Bailar, John C
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Kwiatkowski K, Coe K, Bailar JC, Swanson GM (2013) Inclusion of minorities and women in cancer clinical trials, a decade
later: Have we improved? Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 23674318].
- Bailar JC, Gornik HL (1997) Cancer undefeated. New England Journal of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 9164814].
- Bailar JC, Travers K (2002) Review of assessments of the human health risk associated with the use of antimicrobial
agents in agriculture. Clinical Infectious Diseases. [IF=2.495, Cited=0, 11988885].
- Bailar JC, Bailer AJ (1999) Risk assessment--the mother of all uncertainties. Disciplinary perspectives on uncertainty
in risk assessment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=0, 10676423].
- Bailar JC, Bailer AJ (1999) Common themes at the workshop on uncertainty in the risk assessment of environmental and
occupational hazards. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=0, 10676430].
- Bailar JC, Ballal SG, Boback M, ..., Wedeen R (2006) FIOH-sponsored newsletter misrepresents asbestos hazards in
Zimbabwe. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 16967833].
- Bailar JC, Bailer AJ (2001) Environment and health: 9. The science of risk assessment. CMAJ. [IF=1.802, Cited=0, 11233872].
- Bailar JC (2004) Redefining the confidence interval. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental
Health. [IF=0.852, Cited=0, 15212215].
- Bailar JC, MacMahon B (1997) Randomization in the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: a review for evidence of
subversion. CMAJ. [IF=1.802, Cited=0, 9012720].
- Bailar JC, Gornik HL (1997) Trends in cancer mortality: perspectives from Italy and the United States. Medicina del
Lavoro. [IF=0.708, Cited=0, 9396212].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Bailar JC, Smith EM (1987) Have we reduced the risk of getting cancer or of dying from cancer? An update. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 3326981].
- Bailar JC (1995) The practice of meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. [IF=2.775, Cited=0, 7853040].
- Bailar JC, Crouch EA, Shaikh R, Spiegelman D (1988) One-hit models of carcinogenesis: conservative or not? Risk
Analysis. [IF=1.458, Cited=0, 3244857].
- Bailar JC (1990) Recent trends in cancer. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [IF=1.878, Cited=0, 2248471].
- Bailar JC (1990) Death from all cancers. Trends in sixteen countries. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
[IF=1.878, Cited=0, 2264656].
- Bailar JC (1995) The Devi case and more. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 7652546].
- Sexton K, Gong H, Bailar JC, ..., Utell MJ (1993) Air pollution health risks: do class and race matter? Toxicology and
Industrial Health. [IF=0.578, Cited=0, 8184446].
- Goldberg MS, Burnett RT, Bailar JC, ..., Vincent R (2001) Identification of persons with cardiorespiratory conditions
who are at risk of dying from the acute effects of ambient air particles. Environmental Health Perspectives. [IF=2.06,
Cited=0, 11544152].
- Bailar JC (1995) Monitoring human tissues for toxic substances: a follow-up to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
report. Environmental Health Perspectives. [IF=2.06, Cited=0, 7635117].
- Bailar JC, Mosteller F (1988) Guidelines for statistical reporting in articles for medical journals. Amplifications and
explanations. Annals of Internal Medicine. [IF=5.157, Cited=0, 3341656].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Goldenberg IS, Janus ZL, Bailar JC, Eisenberg H (1969) Survival patterns of elderly women with breast cancer. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 5350814].
- Bailar JC (1977) Mammography-a time for caution. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276,
Cited=0, 576257].
- Bailar JC (1992) What if Americans ate less fat? JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. [IF=13.276,
Cited=0, 1550614].
- Bailar JC, Thomas LB, Thomson AD, ..., Vick RM (1966) Morphology and survival rates of cervical cancer in Connecticut
and southwest England. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5948345].
- Bailar JC, Eisenberg H, Mantel N (1970) Time between pairs of leukemia cases. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 5422907].
- Bailar JC, Byar DP (1970) Estrogen treatment for cancer of the prostate. Early results with 3 doses of
diethylstilbestrol and placebo. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 4916020].
- Zippin C, Bailar JC, Kohn HI, ..., Eisenberg H (1971) Radiation therapy for cervical cancer: late effects on life span
and on leukemia incidence. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 5111744].
- Bailar JC (1977) Screening for early breast cancer: pros and cons. Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 872066].
- Grandjean P, Bailar JC, Gee D, ..., Soskolne CL (2004) Implications of the Precautionary Principle in research and
policy-making. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. [IF=1.149, Cited=0, 15029572].
- Swanson GM, Bailar JC (2002) Selection and description of cancer clinical trials participants--science or happenstance?
Cancer. [IF=2.097, Cited=0, 12209677].
- Bailar JC (1976) Clinical biostatistics. Bailar's laws of data analysis. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
[IF=1.755, Cited=0, 1277719].
- Marks RG, Dawson-Saunders EK, Bailar JC, ..., Verran JA (1988) Interactions between statisticians and biomedical journal
editors. Statistics in Medicine. [IF=1.418, Cited=0, 3205998].
- Goldberg MS, Burnett RT, Bailar JC, ..., Valois MF (2001) The association between daily mortality and ambient air
particle pollution in Montreal, Quebec. 1. Nonaccidental mortality. Environmental Research. [IF=1.664, Cited=0, 11386737].
- Goldberg MS, Burnett RT, Bailar JC, ..., Vincent R (2001) The association between daily mortality and ambient air
particle pollution in Montreal, Quebec. 2. Cause-specific mortality. Environmental Research. [IF=1.664, Cited=0, 11386738].
- Bailar JC, Thomas SR (1985) What are we doing when we think we are doing risk analysis? None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 4015599].
- Mason MJ, Bailar JC, Eisenberg H (1964) Geographic variation in the incidence of esophageal cancer. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 5878734].
- King H, Bailar JC (1966) Epidemiology of urinary bladder cancer. A review of selected literature. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 5337777].
- Sutherland JV, Bailar JC (1984) The multihit model of carcinogenesis: etiologic implications for colon cancer. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 6725500].
- Jablon S, Bailar JC (1980) The contribution of ionizing radiation to cancer mortality in the United States. Preventive
Medicine. [IF=1.601, Cited=0, 7383988].
- Macarthur C, Foran PJ, Bailar JC (1995) Qualitative assessment of studies included in a meta-analysis: DES and the risk
of pregnancy loss. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. [IF=2.775, Cited=0, 7769404].
- Goldberg MS, Burnett RT, Valois MF, ..., Radon K (2003) Associations between ambient air pollution and daily mortality
among persons with congestive heart failure. Environmental Research. [IF=1.664, Cited=0, 12550083].
- Bailar JC (1967) Thromboembolism and oestrogen therapy. The Lancet. [IF=25.787, Cited=0, 4166904].
- Forrester JE, Bailar JC, Esrey SA, ..., Ocampo G (1998) Randomised trial of albendazole and pyrantel in symptomless
trichuriasis in children. The Lancet. [IF=25.787, Cited=0, 9798586].
- Nakaji S, Liu Q, Yamamoto T, ..., Bailar JC (2004) Firm measures are required to effect any significant decrease in the
Japanese age-adjusted mortality rate from malignant neoplasms for the 21st century. European Journal of Epidemiology.
[IF=3.783, Cited=0, 15074567].
- Lemen RA, Anderson H, Bailar JC, ..., Welch LS (2011) Exposure science will not increase protection of workers from
asbestos-caused diseases: NIOSH fails to provide needed public health action and leadership. Journal of Exposure Science
and Environmental Epidemiology. [IF=1.538, Cited=0, 21170057].
- Lavori PW, Louis TA, Bailar JC, Polansky M (1983) Designs for experiments--parallel comparisons of treatment. New
England Journal of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 6633587].
- Louis TA, Lavori PW, Bailar JC, Polansky M (1984) Crossover and self-controlled designs in clinical research. New
England Journal of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 6689736].
- Bailar JC, Louis TA, Lavori PW, Polansky M (1984) Studies without internal controls. New England Journal of Medicine.
[IF=17.194, Cited=0, 6377068].
- Bailar JC, Louis TA, Lavori PW, Polansky M (1984) A classification for biomedical research reports. New England Journal
of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 6390195].
- Bailar JC, Patterson K (1985) Journal peer review. The need for a research agenda. New England Journal of Medicine.
[IF=17.194, Cited=0, 3974641].
- Bailar JC, Smith EM (1986) Progress against cancer? New England Journal of Medicine. [IF=17.194, Cited=0, 3702918].
- Schoenberg BS, Bailar JC (1971) Uterine malignancies of unspecified origin. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5104069].
- Krewski D, Acosta D, Andersen M, ..., Zeise L (2010) Toxicity testing in the 21st century: a vision and a strategy.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews. [IF=1.75, Cited=0, 20574894].
- Higgins M, Bailar JC, Brauer M, ..., Smith RL (None) Commentary: health review committee. Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues. [IF=0.692, Cited=0, 12959834].
- Bailar JC (1965) Congenital malformations and season of birth: a brief review. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5831510].
- Bailar JC, Gurian J (1967) The medical significance of date of birth. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 6063168].
- Goldberg MS, Burnett RT, Brook J, ..., Vincent R (2001) Associations between daily cause-specific mortality and
concentrations of ground-level ozone in Montreal, Quebec. American Journal of Epidemiology. [IF=1.477, Cited=0, 11682364].
- Scotto J, Bailar JC (1969) Rigoni-Stern and medical statistics. A nineteenth-century approach to cancer research.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. [IF=1.06, Cited=0, 4889014].
- Dunham LJ, Bailar JC, Laqueur GL (1973) Histologically diagnosed cancers in 693 Indians of the United States, 1950-65.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=0, 4712587].
- Byar DP, Huse R, Bailar JC (1974) An exponential model relating censored survival data and concomitant information for
prostatic cancer patients. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=0, 4856154].
- Bailar JC (1998) Diagnostic drift in the reporting of cancer incidence. Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
[IF=3.144, Cited=0, 9625178].
- Wegman DH, Woods NF, Bailar JC (1997) Invited commentary: how would we know a Gulf War syndrome if we saw one? American
Journal of Epidemiology. [IF=1.477, Cited=0, 9366617].
- Janus ZL, Bailar JC, Eisenberg H (1967) Blood group and uterine cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology. [IF=1.477,
Cited=0, 5599933].
- Bailar JC (1984) Screening for lung cancer--where are we now? None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 6486553].
- Bailar JC, Cicolella A, Harrison R, ..., Yoshida F (2007) IBM, Elsevier Science, and academic freedom. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 17915545].
- LaDou J, Bailar JC (2007) Cancer and reproductive risks in the semiconductor industry. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 18085051].
- Bailar JC, Grant RN (1969) The Third National Cancer Survey. Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. [IF=153.478, Cited=0, 4979761].
- Bailar JC (1973) The Cancer Control Program of the National Cancer Institute. Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
[IF=153.478, Cited=0, 4196526].
- Bailar JC (1986) Science, statistics, and deception. Annals of Internal Medicine. [IF=5.157, Cited=0, 3946957].
- Bailar JC (1976) Mammography: a contrary view. Annals of Internal Medicine. [IF=5.157, Cited=0, 1106292].
- Bailar JC (1987) Rethinking the war on cancer. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 10287931].
- LaDou J, Landrigan P, Bailar JC, ..., Frank A (2001) A call for an international ban on asbestos. CMAJ. [IF=1.802,
Cited=0, 11233868].
- Goldberg MS, Bailar JC, Burnett RT, ..., Valois MF (2000) Identifying subgroups of the general population that may be
susceptible to short-term increases in particulate air pollution: a time-series study in Montreal, Quebec. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 11244610].
- LaDou J, Landrigan P, Bailar JC, ..., Frank A (2001) A call for an international ban on asbestos. Public Health Reviews.
[IF=2.234, Cited=0, 12418710].
- Tsuang WM, Bailar JC, Englund JA (2004) Influenza-like symptoms in the college dormitory environment: a survey taken
during the 1999-2000 influenza season. Journal of Environmental Health. [IF=0.285, Cited=0, 15101236].
- Bailar JC, Rice SL (1962) Geographic variation in uterine cancer incidence in Connecticut. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 19316406].
- Joshi TK, Bailar JC, Craner J, ..., Yassi A (2009) Physician expelled from Indian Association of Occupational Health
after critique. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 19886354].
- Davis D, Van Rensburg SJ, Arroyo Aguilar RS, ..., Zavariz C (2010) Scientists appeal to Quebec Premier Charest to stop
exporting asbestos to the developing world. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 20465068].
- Bailar JC (1979) The case for cancer prevention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=0, 285286].
- Bailar JC (1979) Dietary fat and cancer trends--a further critique. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 488366].
- Bailar JC, Young JL (1966) Oregon malignancy pattern and radioisotope storage. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 4956098].
- Bailar JC (1971) Some coordination compounds in biochemistry. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5143529].
- Dunham LJ, Bailar JC (1970) World maps of cancer mortality rates and frequency ratios. 3 and 4. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 5267121].
- Hertz R, Bailar JC (1966) Estrogen-progestogen combinations for contraception. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical
Association. [IF=13.276, Cited=0, 5332483].
- Bailar JC (1970) Estrogen therapy for prostatic cancer. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5416739].
- Bailar JC, Devesa SS (1970) The third national cancer survey. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5458096].
- Mantel N, Bailar JC (1970) A class of permutational and multinomial tests arising in epidemiological research.
Biometrics. [IF=1.235, Cited=0, 5499645].
- Schoenberg BS, Bailar JC, Fraumeni JF (1971) Certain mortality patterns of esophageal cancer in the United States,
1930-67. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=0, 5546194].
- Dunham LJ, Bailar JC (1968) World maps of cancer mortality rates and frequency ratios. Journal of the National Cancer
Institute. [IF=3.144, Cited=0, 5662021].
- King H, Bailar JC (1968) Mortality among Lutheran clergymen. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5727496].
- Bailar JC (1965) [Geographic pathology of uterine cancer in North America and Western Europe]. Prensa Medica Argentina.
[IF=0.177, Cited=0, 5844046].
- Bailar JC, Mellinger GT, Gleason DF (1966) Survival rates of patients with prostatic cancer, tumor stage, and
differentiation--preliminary report. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5948715].
- Bailar JC (1978) Mammographic screening: a reappraisal of benefits and risks. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology.
[IF=0.717, Cited=0, 630747].
- Zippin C, Lum D, Kohn HI, Bailar JC (1981) Late effects of radiation therapy for cancer of the uterine cervix. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 7349815].
- Bennett JM, Silber R, Ezdinli E, ..., Carbone PP (1978) Phase II study of adriamycin and bleomycin in patients with
multiple myeloma. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 80275].