ, Boyer PD (1987) Catalytic and noncatalytic nucleotide binding sites of the Escherichia coli F1
ATPase. Amino acid sequences of beta-subunit tryptic peptides labeled with 2-azido-ATP. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871,
Cited=21, 2889623].
- Guerrero KJ, Ehler LL, Boyer PD (1990) Guanosine and formycin triphosphates bind at non-catalytic nucleotide binding
sites of CF1 ATPase and inhibit ATP hydrolysis. FEBS Letters. [IF=0.871, Cited=10, 2146148].
- Duffy JJ, Chaney SG, Boyer PD (1972) Incorporation of water oxygens into intracellular nucleotides and RNA. I.
Predominantly non-hydrolytic RNA turnover in Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=20, 4336697].
- Chaney SG, Boyer PD (1972) Incorporation of water oxygens into intracellular nucleotides and RNA. II. Predominantly
hydrolytic RNA turnover in Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=23, 4553854].
- Strayer DR, Boyer PD (1978) Integrity of parental DNA during replication. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281,
Cited=1, 347093].
- Wedler FC, Boyer PD (1973) Mechanisms of enzyme control as probed by equilibrium exchange rates: patterns of modifier
effects with a two substrate, two product system. Journal of Theoretical Biology. [IF=0.784, Cited=7, 4632523].
- Boyer PD, Stempel K (1979) Rapid nucleotide labeling and 18O exchange probes of intermediate states in electron-
transport-coupled phosphorylation. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 459844].
- Boyer PD (1988) Bioenergetic coupling to protonmotive force: should we be considering hydronium ion coordination and not
group protonation? Trends in Biochemical Sciences. [IF=2.462, Cited=64, 2854307].
- Kayalar C, Rosing J, Boyer PD (1976) 2,4-Dinitrophenol causes a marked increase in the apparent Km of Pi and of ADP for
oxidative phosphorylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. [IF=0.643, Cited=23, 985515].
- Richards OC, Boyer PD (1966) 18O labeling of deoxyribonucleic acid during synthesis and stability of the label during
replication. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=14, 5338519].
- Hackney DD, Stempel KE, Boyer PD (1980) Oxygen-18 probes of enzymic reactions of phosphate compounds. None. [IF=None,
Cited=25, 7374458].
- Stempel KE, Boyer PD (1986) Refinements in oxygen-18 methodology for the study of phosphorylation mechanisms. None.
[IF=None, Cited=7, 3272343].
- Murataliev MB, Milgrom YM, Boyer PD (1991) Characteristics of the combination of inhibitory Mg2+ and azide with the F1
ATPase from chloroplasts. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=17, 1832012].
- Zhou JM, Boyer PD (1992) MgADP and free Pi as the substrates and the Mg2+ requirement for photophosphorylation.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=4, 1554702].
- McIntosh DB, Boyer PD (1983) Adenosine 5'-triphosphate modulation of catalytic intermediates of calcium ion activated
adenosinetriphosphatase of sarcoplasmic reticulum subsequent to enzyme phosphorylation. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753,
Cited=26, 6223659].
- Gafni A, Boyer PD (1984) Characterization of sarcoplasmic reticulum adenosinetriphosphatase purified by selective column
adsorption. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=15, 6237686].
- Guillain F, Champeil P, Boyer PD (1984) Sarcoplasmic reticulum adenosinetriphosphatase phosphorylation from inorganic
phosphate. Theoretical and experimental reinvestigation. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=6, 6238621].
- Wu D, Boyer PD (1986) Bound adenosine 5'-triphosphate formation, bound adenosine 5'-diphosphate and inorganic phosphate
retention, and inorganic phosphate oxygen exchange by chloroplast adenosinetriphosphatase in the presence of Ca2+ or
Mg2+. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=5, 2873834].
- Stroop SD, Boyer PD (1987) Catalytic and regulatory effects of light intensity on chloroplast ATP synthase.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=3, 2882778].
- Kandpal RP, Stempel KE, Boyer PD (1987) Characteristics of the formation of enzyme-bound ATP from medium inorganic
phosphate by mitochondrial F1 adenosinetriphosphatase in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753,
Cited=13, 2885026].
- Xue ZX, Zhou JM, Melese T, ..., Boyer PD (1987) Chloroplast F1 ATPase has more than three nucleotide binding sites, and
2-azido-ADP or 2-azido-ATP at both catalytic and noncatalytic sites labels the beta subunit. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753,
Cited=31, 2888481].
- Zhou JM, Xue ZX, Du ZY, ..., Boyer PD (1988) Relationship of tightly bound ADP and ATP to control and catalysis by
chloroplast ATP synthase. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=24, 2901855].
- Kasho VN, Yoshida M, Boyer PD (1989) F1 ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium PS3 (TF1) shows ATP modulation of oxygen
exchange. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=3, 2531004].
- Du ZY, Boyer PD (1990) On the mechanism of sulfite activation of chloroplast thylakoid ATPase and the relation of ADP
tightly bound at a catalytic site to the binding change mechanism. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=27, 2137348].
- Ariki M, Boyer PD (1980) Characterization of medium inorganic phosphate-water exchange catalyzed by sarcoplasmic
reticulum vesicles. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=5, 6445751].
- Bild GS, Boyer PD (1980) Subunit interaction during catalysis: ammonium ion modulation of catalytic steps in the
Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase reaction. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=1, 6109546].
- Sleep JA, Boyer PD (1978) Effect of actin concentration on the intermediate oxygen exchange of myosin; relation to the
refractory state and the mechanism of exchange. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=9, 153148].
- Boyer PD, de Meis L, da Gloria Costa Carvalho M, Hackney DD (1977) Dynamic reversal of enzyme carboxyl group
phosphorylation as the basis of the oxygen exchange catalyzed by sarcoplasmic reticulum adenosine triphosphatase.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=20, 137741].
- Cross RL, Boyer PD (1975) The rapid labeling of adenosine triphosphate by 32P-labeled inorganic phosphate and the
exchange of phosphate oxygens as related to conformational coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. Biochemistry.
[IF=0.753, Cited=17, 1168064].
- Berman K, Boyer PD (1972) Characteristics of the reversible heat, solvent, and detergent denaturation of leucine binding
protein. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=6, 4570245].
- Leitzmann C, Wu JY, Boyer PD (1970) Subunits, composition, and related properties of succinyl coenzyme A synthetase.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=14, 4912713].
- Benson RW, Robinson JL, Boyer PD (1969) Quantitative appraisals of possible catalytic intermediates in the succinyl
coenzyme A synthetase reaction. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=2, 4895021].
- Robinson JL, Benson RW, Boyer PD (1969) Dephosphorylation of succinyl coenzyme A synthetase as related to enzyme
specificity and catalytic intermediates. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=3, 4895022].
- Bridger WA, Millen WA, Boyer PD (1968) Substrate synergism and phosphoenzyme formation in catalysis by succinyl coenzyme
A synthetase. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=26, 4878702].
- Hultquist DE, Moyer RW, Boyer PD (1966) The preparation and characterization of 1-phosphohistidine and
3-phosphohistidine. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=88, 5938947].
- Sartorelli L, Fromm HJ, Benson RW, Boyer PD (1966) Direct and 18-O-exchange measurements relevant to possible activated
or phosphorylated states of myosin. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=13, 5961874].
- Boyer PD, Slater EC (1965) Labelling rates and detection of intermediates in mitochondrial phosphorylations and other
sequential reactions. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=1, 5885856].
- Boyer PD (1999) What makes ATP synthase spin? Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=36, 10580491].
- Milgrom YM, Murataliev MB, Boyer PD (1998) Bi-site activation occurs with the native and nucleotide-depleted
mitochondrial F1-ATPase. Biochemical Journal. [IF=0.852, Cited=20, 9480927].
- Bagshaw CR, Trentham DR, Wolcott RG, Boyer PD (1975) Oxygen exchange in the gamma-phosphoryl group of protein-bound ATP
during Mg2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity of myosin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=29, 126449].
- Hackney DD, Boyer PD (1978) Evaluation of the partitioning of bound inorganic phosphate during medium and intermediate
phosphate in equilibrium water oxygen exchange reactions of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=13, 356047].
- Hackney DD, Rosen G, Boyer PD (1979) Subunit interaction during catalysis: alternating site cooperativity in
photophosphorylation shown by substrate modulation of [18O]ATP species formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=15, 291029].
- Gafni A, Boyer PD (1985) Modulation of stoichiometry of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump may enhance
thermodynamic efficiency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=7, 3155860].
- Cross RL, Cunningham D, Miller CG, ..., Boyer PD (1987) Adenine nucleotide binding sites on beef heart F1 ATPase:
photoaffinity labeling of beta-subunit Tyr-368 at a noncatalytic site and beta Tyr-345 at a catalytic site. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=40, 2886991].
- Clarke C, Berenson J, Goverman J, ..., Calame K (1982) An immunoglobulin promoter region is unaltered by DNA
rearrangement and somatic mutation during B-cell development. Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=33, 6296789].
- Boyer PD (1986) A sensitive technique for detection of RNA with single-stranded probes. Nucleic Acids Research.
[IF=4.663, Cited=6, 2429263].
- Boyer PD, Mahoney PA, Lengyel JA (1987) Molecular characterization of bsg25D: a blastoderm-specific locus of Drosophila
melanogaster. Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=8, 3104878].
- Boyer PD (1995) From human serum albumin to rotational catalysis by ATP synthase. FASEB Journal. [IF=1.029, Cited=1, 7737466].
- Cardon JW, Boyer PD (1978) The rate of release of ATP from its complex with myosin. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 738273].
- Xue Z, Boyer PD (1989) Modulation of the GTPase activity of the chloroplast F1-ATPase by ATP binding at noncatalytic
sites. None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 2522043].
- Murataliev MB, Boyer PD (1992) The mechanism of stimulation of MgATPase activity of chloroplast F1-ATPase by non-
catalytic adenine-nucleotide binding. Acceleration of the ATP-dependent release of inhibitory ADP from a catalytic site.
None. [IF=None, Cited=23, 1425675].
- Rothenberg EV, McGuire KL, Boyer PD (1988) Molecular indices of functional competence in developing T cells.
Immunological Reviews. [IF=1.991, Cited=14, 3049316].
- Degani C, Dahms AS, Boyer PD (1974) Characterization of acyl phosphate in transport ATPase by a borohydride reduction
method. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=3, 4279620].
- Dahms AS, Boyer PD (1974) Oxygen exchanges catalyzed by and the mechanism of acyl phosphate formation in transport
ATPases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=1, 4279583].
- Boyer PD, Kohlbrenner WE, McIntosh DB, ..., O'Neal CC (1982) ATP and ADP modulations of catalysis by F1 and Ca2+,
Mg2+-ATPases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=17, 6132584].
- Guillain FP, Boyer PD (1982) Correlation of intrinsic fluorescence and oxygen-exchange measurements of phosphorylation
of sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase from inorganic phosphate. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878,
Cited=1, 6220657].
- Boyer PD, Chance B, Ernster L, ..., Slater EC (1977) Oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation. Annual Review
of Biochemistry. [IF=5.273, Cited=207, 18361775].
Clinical Investigation. [IF=2.423, Cited=13, 16695123].
- Kanazawa T, Boyer PD (1973) Occurrence and characteristics of a rapid exchange of phosphate oxygens catalyzed by
sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=40, 4267042].
- Dahms AS, Boyer PD (1973) Occurrence and characteristics of 18 O exchange reactions catalyzed by sodium- and potassium-
dependent adenosine triphosphatases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=19, 4267041].
- Boyer PD, Stokes BO, Wolcott RG, Degani C (1975) Coupling of "high-energy" phosphate bonds to energy transductions.
None. [IF=None, Cited=9, 124270].
- Rosing J, Kayalar C, Boyer PD (1977) Evidence for energy-dependent change in phosphate binding for mitochondrial
oxidative phosphorylation based on measurements of medium and intermediate phosphate-water exchanges. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=27, 140165].
- de Meis L, Boyer PD (1978) Induction by nucleotide triphosphate hydrolysis of a form of sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase
capable of medium phosphate-oxygen exchange in presence of calcium. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=9, 146715].
- Choate GL, Hutton RL, Boyer PD (1979) Occurrence and significance of oxygen exchange reactions catalyzed by
mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase preparations. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=29, 153910].
- Hutton RL, Boyer PD (1979) Subunit interaction during catalysis. Alternating site cooperativity of mitochondrial
adenosine triphosphatase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=36, 158596].
- Gresser M, Cardon J, Rosen G, Boyer PD (1979) Demonstration and quantitation of catalytic and noncatalytic bound ATP in
submitochondrial particles during oxidative phosphorylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=9, 159294].
- Berkich DA, Williams GD, Masiakos PT, ..., LaNoue KF (1991) Rates of various reactions catalyzed by ATP synthase as
related to the mechanism of ATP synthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=11, 1824691].
- Milgrom YM, Ehler LL, Boyer PD (1991) The characteristics and effect on catalysis of nucleotide binding to noncatalytic
sites of chloroplast F1-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=19, 1828802].
- Guerrero KJ, Xue ZX, Boyer PD (1990) Active/inactive state transitions of the chloroplast F1 ATPase are induced by a
slow binding and release of Mg2+. Relationship to catalysis and control of F1 ATPases. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=18, 2144528].
- Milgrom YM, Ehler LL, Boyer PD (1990) ATP binding at noncatalytic sites of soluble chloroplast F1-ATPase is required for
expression of the enzyme activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=22, 2146260].
- Janson CA, Degani C, Boyer PD (1979) The formation of enzyme-bound and medium pyrophosphate and the molecular basis of
the oxygen exchange reaction of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=16, 220217].
- Kandpal RP, Melese T, Stroop SD, Boyer PD (1985) Mitochondrial F1-ATPase will bind and cleave ATP but only slowly
release ADP after N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole derivatization. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=7, 2859288].
- Feldman RI, Boyer PD (1985) The role of tightly bound ADP on chloroplast ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=22, 2865256].
- Melese T, Boyer PD (1985) Derivatization of the catalytic subunits of the chloroplast ATPase by 2-azido-ATP and
dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Evidence for catalytically induced interchange of the subunits. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=20, 2866185].
- Wood JM, Wise JG, Senior AE, ..., Boyer PD (1987) Catalytic properties of the F1-adenosine triphosphatase from
Escherichia coli K-12 and its genetic variants as revealed by 18O exchanges. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=8, 2880843].
- Melese T, Xue ZX, Stempel KE, Boyer PD (1988) Catalytic properties of chloroplast F1-ATPase modified at catalytic or
noncatalytic sites by 2-azido adenine nucleotides. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=11, 2895774].
- Xue ZX, Melese T, Stempel KE, ..., Boyer PD (1988) Properties of chloroplast F1-ATPase partially modified by 2-azido
adenine nucleotides, including demonstration of three catalytic pathways. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=5, 2903156].
- Klein WL, Boyer PD (1972) Energization of active transport by Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=125, 4264299].
- Dahms AS, Kanazawa T, Boyer PD (1973) Source of the oxygen in the C-O-P linkage of the acyl phosphate in transport
adenosine triphosphatases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=6, 4270450].
- Degani C, Boyer PD (1973) A borohydride reduction method for characterization of the acyl phosphate linkage in proteins
and its application to sarcoplasmic reticulum adenosine triphosphatase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=67, 4270949].
- Wedler FC, Boyer PD (1972) Substrate binding and reaction intermediates of glutamine synthetase (Escherichia coli W) as
studied by isotope exchanges. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=16, 4400841].
- Wedler FC, Boyer PD (1972) Action patterns of feedback modifiers on equilibrium exchanges and applications to glutamine
synthetase (Escherichia coli W). Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=8, 4400842].
- Chaney SG, Duffy JJ, Boyer PD (1972) Patterns of oxygen interchange between water, substrates, and phosphate compounds
of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=4, 4622742].
- Ramaley RF, Bridger WA, Moyer RW, Boyer PD (1967) The preparation, properties, and reactions of succinyl coenzyme A
synthetase and its phosphorylated form. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=38, 4863737].
- Moyer RW, Ramaley RF, Butler LG, Boyer PD (1967) The formation and reactions of a nonphosphorylated high energy form of
succinyl coenzyme A synthetase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=7, 4863738].
- Kaplan A, Boyer PD (1968) Catalysis of water oxygen and of acetate incorporation into fatty acids by Escherichia coli
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- Rosen G, Gresser M, Vinkler C, Boyer PD (1979) Assessment of total catalytic sites and the nature of bound nucleotide
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- Jones DH, Boyer PD (1969) The apparent absolute requirement of adenosine diphosphate for the inorganic phosphate--water
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- Chaney SG, Boyer PD (1969) Lack of detection of intermediates in the path of phosphate oxygen to water in
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- Hansen JN, Dinovo EC, Boyer PD (1969) Initial and equilibrium 18O, 14C, 3H, and 2H exchange rates as probes of the
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- Kaplan A, Boyer PD (1969) Exchange and localization of 3H and 180 from water and substrates by mitochondria. Journal of
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- Lombardini JB, Singer TP, Boyer PD (1969) Cystein oxygenase. II. Studies on the mechanism of the reaction with 18oxygen.
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- Benson RW, Boyer PD (1969) The participation of an enzyme-bound oxygen group in a coenzyme A transferase reaction.
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- Shavit N, Boyer PD (1966) Source of oxygen in adenosine triphosphate formed by illumination or by acid-base transition
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- Bieber LL, Boyer PD (1966) 32P-labeling of mitochondrial protein and lipid fractions and their relation to oxidative
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- Boyer PD, Bieber LL, Mitchell RA, Szabolcsi G (1966) The apparent independence of the phosphorylation and water
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[IF=1.122, Cited=19, 5954804].
- Mitchell RA, Hill RD, Boyer PD (1967) Mechanistic implications of Mg++, adenine nucleotide, and inhibitor effects on
energy-linked reactions of submitochondrial particles. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=10, 6024770].
- Shavit N, Skye GE, Boyer PD (1967) Occurrence and possible mechanism of 32P and 18O exchange reactions of
photophosphorylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=6, 6058949].
- Hill RD, Boyer PD (1967) Inorganic orthophosphate activation and adenosine diphosphate as the primary phosphoryl
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- Gresser MJ, Myers JA, Boyer PD (1982) Catalytic site cooperativity of beef heart mitochondrial F1 adenosine
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- O'Neal CC, Boyer PD (1984) Assessment of the rate of bound substrate interconversion and of ATP acceleration of product
release during catalysis by mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122,
Cited=32, 6232276].
- Kohlbrenner WE, Boyer PD (1983) Probes of catalytic site cooperativity during catalysis by the chloroplast adenosine
triphosphate and the adenosine triphosphate synthase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=9, 6309819].
- Smith LT, Rosen G, Boyer PD (1983) Properties of ATP tightly bound to catalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase.
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- Vinkler C, Rosen G, Boyer PD (1978) Light-driven ATP formation from 32Pi by chloroplast thylakoids without detectable
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Cited=7, 632282].
- Hackney DD, Boyer PD (1978) Subunit interaction during catalysis. Implications of concentration dependency of oxygen
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- Boyer PD, Ariki M (1980) 18O-probes of phosphoenzyme formation and cooperativity with sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase.
None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 6445286].
- Sleep JA, Hackney DD, Boyer PD (1980) The equivalence of phosphate oxygens for exchange and the hydrolysis
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Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=12, 6445367].
- Kohlbrenner WE, Boyer PD (1982) Catalytic properties of beef heart mitochondrial ATPase modified with
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Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=6, 6460767].
- Sleep JA, Hackney DD, Boyer PD (1978) Characterization of phosphate oxygen exchange reactions catalyzed by myosin
through measurement of the distribution of 18-O-labeled species. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=9, 670189].
- Bild GS, Janson CA, Boyer PD (1980) Subunit interaction during catalysis. ATP modulation of catalytic steps in the
succinyl-CoA synthetase reaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=12, 6997289].
- Cardon JW, Boyer PD (1982) Subunit interaction in catalysis. Some experimental and theoretical approaches with
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=5, 7085642].
- Vinkler C, Avron M, Boyer PD (1980) Effects of permeant buffers on the initial time course of photophosphorylation and
postillumination phosphorylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=13, 7358668].
- Murataliev MB, Boyer PD (1994) Interaction of mitochondrial F1-ATPase with trinitrophenyl derivatives of ATP and ADP.
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[IF=1.122, Cited=21, 8195184].
- Zhou JM, Boyer PD (1993) Evidence that energization of the chloroplast ATP synthase favors ATP formation at the tight
binding catalytic site and increases the affinity for ADP at another catalytic site. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
[IF=1.122, Cited=17, 8420929].
- Kayalar C, Rosing J, Boyer PD (1977) An alternating site sequence for oxidative phosphorylation suggested by measurement
of substrate binding patterns and exchange reaction inhibitions. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=91, 856791].
- Smith DJ, Stokes BO, Boyer PD (1976) Probes of initial phosphorylation events in ATP synthesis by chloroplasts. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=18, 932027].
- Stokes BO, Boyer PD (1976) Rapid transfer of oxygens from inorganic phosphate to glutamine catalyzed by Escherichia coli
glutamine synthetase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=4, 9391].
- Rogers GA, Shaltiel N, Boyer PD (1976) Facile alkylation of methionine by benzyl bromide and demonstration of fumarase
inactivation accompanied by alkylation of a methionine residue. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=11, 9397].