Altug, Hatice
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- John-Herpin A, Kavungal D, von Mücke L, Altug H (2021) Infrared Metasurface Augmented by Deep Learning for Monitoring
Dynamics between All Major Classes of Biomolecules. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=20, 33615570].
- Leitis A, Tseng ML, John-Herpin A, ..., Altug H (2021) Wafer-Scale Functional Metasurfaces for Mid-Infrared Photonics
and Biosensing. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=21, 34494318].
- John-Herpin A, Tittl A, Kühner L, ..., Altug H (2022) Metasurface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy: An Abundance of
Materials and Functionalities. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=5, 35638248].
- Jangid P, Richter FU, Tseng ML, ..., Kivshar Y (2023) Spectral Tuning of High-Harmonic Generation with Resonance-
Gradient Metasurfaces. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=0, 37933748].
- Richter FU, Sinev I, Zhou S, ..., Altug H (2024) Gradient High-Q Dielectric Metasurfaces for Broadband Sensing and
Control of Vibrational Light-Matter Coupling. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=0, 38511549].
- Liu YC, Ansaryan S, Tan J, ..., Altug H (2024) Nanoplasmonic Single-Tumoroid Microarray for Real-Time Secretion
Analysis. Advanced Science. [IF=2.304, Cited=0, 38924371].
- Tittl A, John-Herpin A, Leitis A, ..., Altug H (2019) Metasurface-Based Molecular Biosensing Aided by Artificial
Intelligence. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=23, 31021045].
- Saateh A, Ansaryan S, Gao J, ..., Altug H (2024) Long-term and Continuous Plasmonic Oligonucleotide Monitoring Enabled
by Regeneration Approach. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=0, 39146470].
- Li X, Soler M, Szydzik C, ..., Altug H (2018) Label-Free Optofluidic Nanobiosensor Enables Real-Time Analysis of Single-
Cell Cytokine Secretion. Small. [IF=1.749, Cited=25, 29806234].
- Belushkin A, Yesilkoy F, González-López JJ, ..., Altug H (2019) Rapid and Digital Detection of Inflammatory Biomarkers
Enabled by a Novel Portable Nanoplasmonic Imager. Small. [IF=1.749, Cited=26, 31830370].
- Fabri-Faja N, Calvo-Lozano O, Dey P, ..., Lechuga LM (2019) Early sepsis diagnosis via protein and miRNA biomarkers
using a novel point-of-care photonic biosensor. Analytica Chimica Acta. [IF=1.176, Cited=31, 31307714].
- Soler M, Belushkin A, Cavallini A, ..., Altug H (2017) Multiplexed nanoplasmonic biosensor for one-step simultaneous
detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in urine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. [IF=1.844,
Cited=43, 28364702].
- Liu YC, Ansaryan S, Li X, ..., Altug H (2022) Real-time monitoring of single-cell secretion with a high-throughput
nanoplasmonic microarray. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. [IF=1.844, Cited=4, 35051850].
- Limaj O, Etezadi D, Wittenberg NJ, ..., Altug H (2016) Infrared Plasmonic Biosensor for Real-Time and Label-Free
Monitoring of Lipid Membranes. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=39, 26761392].
- Yoo D, Mohr DA, Vidal-Codina F, ..., Oh SH (2018) High-Contrast Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy via Mass-Produced
Coaxial Zero-Mode Resonators with Sub-10 nm Gaps. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=17, 29437401].
- Shen Y, Su R, Altug H, ..., Qi W (2024) Bioinspired Three-Component System to Prepare Full-Color Functional Biomimetic
Pigments. ACS applied materials & interfaces. [IF=1.429, Cited=0, 39042762].
- Belushkin A, Yesilkoy F, Altug H (2018) Nanoparticle-Enhanced Plasmonic Biosensor for Digital Biomarker Detection in a
Microarray. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=32, 29715005].
- Ye L, Li J, Richter FU, ..., Altug H (2023) Dielectric Tetramer Nanoresonators Supporting Strong Superchiral Fields for
Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. ACS Photonics. [IF=1.671, Cited=1, 38533249].
- Muller EA, Pollard B, Bechtel HA, ..., Raschke MB (2018) Nanoimaging and Control of Molecular Vibrations through
Electromagnetically Induced Scattering Reaching the Strong Coupling Regime. ACS Photonics. [IF=1.671, Cited=8, 30828589].
- John-Herpin A, Tittl A, Altug H (2018) Quantifying the Limits of Detection of Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy
with Grating Order-Coupled Nanogap Antennas. ACS Photonics. [IF=1.671, Cited=8, 30828588].
- Soler M, Li X, John-Herpin A, ..., Altug H (2018) Two-Dimensional Label-Free Affinity Analysis of Tumor-Specific CD8 T
Cells with a Biomimetic Plasmonic Sensor. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=10, 30339020].
- Dey P, Fabri-Faja N, Calvo-Lozano O, ..., Lechuga LM (2018) Label-free Bacteria Quantification in Blood Plasma by a
Bioprinted Microarray Based Interferometric Point-of-Care Device. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=7, 30525470].
- Yilmaz C, Cetin AE, Goutzamanidis G, ..., Busnaina A (2014) Three-dimensional crystalline and homogeneous metallic
nanostructures using directed assembly of nanoparticles. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=6, 24738844].
- Mertiri A, Altug H, Hong MK, ..., Erramilli S (2014) Nonlinear Midinfrared Photothermal Spectroscopy Using Zharov
Splitting and Quantum Cascade Lasers. ACS Photonics. [IF=1.671, Cited=12, 25541620].
- Rodrigo D, Tittl A, Limaj O, ..., Altug H (2017) Double-layer graphene for enhanced tunable infrared plasmonics. Light:
Science and Applications. [IF=4.689, Cited=20, 30167262].
- Yesilkoy F, Terborg RA, Pello J, ..., Altug H (2018) Phase-sensitive plasmonic biosensor using a portable and large
field-of-view interferometric microarray imager. Light: Science and Applications. [IF=4.689, Cited=28, 30839537].
- Etezadi D, Warner Iv JB, Ruggeri FS, ..., Altug H (2017) Nanoplasmonic mid-infrared biosensor for in vitro
protein secondary structure detection. Light: Science and Applications. [IF=4.689, Cited=17, 30167280].
- Rodrigo D, Tittl A, Ait-Bouziad N, ..., Altug H (2018) Resolving molecule-specific information in dynamic lipid membrane
processes with multi-resonant infrared metasurfaces. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=41, 29867181].
- Oh SH, Altug H (2018) Performance metrics and enabling technologies for nanoplasmonic biosensors. Nature Communications.
[IF=3.268, Cited=23, 30531967].
- Tsakmakidis KL, Reshef O, Almpanis E, ..., Altug H (2019) Ultrabroadband 3D invisibility with fast-light cloaks. Nature
Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=5, 31649270].
- Tsakmakidis KL, Reshef O, Almpanis E, ..., Altug H (2021) Reply to 'Physical limitations on broadband invisibility based
on fast-light media'. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=1, 34031388].
- Jahani Y, Arvelo ER, Yesilkoy F, ..., Altug H (2021) Imaging-based spectrometer-less optofluidic biosensors based on
dielectric metasurfaces for detecting extracellular vesicles. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=35, 34059690].
- Oh SH, Altug H, Jin X, ..., Strano MS (2021) Nanophotonic biosensors harnessing van der Waals materials. Nature
Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=31, 34158483].
- Ansaryan S, Liu YC, Li X, ..., Altug H (2023) High-throughput spatiotemporal monitoring of single-cell secretions via
plasmonic microwell arrays. Nature Biomedical Engineering. [IF=3.79, Cited=4, 37012313].
- Das Gupta T, Martin-Monier L, Yan W, ..., Sorin F (2019) Self-assembly of nanostructured glass metasurfaces via
templated fluid instabilities. Nature Nanotechnology. [IF=6.001, Cited=18, 30742133].
- Das Gupta T, Martin-Monier L, Yan W, ..., Sorin F (2019) Publisher Correction: Self-assembly of nanostructured glass
metasurfaces via templated fluid instabilities. Nature Nanotechnology. [IF=6.001, Cited=0, 30778218].
- Altug H, Oh SH, Maier SA, Homola J (2022) Advances and applications of nanophotonic biosensors. Nature Nanotechnology.
[IF=6.001, Cited=85, 35046571].
- Cardea I, Grassani D, Fabbri SJ, ..., Brès CS (2020) Arbitrarily high time bandwidth performance in a nonreciprocal
optical resonator with broken time invariance. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=1, 32978442].
- Coskun AF, Cetin AE, Galarreta BC, ..., Ozcan A (2014) Lensfree optofluidic plasmonic sensor for real-time and label-
free monitoring of molecular binding events over a wide field-of-view. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=51, 25346102].
- Li X, Soler M, Özdemir CI, ..., Altug H (2017) Plasmonic nanohole array biosensor for label-free and real-time analysis
of live cell secretion. Lab on a Chip. [IF=1.218, Cited=45, 28585972].
- Venturi M, Adhikary R, Sahoo A, ..., Marini A (2023) Plasmon-enhanced circular dichroism spectroscopy of chiral drug
solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 37846957].
- Leitis A, Tittl A, Liu M, ..., Altug H (2019) Angle-multiplexed all-dielectric metasurfaces for broadband molecular
fingerprint retrieval. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=51, 31123705].
- Cachot A, Bilous M, Liu YC, ..., Jandus C (2021) Tumor-specific cytolytic CD4 T cells mediate immunity against human
cancer. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=117, 33637530].
- Rodrigo D, Limaj O, Janner D, ..., Altug H (2015) APPLIED PHYSICS. Mid-infrared plasmonic biosensing with graphene.
Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=224, 26160941].
- Tsakmakidis KL, Shen L, Schulz SA, ..., Boyd RW (2017) Breaking Lorentz reciprocity to overcome the time-bandwidth limit
in physics and engineering. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=24, 28642432].
- Tittl A, Leitis A, Liu M, ..., Altug H (2018) Imaging-based molecular barcoding with pixelated dielectric metasurfaces.
Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=137, 29880685].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Ray D, Raziman TV, Santschi C, ..., Martin OJF (2020) Hybrid Metal-Dielectric Metasurfaces for Refractive Index Sensing.
Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=10, 33206533].
- Aksu S, Yanik AA, Adato R, ..., Altug H (2010) High-throughput nanofabrication of infrared plasmonic nanoantenna arrays
for vibrational nanospectroscopy. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=55, 20560536].
- Yanik AA, Huang M, Kamohara O, ..., Altug H (2010) An optofluidic nanoplasmonic biosensor for direct detection of live
viruses from biological media. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=135, 21053965].
- Artar A, Yanik AA, Altug H (2011) Multispectral plasmon induced transparency in coupled meta-atoms. Nano Letters.
[IF=1.873, Cited=51, 21438605].
- Artar A, Yanik AA, Altug H (2011) Directional double Fano resonances in plasmonic hetero-oligomers. Nano Letters.
[IF=1.873, Cited=34, 21806006].
- Adato R, Yanik AA, Altug H (2011) On chip plasmonic monopole nano-antennas and circuits. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873,
Cited=18, 22122330].
- Huang M, Galarreta BC, Artar A, ..., Altug H (2012) Reusable nanostencils for creating multiple biofunctional molecular
nanopatterns on polymer substrate. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=5, 22839211].
- Adato R, Artar A, Erramilli S, Altug H (2013) Engineered absorption enhancement and induced transparency in coupled
molecular and plasmonic resonator systems. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=36, 23647070].
- Chen K, Adato R, Altug H (2012) Dual-band perfect absorber for multispectral plasmon-enhanced infrared spectroscopy. ACS
Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=87, 22920565].
- Cetin AE, Altug H (2012) Fano resonant ring/disk plasmonic nanocavities on conducting substrates for advanced
biosensing. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=54, 23092386].
- Adato R, Yanik AA, Amsden JJ, ..., Altug H (2009) Ultra-sensitive vibrational spectroscopy of protein monolayers with
plasmonic nanoantenna arrays. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=134, 19880744].
- Yanik AA, Cetin AE, Huang M, ..., Altug H (2011) Seeing protein monolayers with naked eye through plasmonic Fano
resonances. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=116, 21715661].
- Wilcken R, Nishida J, Triana JF, ..., Raschke MB (2023) Antenna-coupled infrared nanospectroscopy of intramolecular
vibrational interaction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=1, 37155895].
- Kavungal D, Magalhães P, Kumar ST, ..., Altug H (2023) Artificial intelligence-coupled plasmonic infrared sensor for
detection of structural protein biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=3, 37436975].
- Altug H, Vucković J (2005) Polarization control and sensing with two-dimensional coupled photonic crystal microcavity
arrays. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=15, 15906977].
- Kilic T, Soler M, Fahimi-Kashani N, ..., Carrara S (2018) Mining the Potential of Label-Free Biosensors for In Vitro
Antipsychotic Drug Screening. Biosensors. [IF=1.122, Cited=4, 29315269].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Aksu S, Huang M, Artar A, ..., Altug H (2011) Flexible plasmonics on unconventional and nonplanar substrates. Advanced
Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=59, 21960478].
- Altug H, Tahsinoglu M, Celikoğlu S (1973) A case of tonsillar localization of sarcoidosis. Journal of Laryngology and
Otology. [IF=0.909, Cited=3, 4700784].
- Etezadi D, Warner JB, Lashuel HA, Altug H (2018) Real-Time In Situ Secondary Structure Analysis of Protein Monolayer
with Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Nanoantennas. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=12, 29845861].
- Adato R, Altug H (2013) In-situ ultra-sensitive infrared absorption spectroscopy of biomolecule interactions in real
time with plasmonic nanoantennas. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=80, 23877168].
- Wu C, Khanikaev AB, Adato R, ..., Shvets G (2011) Fano-resonant asymmetric metamaterials for ultrasensitive spectroscopy
and identification of molecular monolayers. Nature Materials. [IF=6.645, Cited=185, 22081082].
- Chang TY, Huang M, Yanik AA, ..., Altug H (2011) Large-scale plasmonic microarrays for label-free high-throughput
screening. Lab on a Chip. [IF=1.218, Cited=34, 21901194].
- Huang M, Galarreta BC, Cetin AE, Altug H (2013) Actively transporting virus like analytes with optofluidics for rapid
and ultrasensitive biodetection. Lab on a Chip. [IF=1.218, Cited=13, 24170146].
- Karacay S, Akin E, Okçu KM, ..., Altug H (2005) Mandibular distraction with MD-DOS device. Angle Orthodontist.
[IF=2.083, Cited=6, 16097242].
- Mërtiri A, Jeys T, Liberman V, ..., Erramilli S (2012) Mid-infrared photothermal heterodyne spectroscopy in a liquid
crystal using a quantum cascade laser. Applied Physics Letters. [IF=1.104, Cited=11, 22912508].
- Sari E, Kadioglu O, Ucar C, Altug H (2009) Prostaglandin E2 levels in gingival crevicular fluid during tooth- and bone-
borne expansion. European Journal of Orthodontics. [IF=1.734, Cited=2, 20018797].
- Yanik AA, Adato R, Altug H (2010) Design principles for optoelectronic applications of extraordinary light transmission
effect in plasmonics nanoapertures. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 20355562].
- Yanik AA, Adato R, Erramilli S, Altug H (2009) Hybridized nanocavities as single-polarized plasmonic antennas. Optics
Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=8, 19997327].
- Huang M, Yanik AA, Chang TY, Altug H (2009) Sub-wavelength nanofluidics in photonic crystal sensors. Optics Express.
[IF=1.434, Cited=33, 20052133].
- Adato R, Yanik AA, Wu CH, ..., Altug H (2010) Radiative engineering of plasmon lifetimes in embedded nanoantenna arrays.
Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=30, 20389465].
- Turkmen M, Aksu S, Çetin AE, ..., Altug H (2011) Multi-resonant metamaterials based on UT-shaped nano-aperture antennas.
Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=3, 21503104].
- Liberman V, Adato R, Mertiri A, ..., Altug H (2011) Angle-and polarization-dependent collective excitation of plasmonic
nanoarrays for surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=8, 21716349].
- Cetin AE, Artar A, Turkmen M, ..., Altug H (2011) Plasmon induced transparency in cascaded π-shaped metamaterials.
Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=9, 22109141].
- Liberman V, Adato R, Jeys TH, ..., Altug H (2012) Rational design and optimization of plasmonic nanoarrays for surface
enhanced infrared spectroscopy. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=5, 22714181].
- Altug H, Vucković J (2005) Photonic crystal nanocavity array laser. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=15, 19498914].
- Sari E, Ucar C, Türk O, ..., Pocan S (2008) Treatment of a patient with cleft lip and palate using an internal
distraction device. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. [IF=1.335, Cited=5, 18788874].
- Senel B, Ozkan A, Altug H (2015) Morphological evaluation of the mandibular lingula using cone-beam computed tomography.
Folia Morphologica. [IF=0.784, Cited=7, 26620512].
- Altug H, Gulses A, Sencimen M (2011) A review of dental injuries in a military hospital in Turkey. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 22319991].